Member Skype #22 Warmup – Fakeologist
This is the Warmup Thread for Member Skype #22, which is focused on
Tim the Fakeologist has indicated that he will be joining us for this one.
It promises to be a lot of fun.
We normally begin these calls around 9am Brisbane (Sunday morning), which is 7pm New York (Saturday night).

On this occasion I will be online one hour earlier i.e. 8am Brisbane (6pm New York).
Reason being that Brisbane’s favourite boxing son, Jeff ‘The Fix is In’ Horn, will be defending his title against Terence Crawford in Las Vegas, and I have a few buddies coming over to indulge in some normie fun and games i.e. watching the fight on pay-per-view, having a bbq, enjoying a few froffies, and maybe even playing some house poker.
The undercard begins early, but the main stuff begins around 10am, and the big fight could be anywhere from 11am-12.30pm Brisbane time on Sunday.
Therefore if we can wrap the Skype call up by 11am, I will be one happy chappy.

Judge me all you like. Perhaps I deserve it.
The thing is, I was there when Horn ‘defeated’ Manny Pacquiao at Suncorp Stadium last year.
I feel some kind of affinity for his story arc (career).
Watch a few of Horn’s interviews and you will find it hard to not like him.
Horn is one of the most gentle and softly-spoken fighters I have ever seen.
Believe it or not, a guy I live with even went to school with Horn (and his now-wife Jo).

And I won a lot of money (by my standards) by backing my hunch that the fight that day may not go the way the ‘experts’ were predicting.
I do not condone gambling (especially with corporate bookmakers, with whom it is simply not plausible to ‘win’ over the long run) but if you read that piece above, you might see why I am keen to enjoy a Sunday afternoon watching the professional pugilists do their thing.
Anyhow, the point is, I will be online for the call from 8am – 11am Brisbane on Sunday morning.
Then, after that, I shall go and be a normie for the rest of the day.
As always, we will begin recording at some point during the call, depending on who shows up (and when).
Perhaps we will begin recording at 9am, perhaps we will record just one hour from 10am-11am.
Unlike the life of Pontius Pilate, nothing is ‘set in stone’.
If you haven’t already done so, just add me on skype — johnpbono — and then send me a message when you are ready to be added to the call on Sunday morning.
And if you can’t make it to this call, don’t worry, it should be available to listen within 24 hours. I don’t have to work on Monday, and I will be stuffed if I am spending as much time editing this one as I spent on MSC #21.
If you can’t be there for this one, feel free to leave your questions in the comments section below, and I will ask them on your behalf during the call.
Hope to see you there!
P.S. For anybody interested, I am tipping Crawford to win by way of judge’s decision.
Horn can take a beating so I doubt he will hit the canvass, but I also doubt that the referee will allow him to manhandle Crawford the way he did Pacquiao.
This means that Horn will wear a lot of punches from Crawford. He will look like an assault victim come Monday.
Even if horn outboxes Crawford, I can’t see Bob Arum allowing his 32-0 fighter to lose on the judges’ scorecards.
And, let’s be serious for a moment, Horn is unlikely to outbox Crawford in the first place.
Am I putting money on this one? No. I’ll just be cheering for Horn, enjoying a lovely Sunday afternoon with my blue-pill buddies, like a good normie 🙂
This thread officially published 7-Jun-2018.
some quick ideas for convo:
fakeologist member drama, canadian hockey hoax, egi research
what inspires Ab to keep going when members defect, talk shit, behave like peevish little children?
fakery aside, any new insights / conclusions about this life (or hereafter) during this ‘deprogramming’?
As much as i know Ab will probably deflect the questions, i plan on asking him a few questions about old mate SS and his silly Tychos. Lately, he (Ab) has been putting the idea out there that the entire “flat earth renaissance” was started by “NASA” to counter Simon Shack and his Tychos. I understand that this idea has been floated by SS, and SS is somewhat of a diety to many of the Fakeologist flock, but that is one of the silliest ideas i have ever heard. Perhaps he (Ab) is simply trolling to create some action after the recent exodus by the John Adams, Annette Carrion crowd.
I’m really hoping to join the call but we have a family get together at my in-laws’ house that is starting at 2 pm EST. We should be done by 5 or 6 but it’s an hour drive home so i might be a little late to join.
Hard to imagine JLB watching some fight with a bunch of normies 😀
Ask Ab if there is a reason why he hasn’t uploaded the Fakeologist shows on Youtube, he would get much more traffic this way.
Sometimes I have my kids or other responsibilities going on during the call, but I still get a moment here and there to listen in, so if it’s ok with everyone else I would like to join the calls sometimes as a silent observer.
I’m working this weekend, so I won’t be able to make it to tomorrow’s call. I don’t know a thing about fakeologist anyway.
Hey Crew the first time in weeks that I have been able to catch a Sunday skype session and like Nate M I know nothing about the fakeologist conversation so I would be of no value to the call.
I will spend the morning catching up with threads I have missed out on and adding some comments to the conversations. Regards Russell
I’ll be ready to go at 7pm EDT.