
JLB Chats #25 – ‘Shifty Headlights’ (29-Sep-2024)

Why do certain people believe they can absolve debts by using the ‘Bills of Exchange’ Act?

Are some folks still clinging on to false narratives which they bought into back in 2020 / 2021?

Have you noticed that modern automobiles tend to have ‘evil’ looking headlights or taillights?


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Outro track – here.

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Production notes JLB Chats #25. Streamed / recorded 29-Sep-2024. Released as Chats #25 Same day. Edited to balance and clean audio, and insert prologue / epilogue and outro track.

5 thoughts on “JLB Chats #25 – ‘Shifty Headlights’ (29-Sep-2024)

  • I think what the Canadian bloke from Fakeologist podcast said was reasonable, although I do mainly agree with John and Tim Ozmin. I do believe the jabs have zero benefit but does cause harm. A lady I know who had 4 of them had to have a hysterectomy and about half a dozen women I know continued to have menstruation issues after the jabs. One lady I knew died 2 weeks after her 3rd, she was healthy 48 year old.

  • With proper negotiation, you can steal a car! Actually, you can steal anything, from anyone!

    • It isn’t ‘stealing’, it is paying with ‘bills of exchange’, totally legal and legit.

      You can trust this guy, he read all about it on IDontGiveAFuck.com, and you can trust that website, it is run by a Scientology guy who charges $160,000 for his assistance in getting out of million-dollar debts.

      It was amusing listening to FarceValue and the Bills of Exchange guy (Greg) disagreeing on whether or not this is really payment, since they were both seemingly on the same side

      Greg seems to have convinced himself that the ‘pay with your own bills’ thing isn’t stealing or fraudulent (or in any way bad behaviour), so when even people who agree with his overall shtick call it ‘stealing’ [or similar], it doesn’t sit well with him, lol.

  • bmseattle

    I would ask Greg, “So, what happens if everyone follows this line of thinking and behavior?”
    If everyone just decides to “pay” for things with “Bills of Exchange”, then who will actually produce and “sell” anything of value?

    If Greg wants to work around or outside of the system, and try to inspire others to do the same, he needs to actually offer something of “value” in exchange for goods/services… not another form of phony currency.
    No one will continue to offer value to him, if all he is reciprocating with are “bills of exchange”.

    • I couldn’t have said it better myself, BMSeattle.

      I’ve got no issue with people sticking it to the government i.e. the people who can (and do) create as much money as they want out of thin air.

      When it comes to private businesses (let alone individuals), it is a different matter.

      In saying that, I appreciate that we live in what could be considered a state-sponsored (and protected) oligopoly, so the lines between government and private enterprise (on the grand scale) are blurred.

      In any event, Greg won’t get far with this ‘Bills of Exchange’ stuff, I just hope he is smart enough to wake up to the ruse before he hands over too much of his hard-earned money to ‘Bill of Exchange’ ‘experts’ on the internet (or, worse, shares his new money scheme with Uncle Epic).

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