Nopol Review #02 | Fringe Theories & Normies (31-Jan-2023)
This is the second episode of the Nopol Review.
The conspiracyNOPOL subreddit now has its own weekly review show.
Read MoreThis is the second episode of the Nopol Review.
The conspiracyNOPOL subreddit now has its own weekly review show.
Read MoreIf there is a connection between what we think, and what manifests in the material world, then how might you explain the incredible events of the past 18 months or so?
How does one go about relating to the people around us who one cares about, when they either can't -- or simply don't want -- to see what is happening?
A guy walks into a bar...
Read MoreThe internet does seem to bring out the worst in some people…
Read MoreMagical devices which can kill millions of humans in an instant. Do you still believe?
Read MoreEntire nations fighting one another to the death. Do you still believe?
Read MoreBoogeymen plotting to kill random people for no particular reason. Do you still believe?
Read MoreWhat is a ‘normie’ and what do normies tend to believe? Is there a little normie in all of us? What are we led to accept by society, and what causes a man to question what he thinks he already knows?
Read MoreOne of the most rewarding elements of my time in the ACT realm has been the private correspondence I have received from individuals all around the world. Hundreds of people out there, some of whom will read these very words, have shared with me their personal experiences and insights from their own journeys in the process of what I personally refer to as 'deprogramming'.
Read MoreCan you remember the Ron Paul Revolution, or life before 'social media'? Which is more harmful: teaching children to believe in Santa Claus, or persuading 'grownups' to believe in dinosaurs? Is there any money to be made in the contemporary conspiracy culture industry, or would it more lucrative to operate a humble Tibetan basket-weaving forum?
Joining me to discuss these questions and more was a Member Call n00bie from the American Midwest.
Read MoreDon’t even bother trying to explain the punchline.
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