JLB1665 | Muhammad Ali Speaks Beautiful Truth
‘Tell me where I’m wrong’ – Muhammad Ali
They can’t because he is not. If Ali’s words trigger you into an emotional, negative response, ask yourself who programmed that response into your mind. It isn’t natural. Somebody messed you up and if you think they did that because they ‘love’ you or your people, you are as deluded as the sparrow trying to mate with the buzzard.
‘Mohammad Ali attacks Anti-White Parkinson BBC’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1Y693cSF7E
“tell me where i am wrong, 1 bird physically cant mate with another bird” of course noone would disasgree with that, because hes not wrong. but to cpompare that to interraciaal human relationships is where i would say “you are wrong” .if two people from different race have children thats their own emotional choice. they living their own life, and doesnt have to mean they are ashamed of their own race. when i watch this video it doesnt trigger an emotional negative response, i see it as a man expressing a strong viewpoint, that i dont really agree with. i dont actually see interacial relationship as “unnatural”, although who is to say what is “natural” really.
Of course it is their own choice, which Ali pointed out himself: ‘You can do what you want’. The issue here is the consequences for the children, such as those outlined in the podcast. What were your thoughts about the statistics regarding negative health outcomes for mixed-race children?
im late with thsi reply, i didnt realise that there had been a response, and i know my 1st comment here wasnt really that good. i just wanted to state my view quickly. anyway, staying with this interview, ali – tell me where i am wrong:
he did quickly state at the very end, “you can do what you want”, i missed that before. “you can do what you want, but its nature to be with your own, i want to be with my own”.
my thought is – who is he, or anyone to say what is natural. if it can be done naturally, then how is it unnatural? he believes he is right, on the side with ‘nature’, and whoever does not think his way is wrong, and unnatural.
i dont accept that the reasons ali gives for wanting to be with his own, are reasons that everyone should accept for “what is natural”. the way he decsribes it, the reasons he gives, it just sounds like personal choice.
i really dont see how having a mixed race baby, means you hate your race, and ali does say that. if the majority chose to have mixed race babies, then it would of course mean the end for ‘pure races’, as we in this time 2016 know pure races.
im far from new to the idea of white genocide, although since i made my last comment it has been on my mind a lot. not researching it, just thinking. i planned to write my 1st comment above, without much thought, then come back here with an updated opinion to leave on the ali truth comment response video comment section .
my view is still, as of now, that while of course white genocide is a messed up concept, it doesnt have to mean that having a mixed race baby means you hate your race. how can we know what is right and wrong, what is natural and unnatural. what is our context. to me hating and killing your race, and choosing to have a mixed race baby, they are not the same issue, but they are sort of blended into the same issue when you mention the idea of the negative health impacts for the babies. it becomes about the responsibility for the child, as a reason for keeping races separate. ali is not talking about that in his interview, so i wasnt really stating my thought about that aspect here.
thinking about it more, these are the words i can find to express it. without human manipulation, some plants and animals do mix races naturally. there will be possibly some destabilisation, which nature will deal with and its not happening at an unnatural level. if humas or any species are being forced to race mix on a massively increased level, then that is “unnatural”, and will lead to increased destabilisation.
if people were not being forced to race mix at a massively increased level, then there woudl be limited race mixing, which would in my view be natural. i cant see imagine in any kind of world how when two races met of teh same species in a naturalk way, that eventually there wouldnt be race mixing, unless it was enforced by some rule or authority.
when we talk about what is right or natural here are a few more thoughts i have, how natural are blood transfusions, and organ transplants etc, who are we to judge intelligence based on our education system or tests etc, within reason, of course.
i do wonder about intelligence, because the best natural “intelligence” is natural survival, surely. we see animals that are intelligence enough to stay alive, but the general view is that animals are dumb, when we know they have increased senses, etc, and abilities in some ways. we as a race think we are so advanced because we are human . i dont think i am educated at all, i think i am actually quite dumb although i used to be good in school til a certain age. i prefer my way of thinking to the mass polulations way of thinkig and accepting, however isolating, i would say that though holding such a world view that i do.
not that its important to add this , but i am uneducated while i feel i am a natural and honest person and i try to improve myself, when i can think somethign better or realise something, and i do not think i am stupid. ive never doien an iq test and i lost interest at school bigtime for variosu reasons. i am just me, i cant be rated or evaluated.i am not mixed race by the way, i am just interested in this subject. and i have been thinking about it, and trying to organise my thoughts, so just leaving an update of my viewpoint. cheers.
john please delete teh last comment and this one. it had too much spelling errors, and i cant edit it. il post it again the same with better typing sorry.
thinking about it more, these are the words i can find to express it. without human manipulation, some plants and animals do mix races naturally. there will be possibly some destabilisation, which nature will deal with and its not happening at an unnatural level. if humans or any species are being forced to race mix on a massively increased level, then that is “unnatural”, and will lead to increased destabilisation.
if people were not being forced to race mix at a massively increased level, then there would be limited race mixing, which would in my view be natural. i cant see imagine in any kind of world how when two races met of the same species in a natural way, that eventually there wouldnt be race mixing, unless it was enforced by some rule or authority.
when we talk about what is right or natural here are a few more thoughts i have, how natural are blood transfusions, and organ transplants etc, who are we to judge intelligence based on our education system or tests etc, within reason, of course.
i do wonder about intelligence, because the best natural “intelligence” is natural survival, surely. we see animals that are intelligence enough to stay alive, but the general view is that animals are dumb, when we know they have increased senses, etc, and abilities in some ways. we as a race think we are so advanced because we are human . i dont think i am educated at all, i think i am actually quite “dumb” although i used to be good in school til a certain age. i prefer my way of thinking to the mass polulations way of thinking and accepting, however isolating, i would say that though holding such a world view that i do.
not that its important to add this , but i am uneducated while i feel i am a natural and honest person and i try to improve myself, when i can think something better or realise something, and i do not think i am stupid. ive never done an iq test and i lost interest at school bigtime for various reasons. i am just me, i cant be rated or evaluated.i am not mixed race by the way, i am just interested in this subject. and i have been thinking about it, and trying to organise my thoughts, so just leaving an update of my viewpoint. cheers.