Support JLB
If you value my work and the content I produce, there are a number of ways you can support it.
1) Sign up as a Member
It only takes a few moment, see this page.
Members get access to hundreds of hours of Member-only content and an invite to our private discord server.
We have regular Member Calls, both on and off the record.
Join us for one of our Member Calls and you’ll meet some of the smartest and kindest people in the entire ACT realm.
2) Send through a one-off tip
A number of people have offered to contribute to my work financially and for that I am very grateful.
It takes a lot of time to research, write / script, record, edit, render and upload each article / video / podcast.
Then there is the maintenance of this website and my YouTube / Podbean / private video hosting accounts, which require time and money.
For several years I was happy to make the time / money investment into content production and publication at my own expense, with no financial reward.
Today, the money generated via membership subscriptions to this site is sufficient to cover basic costs.
My time investment is still significantly underpaid compared to working a regular normie job.
For those of you who want to send through a tip to show thanks for the work I do, anything you send will be much appreciated.
There are two ways to send through tips: paypal and bitcoin.
Bitcoin Address:
Bitcoin QR code:
Please note
Unless you want your tip to remain anonymous, please send an email to johnlebon123[at]gmail[dot]com to indicate what the tip is for.
Page last updated: 3-Oct-2024