

The Trump Fallout

The thing about sync is that one thing leads to another and then to another.

Perhaps this is why the OG said that 'all is sync or nothing is sync'.

There's levels to this.

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On Trump and Trumpets

Many ACTors seem to think they know exactly what happened with this Trump shooting event.

I'm here to tell you, I don't know how to explain all of the evidence I've compiled.

Once you've seen the evidence for yourself, maybe you'll have some questions as well...

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Back to the Trough

They say that sometimes, history repeats...

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Thoughts on Fake Fakery and A.I.

Does it matter to you if the entity you are interacting with is a 'real life' person?

What if some so-called 'AI' is more interesting and engaging than regular people?

How would you even know if the words you are reading right now were typed by a human?

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Fertile Ground

What is the deal with Kanye and Elon lately?

Why do some people believe we are living in the 'Aeon of Horus'?

How far do the syncs have to go for somebody to reconsider their previous beliefs?

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Breaking the Dino Code

Once you know the magician's tricks, they lose their power.

The illusion is dead. The magic is gone.

Let's take a look at yet another example...

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What Are We Doing?

Do you think much about the biggest coincidences in your life up until this point? How far can a person...

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History Hoax Reflections

George Orwell once wrote:

'He who controls the present controls the past,
he who controls the past controls the future'

What happens when we analyse present-day claims about the past?

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Descent of the Guidestones

Is it possible for our thoughts and desires to manifest in changes to the objective, 'real' world?

Let me give you some examples of what I have seen in my time.

Then you tell me if I'm the crazy one here.

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Call Me Cynical

Did you hear the one about the 'emergency c-section'?

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