dave j

Member Videos

The (Truther) Wars Is-Real

Why does the War Hoax concept seem to generate more Agent Smiths than any other topic?

Who in the world today is truly testing the boundaries of what is 'real'?

How did the ACT realm end up the way it is -- and what can be done about it?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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JLB MDC | S3 E18 | Mental Problems (16-Jul-2022)

Is it 'crazy' to entertain the idea that your thoughts might truly affect the material world around you?

Have you spent much time reflecting on your role in the event known as Three Eleven?

Why do some people feel it is 'disrespectful' to autohoax the death stories in the news?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Bonversations | Ep #07 | Human Vibration (7-May-2021)

How does an intelligent but relatively normal person go from ‘researching Q’ to understanding ‘Nobody Died Nobody Got Hurt’ in the space of a week?

Is it possible that some Baby Hoaxes are more mature than others?

Are you open-minded to the idea that the bright lights above us are much, much more than mere balls of burning gas?

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