npc theory


MDC S3 E33 | Season Finale (5-Aug-2023)

Are any of the major news stories from the past two years worth remembering?

Where does 'controlled opposition' end, and 'uncontrolled' 'opposition' begin?

Why does money seem to be at the heart of so many family disputes in the western world?

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The War Hoax Spectrum

What is really going on in the place known as Ukraine?

Who are the people bringing us the news; are they reliable?

When did the world change into one giant Gustave le Bon-esque 'Crowd'?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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