history hoax

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A-hee hee, shamone-ah.

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MDC S3 E35 | White Christmas (23-Dec-2023)

Did anything happen in 2023 which we'll still remember or care about in a few years?

Have we found the long-lost truth-brother of a much-loved OG Member of this site?

What is the best explanation for ancient structures and does it relate to 'biogeology'?

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MDC S3 E34 | Unknown Origins (16-Dec-2023)

Did your grandparents have many memories about their grandparents?

Would chips in their skulls help the kids to learn better at school?

If existence is suffering, then would less existence be a good thing?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Member Videos

Gobekli Pepe

Did you hear the one about the megalithic structures found in southern Turkey?

How would you be able to tell if somebody were 'giving you enough rope'?

What really happened in Tallinn and is JLB going to be okay?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Member Videos

The Tallinn Presentation

What is the oldest book you have held in your own hands? How much of our history is literally from...

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Member Videos

Bright Eesti Lights

What revelations can JLB share from his recent trip to Tallinn?

Why do we see so little evidence of people doing their own work in the ACT realm?

Is there any hope for recovery if somebody is fully infected by a certain mind-virus?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Member Creations

The Occultist

Who was the 'original' 007?

To where do all roads supposedly lead?

When did it become cool to fabricate entire historical backstories?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Bonversations | Ep #29 | Maria Freefloat (5-May-2023)

Is pondering and discussing existential questions basically a waste of time?

Can some topics -- such as Flat Earth and Q -- be likened to cults (or even 'psyops')?

If certain 'health' authorities lied to us about the pandemic, what else might they be lying about?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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