Dave J and Jim Fetzer Discuss the War Hoax #fireworks
The man who coined ‘nobody died nobody got hurt’ is interviewed by the man who says that JFK died and people got hurt.
JLB 20041 | Dave J and Jim Fetzer Discuss the War Hoax #fireworks (8-Apr-2020)
1) Dave J’s chat with the Members of johnlebon.com: https://www.johnlebon.com/podcasts/jlb-member-discord-00-dave-j-the-war-hoax-2-sep-2018/
2) Short video of Dave J explaining the War Hoax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usk5w3R6lW8
3) JLB and Truth34 discuss Dave J’s appearance Fetzer: https://www.johnlebon.com/podcasts/sometimes-record-19-hows-it-hit-you-7-apr-2020/
4) JLB Mailing List: https://www.johnlebon.com/about/mailing-list/
5) Dave J’s chat with Fetzer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHAVfLkqgOQ&t=5012s