JLB Member Skype #22 – Fakeologist (10-Jun-2018)
What really happened on 9/11, and what was the motivation or intent of those who were responsible for it? Are the wars on our telescreens ‘real’? How about the evil villains like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden: are these ‘real’ people, or just characters in a made-for-TV narrative? Just how far does media fakery go?
For MSC #22 we were joined by special guest, Tim from Fakeologist.com, to discuss all of these questions and more.
Participants (cumulative appearances on MSC)
Mezzie (eighteen) | Waterman Chris (four)
Preceding Warmup Thread
Here. Six comments prior to call.
Relevant Links
Podcast: Tim’s interview with Waterman Chris (17-Apr-2018)
Podcast: Tim’s first interview with Rae West of Nuke Lies (29-Mar-2013)
Video: Tim’s first interview with Rae West, turned into a video (20-Apr-2014)
Podcast: Tim’s second interview with Rae West of Nuke Lies (26-Apr-2015)
Podcast: The most recent episode of Fakeologist 55 (10-Jun-2018)
Video: Who Are The Fakeologists? (9-Mar-2018)
Page: Notes on Fakeologist (incl all JLB appearances to date)
Clips used in this podcast
George Bush condemns 9/11 conspiracy theories – here.
‘Harley Guy’ interviewed on 9/11 – here.
George Bush on propaganda – here.
Production notes
Recorded 10-Jun-2018. Released 11-Jun-2018. Not much editing performed, mostly just audio balancing. Made public 24-Jan-2020.
Your line of thought regarding Iraq being a country that clearly has always been “controlled” by TPWRTS, is beautiful.
I could anticipate that was where you were going with Ab, and was very curious as to how he’d respond, as he seemed to by into the idea that Iraq was a place that needed to be ‘re-acquired’, thus 9/11, etc.
Ab did his best to deftly sidestep your point, but its clear here that we have yet another “leading authority” of the ACT realm, who can’t quite go all the way down the path of the war hoax, and who still buys into the perspective that there are “sides” that are battling for control.
His blind faith in Shack is a weakness as well, though it is understandable, I suppose, given his relationship with him.
Ultimately, the call was enlightening, but not particularly surprising. I appreciate Ab’s work, and the forum he provides. It was nice of him to join the call.
I do wonder, if fewer and fewer ACT figureheads will feel comfortable being questioned by JLB, going forward. The results are not typically flattering to them.
That sums it up beautifully! While on the call, it was like one of those times when you know what’s going to happen but secretly hoping that you’re wrong. Unfortunately, I was right. JLB did a good job of following my leading question as that was exactly where I was intending the conversation to go.
I like Ab and I think he’s a genuine good guy but he needs to spend less time at Fakeologist and Clues Forum and more time at jonlebon.com. The typical Fakeologist audio chat participant is what Dave J likes to call a figure 8.
I am glad the Fakeologist audio chat exists as it was my path to jlb.com. That being said, I’m sure the cosmos would have lead me here one way or another.
I enjoyed the call, and appreciate all JLB has contributed to fakeologist.com. I don’t have enough time to switch my efforts or allegiance to this website, as I have a discord server, forums, and many sub-blogs to maintain.
Perhaps if you want a better breakdown of war-is-a-hoax, you should contact DaveJ.
Cheers to John for hosting the call.
Hi Ab,
I was not suggesting that you switch allegiances, just that you catch up on some of the back catalog, which I think you are doing. I’m sure you will get a lot from the member Skype calls and the other content at this site. I know I have.
Dave J is a bit too angry for my taste but I think he knows a thing or two about a thing or two. I also think he is very wrong about other things, such as his numerology contortions. I think Tycho Brahe is a made up character because I haven’t found any compelling evidence for his existence. Dave J says he’s a hoax because we are told he was alive in the 1600s (7 hoax). While I haven’t found any compelling primary source evidence for anything going back that far, the 16 in my opinion is irrelevant as there is nothing compelling from the 1500s, 1400s, 1300s, etc. either.
The Fakeologist Blog and Discord server are great as they are some of the best ways to learn about and discuss media fakery for a pilgrim along their path to enlightenment. Unlike CFF, just about anybody can join and ask questions without being banned or ridiculed. I just think there is father to go once you understand that the telescreen lies.
Thanks Ab!
One thought: I don’t think the War Hoax is incompatible with the idea of “sides” fighting.
As we come to realize some truths about the way the world works and how little of what the normies “know” is actually true, it is tempting to assume that TPWRTS are a small and monolithic group controlling everything.
But an alternative view is that TPWRTS DO fight among each other, just not in ways that are obvious to us and certainly not in ways that are obvious to normies.
Think of it this way (perhaps): TPWRTS are involved in human farming just as we in turn are involved in animal farming. It’s not that they hate us, it’s that they don’t care about us. We are not among the elite, so we are of course not treated as if we are and not informed of various elite goings-on. That is not incompatible with fighting and rivalries AMONG TPWRTS.
We can think of them like ranchers. We’re the cattle, and the ranchers control us via lies, fences, dogs, and cowboys. But their control of us doesn’t mean that they don’t have their own rivalries and disputes and power struggles and status competitions. The ranchers in turn compete with each other in lots of ways. Who can acquire the most land, who can get water rights, who has the most cattle, etc. Do the cows know about those conflicts? No. And would it even occur to the rancher to tell the cattle about the conflicts? No.
Some moon landing believers say that Russia would have blown the whistle if the moon landing was fake. People like us respond that the lack of comment by Russia doesn’t prove anything. If anything, it suggests that Russia is controlled by TPWRTS too. But that doesn’t mean TPWRTS are monolithic and don’t have “sides” and rivalries and battles of their own. It just means they don’t bother telling us cattle about them. For us cattle, fake news about “scary” Saddaam Hussein. For TPWRTS, battles on another level. Battles for various levels of influence and control and spoils from the whole control system.
I don’t know what the truth is. I agree with JLB and bmseattle and watermanchris that Iraq has always been controlled. I don’t think “countries” are the relevant units of competition among TPWRTS. And I do agree that 9/11 was NOT a way to gain support of the voters for war to “re-acquire” Iraq. The support of the voters was never needed or even considered. And Iraq never needed to be reacquired.
But I wonder whether we are making too much of an unfounded assumption when we assume that TPWRTS are all on one team. They may bicker amongst themselves as much as we mere humans do. Like the Gods on Mount Olympus. And all we hear is the thunder.
What evidence do we have that Dictator XYZ gassed his own people? None. But what evidence do we have that TPWRTS are one small unified global team? None. If we don’t even know who they are, then we don’t know who the subgroups among them are, what “sides” they are on, and how they jockey for power and settle disputes.
What do you think?
So what was the purpose of 911? It was a psyop, it seems. But we don’t know what was the purpose, I think we can only speculate.
I hear Ab was saying that blaming the Jews is a mistake. I wonder: does he believe in the holohoax?
I also wanted to know more about his opinion about the topic of transvestigation: Are there many secret trannies among celebrities? JBL mentioned it in the intro, but it was never mentioned again.
I believe, like JLB has said, that 9/11 had been in the works since at least the 50s when the WTC was being planned. This was right around the time that Iwack was being created. It is unlikely to me that TPWRTS set all this up just in case they “lost control” of some of their fiefdoms. The emergency dialing code was nationally standardized to 911 in 1968, September 11th is the Coptic new year, and 2001 was the beginning of the “new millennium” – at least in the minds of those not hip to the history hoax. I’m not sure what it all means but it’s clear to me that the official ACT position (that it was done to justify wars in the middle east) is wrong.
As for sides and/or factions, it’s possible but I believe it’s more likely that those at the top of the pyramid are probably united with regard to their plan for “us”. Otherwise things wouldn’t go quite so smoothly. On the other hand, it may be a single family at the top and if you’ve ever taken sides in a family dispute, it was likely that both sides turned their anger towards you once they felt like an “outsider” was “attacking” one of their own.
Ab definitely does not believe in the holohoax. From what I’ve heard him say, he looks at the “Jews” as middle managers put in place by TPWRTS to take the heat off of them. For their dutiful service, the Jews are allowed certain concessions i.e. the land in Palestine (and the holohoax to scare normal Jews into moving there), control of media and banking, etc. I don’t know if his theory is correct but it seems plausible to me. For what it’s worth, I don’t even know what a “Jew” is. Is it a religion, an ethnicity, a race, etc? If you can “convert” to be a “Jew”, and “Jewishness” is only passed down from the maternal line, this seems to me to have nothing to do with your blood. I haven’t studied it much but it all seems very nebulous to me. Perhaps a MSC on “What is Jewishness” is in order.
If the Jews are middle managers, they can still be held accountable for their share of responsibility. But Ab doesn’t want us doing that for some reason. Probably because he has internalized the guilt that propaganda has tried to instill in us gentiles.
It’s mainly a race, it seems. The religion is based on race. Ethnic identity is based on race.
This is my favorite MSC Skype call to date. Ab impressed me very much by his intelligence and manner of speaking. I also liked his energy and way of interacting with JLB, Chris and Mezzie. I hope you invite him back for another call JLB. I was pleased that he was so complimentary to you and your website. All of the topics discussed in the call were very interesting and I am always fascinated to hear discussions about 9/11 because my investigation into 9/11 is what lead me into the ACT realm.
One thing that really struck a chord with me in the call was his statement that money was a belief system. That concept of money as a belief system fascinates me very much and if Ab were to ever join you for another Skype call I would love him to further elaborate on that idea and explore it further. Well done JLB. These calls just get better and better.
“The Anglo-American Empire”
According to Abirato and most of the resident shills at Fakeologist (direct agent or useful idiot/ego, the result being the same: disinfo and the psychologically crippling wages of disinfo), the Jews (not just followers of a ‘religion’ but also a race of people distinct from the Europeans with genetic diseases only they can get)
are simultaneously the craftiest, most hard-to-fool ‘wheelers-&-dealers’ in the world, the most ruthless financiers, speculators, movie studio heads, lawyers, managers and negotiators, the most money-obsessed, business-savvy and hard-to-rip-off people in the world, AND the dumbest, blindest, most naive fools, idiots, suckers and SCHMUCKS who have ever appeared on the face of the earth – who have, repeatedly, throughout history, allowed ‘mysterious others’ (abirato prefers to call them ‘off chessboard entities’ instead of shape-shifting lizards or santa claus) to defame and libel them and ‘set them up’ as ‘scapgoats’ to be hated, victimized, persecuted, exiled and ‘holohoaxed.’ lol
This fits in with the well-known Polish proverb that “The Jew cries out in pain as he’s hitting you with a stick.” Abirato is just making sure you feel sorry for the people beating you with a stick and stay confused with regard to their real character and unsavory pre-dispositions, since, if you are that stupid and that easy to fool, then you certainly deserve it: to be fooled, conned, con-troll-ed and taken advantage of. After all, what else will make you ‘strong,’ dumb goyim? We work to destroy what you create because we fool you into being too busy creating to worry about the parasites who will benefit from this creation when it is conned out of you for some ‘tear-jerking’ or ‘heroic’ good cause, promoted by the fox-running-the-henhouse of the media, the military that wouldn’t have a single overpriced bomb if not for usured banking international finance and taxes extorted out of the middle classes, etc. lol
Judaic doctrine through and through, whether or not Abirato himself is a direct member of the tribe or a ‘reformed Jew’ like Marcus Allen who, hilariously proved how ‘reformed’ he was, when, instead of blaming 9/11 on those who own the media and pay every last person in the military through finance, basically the elite Jew bankers and legalized usurers and counterfeiters of his own tribe, still found it necessary to get on Simon Shack’s case because Shack was, as truth and reality demands, pointing in the rite direction and towards the elephant in the room.
This is the nonsense that Abirato and the rest of his brood at Fakeologist would have even ‘the fringe-of-the-fringe’ of conpiracy researchers, the very few who follow them, believe, and what’s even more hilariously bizarre is that JLB and his followers are now afraid to disagree with him! Lest they be called or framed, by implication, as ‘low level’ researchers like Rae West who are ‘stuck in the JQ, the Jewish Question, the elephant in the room, without the removal of which from the room, nobody else can breathe even a single clean, clear and unslanted idea free of the dumbing-down sludge of enemy propaganda, never mind ‘clean air’ without paying a premium or tax. Lol That would not be very good for the ‘truther ego’ invested in the ‘everything is a hoax’ mentality.
Time and time again, Abirato uses his 6-years-in-the-making level of sophistication in media-fakery analysis, as bait to hook even “on the cutting edge” skeptics such as JLB, into not calling him out on the simultaneous spiritual murder he gladly pushes (with a very discernible smirk in his voice) that the phenomenon and reality of the existence of so-called “elites” — who are, by definition, tiny groups of, at most a few hundred to a thousand people, super-powerful minorities whose decisions set the paths and patterns of life for billions of others (thus confirming that they do, in fact, have this massive power or access to huge exertions of energy at the command of their symbolic systems, their constructed and promoted systems of spiritual traffic signals in the world’s highways of ideas, the linguistic prisons or mazes they have their owned and domesticated human animals slaving their lives away within unless they are smart enough to build their own wider symbolic walls and bars) have to come from MAJORITY ethnic populations (in a town, country , continent, or entire ‘wor-L-d’) themselves, in order to be able to validly hold that power!
If this ridiculous notion, intended to draw attention away from the provable fact, with real names attached to real existing people in actual positions of power, in the ‘IS-real world’ of material necessities and ‘money,’ that the majority of these tiny minorities of the super-powerful entities in charge of the biggest levers of power in banking and media, are Jews connected to the Rothschild-created state of Is-real (they determine what IS, what IS ‘real’ for you and what isn’t. Isn’t that cute? Even the name tells you what they do, the determining, through control of in-ner-form-ation of what is real and what isn’t: the world of gigantic IS-real-ING hoaxes)
Abirato, though a trucker by trade, apparently has no inkling of the principle of leverage and how it works or at least, wants you to have no inkling of it while he pretends it doesn’t exist. lol
You don’t need a thousand people to move a large rock. You need a lever positioned at the right angle and the ground will do the work for you. With a large enough lever and angle, you can access the energy (inner-g, inner grace) of millions of people at a time and move it through the conflict-solving mechanism (created or natural) of dialectics (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) and slant it any way you want to suit your own interests, crack its foundations, poison the t-roots of its branches of be-leaf, poison in its spiritual and material wells. This is allowed by the ‘religion’ of Judaism against non-Jews, by the way. Therefore, it is a criminal doctrine rather than a proper fairy tale of the Hindu, Jew-s-r-us or Moe-HAM-mad variety. Why should a criminal doctrine be allowed religious ‘freedom’ to propagate its highly destructive and exploitative strategies?
Well, when the ground (the environment you believe you’re operating in) you’re doing ‘work’ in and the thickness and length of the levers to be employed and the weight of the rocks to be lifted (goals) and the angles (strategies) to be used c-lever-ly to save energy (inner-grace, inner-guide) are psychologically determined and basically ‘hoaxed’ or his-storied for you, and, where, it goes without saying, you certainly don’t get to pull the levers yourself, what else can you be but a human farm animal?
Just look at the absurd, fairy tale religions so many follow, without much question, if it only makes them ‘feel’ more, never mind even necessarily feel ‘better.’ Humans will do anything to ‘feel’ something and they’ll take suffering and the dynamics of sado-masochism if they can’t get any other type of emotional or physically impactful contact with the world of matter through the symbols, metaphors, principles and dialectics, the beaten paths and patterns already carved in their minds, rarely questioned behind a wall of false and fragile ego and its rationalized reinforcements!
If they would follow these fairy tales, of Jews-on-a-stick who suffered for them, lol, why would they not believe in the junk-science of the Moon Landings, Nuke weapons, 9-11 and the holohoax? Peddled 365 days a year by those who control the transmission of information on a wide scale, in other words: media-te it, make sure that when lies, PsyOps and hoaxes enter your mind and in-form it through trauma and its concomitant of drama, you follow the stage-directions for the game being played called ‘acting’ a role, solving and synthesizing and moving through life only within the psychologically conned walls of the dialectical conflicts set up for the amusement of your media-cultured ignorance.
If Abirato’s deliberately spiritually murdering notion was true, then tiny but super-powerful elites, whether “on chessboard or off,” as long as they were not aliens from the future, could only come from the largest majorities of ethnicities in the world such as the Chinese and the Indians! And could never come from the White European race, especially now, since White Europeans represent only a very small 8 percent (and rapidly dwindling) minority population in the world.
So let’s see: since the ‘elites,’ according to Abirato, can’t be ‘minorities,’ and since this means they certainly can’t be from the White European races or a tiny 8% of the world’s population with the most technologically advanced ‘first world’ populations, and since they are NOT ‘aliens from the future’ and cannot be EVER named as ‘off chessboard entities’ and therefore become ‘ON chessboard’ and automatically ‘powerless’ simply through having appeared, as actual, non-poltergeist entities ON “the chessboard,” then which Chinese or Indians are these Jew-loving ‘elites’ again that passed holohoax denial laws in 19 countries, including Vatican Italy and Putin’s Russia, in order to ‘scapegoat’ the poor, victimized, holohoaxed suckers? lol
The bottome line is this:
Elite Jews are in charge of the banks that provide the usured (interest charged on money created out of thin air, hoaxed ‘money’ that represents YOUR energy, and that of billions of others, in the pockets of your master, hence your reduction to the status of ‘goy’ or cattle ) ‘currency’ of, not just Canada and the USA, but 155 central-banked/fiat-money-fractional-reserve-legalized-counterfeiting nations in the world controlled by the IMF, the BIS and the World Bank. These people are identifiably Jews, not “off chessboard entities.
But shills (again, direct agent or useful idiot/ego, the result being the same: disinformation, falsehood and the wages and sufferings and lost energy, time and life of having to sort through that crap) like hoax busters, proper gander, and the entire Fakeologist site (Rollo excluded, he might be a drunk cokehead but he’s an honest one; Gaia included, since he only pretends to be anti-Judaic while simultaneously proclaiming Hitler and the “Nutsies,” the most villified because the greatest Nationalist heroes of European Whites, to be Jews, like a good little Miles ‘9-11 & the holohoax were real’ Mathis gatekept and brainwashed camp follower) want you to follow the t-root-less be-leaf, the absurd fallacy that “elite” does not mean powerful minorities, powerful through having sole access to the levers of c-lever-aged power (p-enis over) in a hierarchy, but somehow: coming only from ‘powerful majorities,’ therefore drawing attention away from any ‘minority’ ethnicity of many millions of people, a few thousand of whom, are, in fact, in control of most of the levers of power, and whose racial and religious kindred in the criminal strategies of Judaism are complicit with them, cover for them and are accessories to their crime through silence. In other words, ‘the average Jew’ is guilty to the extent that they do not criticize or expose the crimes of their elite class from which they directly and indirectly benefit.
Let’s try to clarify this concept of ‘power’ further down into the ends of its roots, so that the spell-ing of the metaphors operating on us will be completely lifted at the level of the senses and intuition.
Power is concentrated energy; when those giving the signals or w-rungly ringing the Pavlovian bells of a society and setting the boundaries of its dialectics, are only a few hundred to a few thousand people at most, they are called super-powerful minorities or “elites,” since they have the ability, through solely their own decisions, to move in one direction or another, and to use the pledged, contracted and stage-directed energy of millions of programmed humans, to create a better or worse world. The problem is not that they are ‘elites’ and they command massive power. The problem is in how they came to have this power (lies, hoaxes, confidence games and treachery) and how they use it: Against the interests of those they falsely and deliberately lead into ‘falls’ while setting all the dialectics and boundaries of their ‘free debate’ and the boxes within which their ‘logic’ will ‘freely’ operate.
Correction to this incomplete paragraph: This ridiculous notion is intended to draw attention away from the provable fact, with real names attached to real existing people in actual positions of power, in the ‘IS-real world’ of material necessities and ‘money,’ that the majority of these tiny minorities of the super-powerful in charge of the biggest levers of power in banking and media, are Jews connected to the Rothschild-created state of Is-real (they determine what IS, what IS ‘real’ for you and what isn’t. Isn’t that cute? Even the name tells you what they do, the determining, through control of in-ner-form-ation of what is real and what isn’t: the world of gigantic IS-real-ING hoaxes).
I don't agree with all of this comment, but I truly appreciate you taking the time to post it, Neg. These kinds of comments are golden for encouraging independent thought and reflection.
The lever analogy is a good one. You are quite right: it would not take that many people working together to run the whole show. I wouldn't even be that surprised if it were merely a few hundred top-level initiates at (or near) the apex. Look how clueless the lemming masses are. Even if there were ‘seven billion’ of them (lol), it wouldn't take many people 'in the know' working together to keep things rolling along.
With all of that said, you and I and most of the members of this site are already well aware of the over-representation of the Chosen Ones in finance, the media, cultural marxism (incl mass immigration promotion), etc etc. Why is it my job, or Tim/Ab's job, or anybody's job, to constantly talk about it? And how would such repetition help anything? Have you ever wondered why the telescreen boogeyman in 1984 is named Goldstein? He may as well have been named Shekelberg. Clearly the author ('George Orwell') was getting at something. Was the author trying to 'put the truth in plain sight'? If so, what exactly is ‘the truth’?
The mainstream media TODAY openly admits (promotes?) the Jewish over-representation.
See for example:
LA Times in 2008: <a href="http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19" rel="nofollow">Who Runs The Media? C'mon</a>
Jewish Business News in 2014: <a href="http://jewishbusinessnews.com/2014/07/08/5-jews-lead-top-200-richest-australians-for-2014/" rel="nofollow">5 Jews Lead Top 200 Richest Australians for 2018</a>
It is not like this stuff is a secret. And it is not like we can't talk about it: every single episode of the ARP is still available for viewing on YouTube. Not a single strike. And we spoke about The Tribe on several occasions. It is one of Lindsay's favourite topics, after all.
My point here being, why is the Jew issue more important than all others?
Of all of the things I could criticise Ab for, his attitude towards the Jewish Question is not high on the list. Far more remarkable to me, for one example, is that he still appears to believe in the Gulf War and 'Saddam Hussein'. I kind of suspected this was the case, but it was still jarring to hear him say/concede it. The War Hoax is about as obvious as a hoax can get. In the next version of the Hoax Hierarchy, I might even demote it a few places, that's how ridiculous the whole thing is.
It isn’t. But Ab said that anyone who blames the Jews has fallen for a psy-op. Surely we can challenge that statement. Can’t we?
if any other group were granted power tomorrow to ‘control’ money, do you think they’d be so noble as to not take advantage of said position? i highly doubt it.
Of course you can challenge anything Ab or anybody else says. I warmly encourage it.
Perhaps my perspective on these sorts of issues is slightly coloured by my own experience of creating content and building a platform.
I have been criticising for not talking about this issue, or talking too much about another issue, and this may make me more sympathetic to Ab’s position.
You can definitely talk about the Jews on Fakeologist. I know this because I have done it myself. And I only found out about Rae West — one of the most Jew-wise people on the earth today (at least among those ballsy enough to put their opinions out there on camera) — via Ab’s interviews with him. Even though Ab tried to steer the conversation away from the Jews in those interviews, he did not edit those parts of the calls out. Ab even invited West back for a second interview even though West had clearly spoken about the Jews more than Ab would have liked in the first interview.
My point being, how much Jew discussion is enough?
Onto the matter of whether or not the Jewish Question is a psyop in an of itself, this is something which I personally consider to be worthy of consideration. Can anybody tell me why, in their opinion, the TV boogeyman in 1984 is named Goldstein?
It is clear that Goldstein is a TV boogeyman in the 1984 narrative. He is the Oceania equivalent of Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein.
Now, we all know that there are Jews in real life. But how many of the Jews we have met, do we believe to be at the level of Ben Bernanke or Alan Greenspan? For me, the answer is: none.
In 1984, anybody could be an agent of the enemies (you just never knew who), Goldstein is the TV representation of ‘the enemy’ or ‘evil’,
Today we have the elite Jews to point at and decry. You never know which Jew might be working with them. Any Jew could be in on it. Right?
I am not arguing that ‘Goldstein = modern Jews = psyop’. But, at least in the broad/general sense of the term ‘psyop’, this is an angle I am open-minded to.
Especially given what I have seen happen in Jew-wise and white nationalist circles over the past four or five years. What an epic disaster. Even with a common enemy, those guys are utterly hopeless.
Of course, their common enemy is the Jews, isn’t it?
this may be more appropriate for the thread on a previous MSC where population was brought up, but i’ve been curious to know why you think the number is on or under 500 mil?
i know the census is not reliable for accurate counts, and projections are probably far worse in the 3rd world, but calculating major and capital cities in each country – even with conservative estimates that are 10% off – doesn’t seem that unreasonable. friends of mine from India, Bangladesh and others who’ve spent time in China, Brazil etc.. have often complained about the congestion / crowdedness.
perhaps i’m biased being in a more densely populated metropolis, and the total could very well be declining, but even on the outskirts / suburbs of cities i’ve traveled to…i see a lot of people – walking on streets, in traffic, commuters on public transit. this is far from a scientific deduction, but irrespective of my likely flawed assumptions, interested in yours or others’ insight into the tally.
I covered this in the first edition of 37 Things Normies Believe – Review.
Basically I start from the start: if nobody else told me how many humans were alive today, what would I believe?
I have only seen a fraction of the earth's surface, so I simply do not have enough evidence to make that extrapolation.
In other words, I am fully aware of not only my ignorance, but the necessity of my ignorance. I simply cannot know, or even guess, how many humans are on this earth.
What to do next? I can either believe the authority's story, or I can dismiss it, and operate without any strong belief about the earth's population.
Now, why would I believe the claim made by the authorities? On its face, I have no reason to believe it.
In fact, I have good reason to suspect deception on their part.
Especially since I was taught in school to worry about what humans were doing to this precious earth, merely by existing!
But let's give them a chance. How do the authorities claim to have arrived at their figure?
They openly admit that it is a rough guess. Give or take a few hundred million people. What? Give or take a few hundred million people?
Either that is a red flag on a conceptual level, or it is not. For me, it is a red flag. A gigantic one.
A predictable retort might be, 'but you haven't proven that they are wrong or lying'.
No, I haven't. I'm not even trying to. I'm just explaining why I don't personally believe the official story.
If others want to believe, then I won't even try to talk them out of it 🙂
Regarding biases, yes, if we live in megacities, it is much easier for our minds to accept the surface level stories of 'overpopulation' and so forth.
My long-distance driving around South Africa and Australia revealed to me how open and empty these countries are. The cities are a speck in comparison to the open land.
i definitely don’t accept overpopulation or ‘Malthusian Theory’. i’ve driven across the land here and the vast majority of it does not have homes or people living on it.
i would be comfortable in a rough guess, by conservatively adding major cities, townships, suburbs and villages in every habitable continent … enough to be comfortable with a 1/2 billion.
non committal and it’s not something i fret about or have invested requisite time researching.
but a smaller figure would certainly raise an eyebrow toward certain consumer based companies market cap / growth projections!
The articles you cite are written by Jews. Jews are allowed to brag about their influence to an extent, but if it is said by non-Jews then it’s a big no-no. Being accused of antisemitism is serious business.
What happens if a non-Jew speaks about Jewish power/influence?
Because I was doing just that, as far back as four years ago, on the ARP, and to this day they have not taken down the ARP YouTube channel.
Not so much as a single strike!
Some people, such as our old friend Jumpy*, will retort, 'but you are not big enough for them to come after you'.
Cool, so I have nothing to worry about then, do I?
I openly speak about the Holohoax, I even have the Holohoax listed smack-bang in the middle of my Hoax Hierarchy schematic.
*Jumpy and I shared a terrific conversation on these very topics, back in Jan of this year. See here:
I used to believe I had to worry about speaking about the JQ and the Holohoax. And why was that? Because my fellow Jew-wise ‘truthers’ were telling me to worry!
Yes, we have people who claim to be awake, actively telling their fellow man to worry about speaking the truth.
Now, if that is not evidence of a potential psyop, I would like to know, what is?
I say: speak the truth, and see what happens.
So far, my experience has been similar to what we see happen in Alan Moore's V For Vendetta.
Our enemies are in our heads.
Do you want examples? You can easily find them. Are you trying to imply that any example that can be found is somehow fake? That seems to get in the realm of solipsism: “if it doesn’t happen to me it’s not a problem”. I’m not that solipsistic.
Somehow I don’t want to take a risk just because someone dares me to on the internet based on a fictional movie.
Stories in the news. What evidence do you have that they are real?
Court documents are usually public record so if any of those cases are real we should be able to find some primary sources and inspect them.
I’m curious to know what those charges were and how they could possibly be proven in court with any modicum of a standard of evidence.
If any court documents were actually filed, I wouldn’t be surprised if the “signatures” look like the ones on the “Tesla Patents”.
A strawman argument is when you misrepresent someone’s argument so that you can easily attack it . . .
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Hi Neg – curious about a few things from your comments. genuinely curious as you are clearly intelligent and passionate in your positions.
—are simultaneously the craftiest, most hard-to-fool ‘wheelers-&-dealers’ in the world, the most ruthless financiers, speculators, movie studio heads, lawyers, managers and negotiators, the most money-obsessed, business-savvy and hard-to-rip-off people in the world —
what do you suggest ‘we’ or any of us individually do here forward? compete and be more crafty?..become better wheeler / dealers? more obsessed with money?
or simply acquiesce to our inferiority given these traits are correlated with power? in my experience – the people (be they white, black, asian, indian, jew etc…) most obsessed with money tend to allocate a larger portion of their life toward its acquisition. 15-18 hours a day working, building businesses, investing, etc. and for the most part, the ones who are at the office the most work at banks. it’s not like they just show up and get free money despite the structure of fractional reserve.
sure they may never come close to acquiring the family wealth of Rothschild and myriad others – but how could they if those entities are multiple generations behind in the game – if not centuries? and does one need massive amounts of material resources and power to be fulfilled with their life? this financial system very well could be the worst of all possible worlds, but i can certainly imagine worse and do not know of an obvious alternative where similar issues wouldn’t present themselves.
I’ve definitely met plenty of the stereotypical ‘tribe’ J – looking at others like goy – that make you want to get in a boxing ring. but i’ve also witnessed sociopathic scum inside all ethnic groups (and genders). i’ve also met and have been blessed with generosity from Jewish people that i’ll forever be grateful for.
that aside, if ‘they’ are or should be considered an enemy…what do you think would be the will of the ‘creator’ to combat their sweeping control of this realm?
–reformed Jew’ like Marcus Allen who, hilariously proved how ‘reformed’ he was, when, instead of blaming 9/11 on those who own the media—
i don’t know him or his motivations. perhaps he is in fact a shill of some kind. but i definitely recall listening to a chat where he explicitly stated that despite not knowing for certain who did 9/11…ultimately “the media did 9/11”. in fact, I think this was on his one on one call with Ab where he went further into the Royal Institute for International Affairs. He had mentioned J’s and Freemasons many times, but speculates they are operating with one another on a lower level from the top. the gist was, if we were to rule the world, would we want anyone to know it was us? i think it’s plausible to assume ‘they’ would want to remain hidden to public scrutiny and remain off record.
—This is the nonsense that Abirato and the rest of his brood at Fakeologist would have even ‘the fringe-of-the-fringe’ of conspiracy researchers, the very few who follow them, believe, and what’s even more hilariously bizarre is that JLB and his followers are now afraid to disagree with him! —
who of the subscriber list here on jlb.com is afraid to disagree with Ab …or JLB? you do. i have. jumpy did. i’m not active on fakeologist, but see people disagreeing there all the time – as well with Ab.
—Elite Jews are in charge of the banks that provide the usured (interest charged on money created out of thin air, hoaxed ‘money’ that represents YOUR energy, and that of billions of others, —
if people didn’t elect to borrow money to pay for stuff they can’t afford, and largely don’t need for sustenance, they wouldn’t bestow their energy to the usury system. further, one can arbitrage their labor in the US and live elsewhere for peanuts, as well in a better climate offering lifestyle amenities their present lot doesn’t. beach, women, cheap food, less gov control et al…
further, non J’s can – and regularly do – leverage debt to create financial independence. or can raise capital sans any interest to build something independent of the ‘enslavement’ of interest rates. 0r…non j’s can create their own bank and lend out money just as Chase does. yes, one has to operate within the rules of the banking system, but the opportunity is not exclusive to Js. but hard money can acquired and lent out with much higher rates than banks charge.
—since they have the ability, through solely their own decisions, to move in one direction or another, and to use the pledged, contracted and stage-directed energy of millions of programmed humans, to create a better or worse world.—–
doesn’t this speak – perhaps – to the inferiority of the ‘programmed humans’ than it does the wickedness of a minority who are able to control them? i’ve never seen a J put a gun to someone’s head to borrow money for a car, house or credit card they can’t afford. if it’s a weakness of the general population to succumb to such desires – and we’re all just pavlovian dogs salivating to the J’s bell – maybe that’s a flaw with the intelligent designer who purportedly made us for loftier goals?
i’ve just seen too many people ‘scammed’ by their own people, be they led by a preacher like a pied piper – or a drug dealer destroying lives, infesting their communities with crack and heroin. can’t blame all the ills of the world on J’s alone.
if we each have individual power and agency, we should wield it, no?
Very well said. I don’t agree with Ab on many things but I don’t see how constantly pissing and moaning about “the jews” is going to make my life (or anybody else’s) any better. I do work for people of all different ethnicities and I’ve never been screwed over by a jew. Why would I spend my time and energy bitching about a group of people who has never wronged me?
But they’ll say that Jews like Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen wrong us all. But if that’s the case, they are also wronging their “fellow Jews”.
As I stated above, “jewishness” makes no sense to me. If a woman decides to “convert to Judaism” she is now considered one of the tribe. If she has a child, that child is now considered “jewish”. How is that a race? This is the official story of the Ashkenazi Jews, which I’m sure is a fake story since it is claimed to have happened during the “Roman Empire”. Lol
What’s funny to me is that I don’t believe in DNA at all so I pretty much dismiss articles like that one and the one Neg posted above but this one is extra goofy since it claims to know what happened in the “early Roman Empire” lol
I can see how Jew-wise people might seem Jew-obsessed. But it only seems that way, in my opinion, because it’s an issue that is so suppressed. Point to any major social problem and a Jew-wise person may easily show how that problem is related to Jews. Don’t shoot the messenger. It’s not our fault the world is made this way.
PedroJose – I’m not shooting the messenger. I’m not claiming that there are not jews in these positions of power. That would be silly. I’m just saying that I don’t think it’s productive to focus my energy on a problem without a solution.
I work for and with many jews that are hard-working and productive – Architects, developers, small business owners etc. and these people are more mentally/physically enslaved that I am. They eat crappy processed foods, vaccinate their children (and themselves), mutilate their male children, send them to retard factories, and fully believe all the ridiculous stories on the telescreen including the holohoax! I believe this extreme mental abuse that they undergo (being told your whole life that 6 million people just like you were systematically murdered would be an incredible mind fuck) is what drives them to devote so much of their time to the accumulation of material wealth. Along the way, the jews that are more sociopathic in nature are recruited for “bigger and better things”.
That’s just a theory of mine but the strange thing to me is that most sociopaths I’ve encountered that are not Jews are typically low-life scumbags that never accumulate anything but a prison record. How is it that “Jewish Sociopaths” end up as the heads of major sectors of society? Is it possible that 1984 and the bogeyman Goldstein are closer to reality than we know?
Above you ask if the Jews that can be proven to have had a role in the current malaise should be held accountable and I say absolutely. My only problem is that it would be hard to prove that they are the cause of the problem and not just giving the people what they want. After all, it seems quite obvious that most people refuse to see what is so obvious to us with eyes to see.
Well, I don’t think it’s productive to talk about conspiracies in general. Why are you focusing your energy on this website then? Maybe because you find the topics interesting? You want to know how the world really works, what’s all about, right? Then it makes no sense to try to avoid the topic of who is behind it all, does it?
I do not believe you or Negentropic (or our now-absent friend Jumpy) are ‘Jew obsessed’.
It is a topic which is important to you, one which you believe deserves more exposure/discussion/etc.
That is fair enough. We all have our own topics which we believe are more deserving of attention.
My sentiment with regards to Ab and Fakeologist is this: why should you, or I, or anybody else, expect them (or anybody else) to give their finite time/energy to our own preferred topic(s)?
There is nothing stopping any of us from starting our own platforms dedicated to Jew-wise discussion.
Apart, of course, from our own fear. Now, who put that fear in our heads to begin with?
Who made us fearful of speaking about the Jews? Who told us that if we do so, we will be financially ruined, or imprisoned?
And more importantly: why did we believe them?
If Kyle Hunt accused Ab/Fakeologist of not speaking about the Jews enough, I would say, ‘fair enough’.
Because Kyle Hunt IS talking about the Jews (non-stop for over half a decade and still going strong).
But those of us who are not prioritising Jew-wise discussion, what right do we believe we have to criticise others for not doing what we are not doing ourselves?
I don’t. But I expect you or anyone else to NOT spend any energy avoiding this topic. That’s all I ask. Ab could just say: “Hey, I just don’t want to talk about this topic”. And that’s fine. But don’t dismiss those who want to talk about this topic for “falling for a psyop”. Because, if you throw an accusation like that, you would then need to prove that it’s indeed a psyop.
Negentropic’s point is that as best we can tell, the people who run the show are demonstrably Jewish. All the subsequent comments were just hand waving to try to avoid dealing with that fact.
Humans are being farmed. TPWRTS may not “hate” us, they just think of us like cattle. And being cattle isn’t that great a deal. The ability of “the system” to suck immense energy and wealth out of productive people really is a type of evil. At least to the victims. Cows would prefer NOT to go to the slaughterhouse.
Negentropic points out the obvious. “It’s the Jews.” He’s quite obviously right, on some level. Sure, many Jews are nice and get victimized just like the rest of the human farm animals by various hoaxes involving war and money and medicine and education. And sure, some powerful bankers and political donors aren’t Jewish. And sure, JLB and the rest of the commenters “already know” about the Jews. But none of the comments attempted to dig in to the interesting fact that TPWRTS look to be Jewish. Instead, the comments are full of various attempts to dismiss this important point. “We already know that; why should we talk about it?” “All races have sociopaths.” “I know some nice Jews.” Etc.
The evidence is overwhelming that elite Ashkenazi Jews control most of the levers of control–money creation, political donations and control, news and entertainment media, law, vaccination, immigration law, cultural marxism, etc.
If we are really truth seekers, we should find the Jewish Question the most fascinating question. These ARE the elites you are looking for. Is is possible that they are in turn controlled by lizards, or aliens, or Gods, or Jesuits, or Masons, or the Bush family, or whoever? Sure, I suppose. But all of that is speculation. It’s good to be open minded about it. I’m not SURE that the buck stops with the elite Jews running Washington and Wall Street and Hollywood. But I do know that they ARE running those incredible levers of population control and human farming.
So, if we want to know how the world really works, we should all be focusing quite intently on the actions of these elite Jews. Such study will reveal much. If the buck stops with the elite Jews, if they themselves are TPWRTS, we’ll learn a lot. If they are in turn controlled by someone else, studying the visible power of the Jews is the most likely path of investigation to discover who their bosses are.
But in this comment thread and so many others on this site and throughout the ACT realm, we see people suggesting we look AWAY from the obvious exercise of power by the visible people who run the show. This is like crime investigators declining to interrogate a Miami drug kingpin on the grounds that his invisible supplier probably lives in Columbia.
Do any of you WANT to know the truth? If so, it would seem only prudent to intensely study the people who control money and politics and media and propaganda. If you DON’T want to know the truth, then pretend NOTHING is visible. It’s just us cows and possibly some aliens. Let’s pretend we can’t see the farmer leading us to the slaughterhouse.
We’ve come a long way. We know that we are farmed, we know that we are lied to, and we know that TPWRTS are in charge and we are not. We also can clearly SEE who some of TPWRTS actually ARE, or at least who their visible representatives here on Earth are. So why not take a closer look?
We want everything to be evidence based. We want to “believe true things for true reasons.” But when we move UP the hierarchy, from baby hoaxes to bigger hoaxes to the identities of the hoaxers themselves, suddenly we get all “woo woo” and reject the evidence that is staring us in the face. “Who is to say that the elite Jews aren’t controlled by invisible aliens?”
I can’t think of any legitimate reasons for our studious AVOIDANCE of the question of elite Jews and the control they exert. It looks like we’re either complicit in trying to HIDE this evidence, we’re scared of scary topics, we’re scared of being called racists, or we’re scared of the truth.
Maybe the ultimate bosses are not the Jews. Maybe the Jews ARE the middle managers. But we can’t figure out who the hidden bosses are without taking a deep, deep look at the middle managers. Why don’t we want to do that? What’s so scary about it?
How are the comments trying not to deal with that fact? Nobody has claimed that jews are not significantly overrepresented in the positions of power.
I have asked “jew wise” people numerous times, what they propose we do about it. This is an honest question, not a rhetorical one.
Complaining about problems or pointing fingers at “the other” whether they be jews, the Illuminati, muslims, christians, etc. will not make your life better. Even if you are 100% correct.
Let’s say for the sake of argument that the jews 100% run the show and we know all the names, all the way to the top jew. Then what? Are we going to hatch a plot to assassinate him/them? Are we going to try to convince the general population, 99.999% of which have been indoctrinated since birth to view jews as victims, to arrest the people on the list?
This is why the myth of WWII is so insidious. It creates an untouchable segment of society that cannot be criticized and at the same time creates hope for those that can see the jews that are running the important areas of our society. The story goes that once there was a great politician and he almost fixed the Jewish problem but those dastardly jews in England and America double-crossed him. This gives people false hope which is why the white-nationalists fell for the ridiculous character of trump – a cartoonish clown.
I am much more interested in finding ways to avoid these jew-controlled systems. For instance, my family and I don’t consume mainstream media, we eat healthy food, pay the least amount of taxes possible (net $0), our child doesn’t go to a “regular” school, we don’t participate in the medical system, etc. etc. The only thing we compromise on by choice is the money system as I enjoy the things it affords us – nice cars, nice house, etc. The trade off is worth it to us but people can move to an island somewhere and not participate in that if they so choose. Nobody is stopping you but you. I think that this is why people love to have a boogeyman as it allows them to not take responsibility for their own actions.
I hope that you take this in the spirit in which it is meant and not as a way to avoid dealing with the JQ. I am a much happier person since I stopped focusing on the other and started looking at my own actions.
I don’t have a solution. But before we find a solution we need to admit there’s a problem, right? If you decide to put yourself some blinders on, I doubt you will ever find a solution. But, anyways, I don’t need to have a ready made solution to find a topic interesting. Some interesting questions don’t have a solution in sight, and yet many people think they’re worth discussing, don’t they?
And remember, we’re into fringe research on this website. And what do researchers do? They notice patterns. It makes no sense to me, why would you try to avoid some clean patterns just because you can’t find a solution just yet.
I focus my energy and time on this website because a I’m trying to answer the age-old question – “what the hell are we doing here?”
I think things like sync and uncovering silly stories that humans believe can help answer that question but I don’t think studying jews is going to further that journey, especially since we have no way of knowing who is really at the top. It is only logical to me that those people would remain anonymous. Perhaps that information will be uncovered along the way but maybe not. I’m okay either way.
I don’t understand why jew-wise/jew-focused people seem to get upset with others for not agreeing with them. It’s okay to be here for different reasons and to disagree on things.
Negentropic’s point is that as best we can tell, the people who run the show are demonstrably Jewish.
This is fair enough. Just look at the Federal Reserve. For the past 30 years, the chairman of the Fed has been Jewish. What are the odds of that?
And that is just one example. As you, and I, and many others on this site already know, we can find similar patterns in international banking, major media companies, the judiciary, and beyond.
It is clearly not a coincidence.
Now we can move on to the next question: does Yellen really run the Federal Reserve? Did Greenspan? Or Bernanke?
Do we really believe that the titular figureheads, the frontmen, are the ones pulling the strings?
Perhaps there are other Jews who pull the strings of the front-Jews. Then it is still the Jews!
But why would they do that?
Perhaps it is arrogance. Perhaps they want to put Jews at the front as a kind of, 'haha we can be brazen about it, you can't stop us' braggadocio. Some real chutzpah.
I am open-minded to that.
But if this is the case, then why are we wasting our time continuing to talk about it?
If that is the state of play as things are right now, precisely what is achieved by exhausting our finite time and energy covering the same old ground?
There is no 'movement'. There is no messiah coming to change things. If the Jews can run the show AND PUT THEIR PEOPLE AT THE FRONT OF THE STAGE then we might as well sit back and enjoy the overpriced popcorn.
I know that some will read this and say, 'well he is a defeatist'. On the contrary, I am the one saying that maybe TPWRTS (Jew or otherwise) are not evil.
The mindset put forward by white nationalists and other Jew-wise groups, when followed to its logical conclusion, is as defeatist as one could possibly imagine.
'Evil runs the show, they don't even hide it, and those of us who know this still work for their shekels'.
FMD. It doesn't get worse than that. Welcome to hell, fellow minions! Let's work for them shekels and blame the boss for our own decisions and lifestyles.
Imagine slaving away to earn shekels from a boss while simultaneously telling the world that the boss is evil. Well, what does that make you, if you do his bidding for his shekels?
There more I speak and write about these things, the more open I become to the 'Jews as a psyop' angle.
Of course, I remain open-minded to the possibility that it really is the Jews at the top. Nothing would surprise me any more.
Let me ask you this: how old do you think the Torah is? How old do you think ‘Judaism’ is?
Because if you think the bible hoax is a blatant one, just wait til I release my research into some of the Jewish fairytales.
Let’s say the Jews really run the show, there is no one on top of them. And their good, they’re not evil. Then woke people like JLB should be fans of their work, right? It’s only fair. But somehow that doesn’t sound plausible. I’m not fan of their work. I wan’t them to be stopped. If you are a fan of their work, please explain why.
People need to make a living somehow, right? I wouldn’t judge people trying to survive in an evil system, if they try to avoid harm to others within reason. Why would I? You’re projecting your moralistic framework onto others.
Chris and JLB may have beat me to the punch, though my original reply last night got deleted with a one wrong swipe of the touchpad. Some takes below:
—Humans are being farmed. TPWRTS may not “hate” us, they just think of us like cattle. And being cattle isn’t that great a deal….Cows would prefer NOT to go to the slaughterhouse.—
What percentage of people who lament being treated like cattle….actively participate in excessively cruel animal agriculture by way of their food and beverage choices? I do. Despite opting whenever I can to trade with farmers whose stock may live the Life of Riley (and having the option to go Vegan) I don’t when it’s inconvenient or unavailable.
Not last night when i ate my shrimp parmesan hero. Not this morning when i got a coffee with half and half. I’m quite sure both of those dairy cows suffered for my temporal mouth pleasure. Perhaps this makes me a hypocrite. Perhaps I really don’t care about their welfare, despite being very uncomfortable when I see them treated poorly in the panoply of documentaries and underground videos inside the slaughterhouses. But let’s be real – we are not getting branded and cut up alive by Jew bankers.
I don’t give the media much of my attention anymore. I don’t have a mortgage. I don’t vote. So their control over these apparatuses don’t bother me as much as they otherwise might. Sure I am sacrificing social status, sexual marketplace value, creature comforts, and whatever else by not proactively engaging with ‘the system.’ However I’d wager 10 out of 10 other ethnic groups would do the exact same or similar things if they wrested control tomorrow. And this isn’t because of a few anecdotal examples. On countless occasions personally and professionally i’ve witnesses extreme selfishness, stinginess and all the ‘J’ characteristics in others. What i do not see is other groups sticking together like a ‘tribe.’ I do not see other groups obsessing over money. At the very least, if there were an objective audit of how people spend their 168 hours a week, and their money, the contrast between the haves and the have nots may not be so surprising.
I can only speak for myself, but I know i could be in a better material position if i was more focused and productive with my time. So when i see a J lawyer or banker or doctor who has traded 80 hrs/week + for the last 15 years and owns an apartment or a even second home while having a selection of trophy girls and a heavily stamped passport.. i’m not angry at nor jealous of them. I’ve made different decisions with my time, for better or worse.
—The ability of “the system” to suck immense energy and wealth out of productive people really is a type of evil. At least to the victims. —-
How do you measure people’s productivity? I’d argue the vast percentage of people working in the ‘system’, from government employees to the private sector, aren’t exchanging their full vitality for a paycheck. Certainly not like a farmer during harvest or a coal miner risking their life and breaking their back. The masses get up and go to work. They may be there and perform whatever tasks that are assigned. But are they brimming with efficiency and output that is incommensurate with their pay? Most people – in my experience – work hard enough to keep their job and get paid enough not to quit. It’s an ongoing straddle. Many jobs – especially in big corporations – don’t need to be there, and gradually these are being eliminated with outsourced labor and technology. On a small scale, I sub out work on Fiverr mostly to South Asia, not because I’m unwilling to give freelance jobs to people in the States (workflow / communication is always easier), but far too often I’ve had to deal with diva artistic pains in the ass who aren’t timely with their work, act like they’re doing me a favor, and are generally unreliable which makes it harder for me to manage a client with expectations on deliverables. Others who are better on these fronts, usually want too much money for slightly better than mediocre work.
Tangential to this, I’ve worked with many different salespeople and they don’t hustle at full capacity. Most wait for the phone to ring or stop once they reach their quota. Likewise, many I’ve worked with in back office jobs surf the web half the day and pass the time by when nothing is pressing. Sure they’re physically there in their seats and will do whatever is asked of them by their boss / manager, but 8 hrs a day of full productivity? Not even close. If their value prop / skill set / was what they thought it was in the labor markets, than it’d be easy for them to leave and find better pay elsewhere. But they don’t invest their nights and weekends in improving / upgrading their skills or learning new ones.
—The evidence is overwhelming that elite Ashkenazi Jews control most of the levers of control–money creation, political donations and control, news and entertainment media, law, vaccination, immigration law, cultural marxism, etc. —
If any of us were inside a rodeo bare handed, we would most likely lose to a Bull. Yet we control cattle because we are orders of magnitude more intelligent than they are. While there may not be that big of a gap with the Ashkenazi and the rest, I’d argue there’s a direct correlation between human intelligence and achievement across most disciplines. Of course there are always exceptions, but what if the Ashkenazi rank better on the bell curve – on average – than other ethnicities? It isn’t their comparative physical strength that got them to their place on the pecking order. Could other groups have intervened while they were accumulating power and resources? If so, why didn’t they?
— If they are in turn controlled by someone else, studying the visible power of the Jews is the most likely path of investigation to discover who their bosses are.—
What specifically can someone study that would lead them to their bosses? I really don’t know hence my asking.
—This is like crime investigators declining to interrogate a Miami drug kingpin on the grounds that his invisible supplier probably lives in Columbia.—-
How do drug cartels accumulate their power? Fearlessness, distribution excellence, product development, use of force, et al. This goes for many different groups, from Mexicans to Colombians to Russians et al. Yet their power would be substantially diminished if people simply didn’t buy blow. But people all over the world enjoy snorting / injecting / smoking cocaine. And pills. And alcohol. How can others wield so much power if we don’t – in some way – grant it to them?
Several decades ago, banks weren’t the force of nature they are today. The ‘American Dream’ of owning a home was sold to the masses. And we continue to buy it up. Because we are foolishly nationalistic. We are insecure with not having as much as our neighbor. We succumb to the expectations of the fairer gender in order to have a regular piece of axx to fxxx, or children to bear our name. Despite the asymmetric risk that contract entails.
Look at the J’s control of the diamond racket. De Beers, CSA may have monopolistic power, but it’s because women demand shiny objects on their fingers to show off to their friends…and men acquiesce to it. Because they know implicitly if they don’t, they’ll either lose the girl or be scorned by the group. Even men and women who know the rocks are hyper-inflated -and may be harming children to boot – go along with it.
They may have influenced people’s behavior via the Hollywood and advertorial mediums, but are the J’s solely to blame? Or are people en masse shallow and susceptible to social pressure?
Great call:
Re: human nature never changing, I concur. While no clue how many generations ‘they’ve’ been observing ‘us’, it’s clear they knew we wouldn’t be a threat to their power when deciding to ‘pull’ off these events, silverstein pun intended. This was one of my first nausea inducing black pills i had to slowly digest while disassociating from the ‘9/11 truth movement.’ took me longer than i’d like to admit, but eventually realized there’s no proton torpedo shot against the death star on the horizon. no rebel alliance working in concert with one another. no jedi saviour(s) to repose our trust in. nor any serious ‘us’ versus ‘them’ information war threatening their power / control over the herd’s mind.
Re: Markus Allen – I very much enjoyed his calls. He consistently dropped interesting nuggets that pried my eyes open a bit more. Prior to JLB, I’d say he was the person in this scene whose content and delivery style I liked listening to the most. And similar to him, I’d grown tired of talking about 9/11 and all the fakery. Diminishing marginal returns on productivity, and i found myself regressing as a result of the excess time allocated trying to ‘figure it all out.’
The rekindling of cosmological questions coupled with jlb’s refreshing skepticism has rekindled my interest in ACT, but I do wish Markus would check back in, if only once in a while. Would be interested in knowing why some of the Fakeologist contributors (as well anyone here) think he’s not who he purports to be. I searched the archives and didn’t like how he mentioned the “beautiful day” on nine eleven…or that he leaves to pick up his son “at 3:33 every day.” That raised a flag, or perhaps he’s just taking the piss, but if something more alarming took place, inquiring minds would love to know!
*I know they’re old, but if you are reading this Ab, some of the links on this aren’t working: http://fakeologist.com/?s=markus+allen
Re: war hoax – regardless of footage and misleading storylines, what to say about soldiers who went to country X and return with limbs severed / skin permanently scarred from shrapnel? All actors? I’m not yet convinced all the terroir is spoken for and therefore there’s no conflict that result in injuries / death. Nor is it anyone’s job to convince me this is the case, but i don’t think it’s obvious that ‘NDNGH’ in all of these conflicts, despite media fakery.
Re: 9/11 Docs – the entire world can be fooled on a giant lie. That is an amazing revelation. How can everyone that matters – control the basic information that we all consume?
Ab and I are kindred spirits! A naive fool I was as a normi….with both rage and excitement. Upon sharing this information with normies – family, friends, even clients… the responses essentially were distilled to comments like “the level of coordination to perpetrate the level of fraud you are insinuating is absolutely, positively preposterous” or “you’re not an engineer / I’m not an architect” “these conspiracy theories have been widely debunked” “why would they do it?”
Some would be less callous and say: “cool to think about”
Ummmm…I don’t think it’s ‘cool’ to think about this like some cliche pot smoking freshmen in a college dormitory staring at a lava lamp. But most people were never interested in any deep discussion of philosophy, cosmology, or geopolitics prior to ‘waking up’ …why would i think they’d be any more interested now?
Ab said he started typing in “Topic X + Hoax.” In contrast, that clown Joe Rogan has said he types in “Topic X + Debunked” – and is implicitly satisfied with ‘the experts’ explanation for whatever it is he’d like to debunk. Most mainstream characters don’t bother me, but for some reason I cannot stand that guy. I’d even say he could be categorized as a ‘paid shill’ because I highly doubt he could continue building such a sizable audience (and monetizing it) while aggressively exposing the moon hoax (for example).
Re: Mechanics to make an event fake. I think the best prop the magicians leverage is the general populace’s inherent disbelief that such brazen chicanery can be pulled off right in front of them… on a daily basis. “Someone would’ve talked”
Yeah? Where? on the same mediums the magicians own and pulled off the trick? Smh…. #normielogic
Re: speed of processing. “I don’t think it should take anyone more than 3 weeks to get to the bottom of it” – idk about this. takes discernment to sort these things out. But yes, once you cross the rubicon, there’s no turning back.
Why are there no more people in this scene? 10 Markus Allens. 10 JLBs? I think most people are fearful of public speaking to begin with…even in small settings, but to put your voice out there, especially without anything new to say (a hangup i have) what’s the point? Preaching the same chorus to the choir? I don’t think there’d be a network effect if 100 more people were restating the same stuff. I think there is enough data over the years to demonstrate this.
Re: “The ability for this thing we call MSM – to deceive – is all encompassing.”
Took me a couple of years to realize this. Even to this day I still have to kick myself once in a while to remind myself just how pervasive their reach is.
Re: Self-censorship. Definitely a waste of time talking to people about it. They get hostile, they’ll rarely ever agree let alone consider the opinions or view the material you share with any rigor. They just don’t care. Perhaps there is a method that can unlock minds, but whatever symbiosis you may have with these relationships… is not worth risking over these emotion laden topics.
***Re: WHY. Money/ Fed. They had the power so why the need to orchestrate what is perceived as a publicly televised mass execution in broad daylight? Still need to maintain the myth(s). Churches still spread the word of Jesus. Banks keep selling debt. It’s the American Dream! Keeps money flowing. If everyone stopped buying crap, the markets would tank.
***JLB – if this was all just an occult ritual of some sort- why do you think ‘they’ needed to execute such drastic measures? If just a land grab / do over – why expend so much energy / resources? Seems excessively wasteful regardless of their reservoir of resources.
RE: TPWRTS / MONEY – I tend to agree with AB. I don’t think it’s a Truman Show where every single soldier and officer knows it’s a hoax. Hence greasing the wheels may be required so they have justification… flimsy, flakey or whole cloth fake as these justifications may be. Can’t just invade a country without the masses, their congressmen, even the paid armed forces having some level of consent / belief in the cause. Implied in the contract is that it’s only done when absolutely necessary. But maybe i’m still in REM sleep.
RE: FE – my interests in the shape of the earth are largely centered around the deception as well. why are ‘they’ lying about it? if they consider the masses so retarded, I’m failing to see how lying about where we live (if ‘they’ even know) is a virtuous act? If ‘hiding a creator’ – they could easily draft a cosmological story that infers the earth ‘settled’ on a flat plane via natural forces.
RE: hierarchy, i find it very hard to believe that there’s one person at the top of everything calling the shots or even one family. unless perhaps they are non-human or possess intelligence a few standard deviations above the mean where they may as well be identified as non-human.
my instincts tell me there are myriad groups with mutually aligned interests. and i’m sure there’d be conflict(s) just as there are within any family / group / umbrella organization.
In closing, enjoyed the call. i know there was a lopsided match to attend to, but I wish there was another 15-30 to dialogue to dig deeper into Iraq and the ‘why’. 2 hrs is a good length for interviews, but for really good movies, the audience will stay tuned in a bit longer. Should time permit next time, maybe break into 2 parts? I know this requires more editing, but perhaps without any egregious technical issues, you can just upload as is.
usually when i hear disagreements – on any platform / roundtable et al – things tend to derail and unnecessary arguments ensue. i always hoped a central objective of being ‘here’ is to not only challenge one’s own positions while being open to new perspectives, but to add pixels to each piece in hopes of attaining better resolution to the puzzle. Nice to be around others who realize such antics are petty and don’t contribute to a better understanding of what’s going on.
i would like to hear ab delve further into egi or perhaps he does so in other chats. i’ve seen plenty of masculine looking women in gyms / streets / night clubs across the land. some obvious trannies. some not so obvious trannies.