9/11 Anniversary – Lemmings Like to Complain
When the Kosmos gives you Lemon Hoax, I say make lemming aid!
JLB1861 – 9/11 Anniversary – Lemmings Like to Complain (30-Aug-2018)
When the Kosmos gives you Lemon Hoax, I say make lemming aid!
JLB1861 – 9/11 Anniversary – Lemmings Like to Complain (30-Aug-2018)
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Even ONE cup of coffee a day destroys your body, hence why it is promoted as such a “necessary” part of everyday life for the lemmings. What destroys your body even more is keeping your cell-phone in your pocket all day or, for that matter, storing it anywhere closer than 3-feet-away from your body. I never keep my cell-phone even in the same room at home and always cover it with a thick book on top. I’d much rather have to run for it when it rings than have to microwave my testicles and legs with it all day. You’re much better off vaporizing a couple of bowls of Sativa in the mornings for “energy” than drinking coffee.
With regard to 9-11, there is no way you can truly understand what happened except from the Media-Fakery angle. Brian Staveley, being a flat-earther, is easy to discredit by association, prior to investigation, by the usual sea of fools we swim with in a smaller pool that imitates, through programmed fear-&-trauma/drama triggers, the bee-hive-iors of the larger pool of human automations we came from, those programmed by “sports” to be merry-cows in A-Merry-Cow and roped animals in You-Rope. However, he’s also one of the 4 or 5 most knowledgable and articulate people about 9-11 to emerge out of the past 15 years of online “out-of-the-box” research and ferment. The first link is from 7 years ago and the second from last year. Most of what he said 7 years ago is still valid and undebunked. 99% of the 9-11 “truth movement” has been little more than controlled-opposition from-the beginning.
Alternate link in case Ju-tube deletes it
The leaders of “the 9-11 truth movement” are almost all controlled opposition, some, like Alex Jones and Loose Shekels even pushing complete lying phonies like William Rodriguez and promoting him as a “hero” (even Jim Fetzer still considers this doucheface “on the level” because he met him at a 9-11 conference and had dinner with him! lol, which doesn’t speak well for Fetzer’s own judgment and analysis abilities, regardless of how many “philosophy and logic” degrees he pulls out of his fat ass):
but their millions of followers corralled in gates and afraid to look beyond, of course, don’t suspect this.
A small percentage of them, every year, will separate from the main group and form new groups and these groups will then also be likely to be controlled or control themselves INTERNALLY through the already present psychological mechanisms and triggers in their subconscious minds, which operate automatically without direct awareness unless they are consciously and painstakingly soul-searched for, carefully deconditioned and removed. They all have that level of programming and deconditioning in common, which keeps them together for a while, until new discontents over this or that difference with the other members splinters the groups again into smaller ones. If all of these eventual hundreds of groups do not have at least one or two principles, such as “White European Nations should be more than 90% of White European stock at all times in citizenry in order to maintain the integrity of their cultures” or something much easier to understand but non-existent except in people’s fantasies: “free choice” and “free speech,” to bring them together, then the “controlled opposition” has successfully divided and conquered them all, since in tiny groups their effectiveness is severely limited.
P.S. Yesterday, as I finished climbing a mountain, I saw a guy on top of the mountain a few feet ahead of me wearing checkered white VANS sneakers. I didn’t even see his face because I was tired from climbing and couldn’t yet lift my head. At the same time that I saw this, the song “We Got the Beat” by the Go Go’s came on on shuffle-play through my in-ear phones. Huh? WTF? To quite a lot of other people this co-incidence would be meaningless. Yet, to me, a person who was in high-school in the first-half of the 1980s and did see, among many others of my generation, a certain iconic “teen” movie many times, the SYNC was immediately recognized: