person x person y

Site News and Updates

A Timely Update

This was meant to be a quick update, mostly to share some correspondence from new Members.

It soon became something of a walk down sync-memory lane...

Then I realised this is Post #88. As Chad628 from California would say, 'oh boy'...

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Sometimes Record #08 | And Smell the Coffee (20-Feb-2020)

What's it like to be the Alex Jones of your country?

Why do some people believe we live
in a 'pacman'-style world?

Where does Hando see himself
thirty-three years from now?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Sometimes Record #04 | Culture & Subculture (22-Jan-2020)

What's the deal with 'Jonah the [so-called] scientist'?

Why do so many people in this scene want to
drag one another down?

Does Tim really believe that Person X is Person Y?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Sometimes Record Ep #0 | Bill Hicks Alex Jones (1-Jan-2020)

Might 'Person X is Person Y' theory
sweep the ACT realm in 2020?

What was the Waco Siege and why does it matter?

If the Sync Book guys have disappeared,
who will pick up the slack?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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