Member Videos

Mono Sync

Have you heard the one about the smoking tower painting, inside the monorail?

What did Jake Kotze mean when he said, ‘All is sync or nothing is sync’?

What does any of this have to do with Donald Trump, boats, or muh coronas?

JLBA #115

Mono Sync

Recorded and published:

Parts 1 & 2) 25-Sep-2024
Part 3) 26-Sep-2024
Part 4) 27-Sep-2024


We’re going to focus on an early 1990s episode of The Simpsons.

It will serve as a case study, in our attempt to better understand the fields and frameworks of ‘sync’ and ‘predictive programming’.

What do the people who subscribe to these notions really believe, and why?

How much insight into such matters could a single episode from a decades-old sitcom possibly provide?

Get ready for a wild ride, folks ?


1) Preamble

2) Introduction

3) Marge vs Monorail Overview

4) Episode Key Moments (clips)

5) DVD Commentary (clips)

6) Clearing Some Things Up

7) Concluding Thoughts and Questions

Part 1

Includes the Preamble, Introduction, Marge vs Monorail Overview, and a few of the Episode Key Moments (clips).



Part 2

Covers the rest of the episode key moments (clips).




Part 3

Includes clips from the episode audio commentary.




Part 4

Basically a summary of the key points and some concluding thoughts.




Relevant JLB Material

John le Bon explains predictive programming theory.

Post #151 – Get with the (Predictive) Program (8-Aug-2024)


Post #113 – Syncing Ships (3-Nov-2021)


Bonversations #51 – Tim Ozman [4] (25-Jul-2024)


World’s Fair footage – here.

Trump medley – here.

Conan on Howard Stern show – here.

Trump cameo – here.

Donut giveaway – here.

TruthMeets 911 chat – here.


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JLBA #115. Recorded and published 25-Sep-2024 (Parts 1 and 2), 26-Sep-2024 (Part 3), 27-Sep-2024 (s7-Sep-2024). Members only. Set to public temporarily for RER listeners 19-Oct-2024.

14 thoughts on “Mono Sync

  • An awesome post, well worth the effort.
    Predictive programming, it certainly seems that the only thing planted by an insider was the concept of PP itself lol.

    The last shot of the episode with the magnifying glass, the burning skyscraper and the escalator to nowhere was quite a strange inclusion. The inferences are quite startling, but then what else do you do with your life and time once you have kicked off the mind shackles of normie beliefs and ritual practices?

    The escalator to nowhere itself reminds me of that great song by Led Zeppelin, you know the one and is a stark reminder for myself in regards to religion and on a broader theme for life itself.

    While I strongly accept that subjectivity and the human capacity for pattern finding is largely responsible for most of the meaningful coincidences, I am still after observing all the Corona / 311 syncs you have presented over the last four years in a state of bewilderment at the quantity and strength of said threads.

    Cheers JLB, great work.

    • Thank you for the comment, TNG.

      Predictive programming, it certainly seems that the only thing planted by an insider was the concept of PP itself lol.

      That’s what the evidence points to, as shown in Get with the (Predictive) Program.

      I’m hoping to turn that piece into a digestible, maybe one-hour presentation.

      The written piece was a little too long for the modern times and I think the info is important enough to be worth re-covering for those who missed it the first time.

      The evidence is clear: Alan Watt seeded the ‘predictive programming’ meme, largely via his appearances on Alex Jones’ platform, and then Jeffrey C came along to give it a new bounce at the beginning of the youtube ‘truth movement’ thing.

      That alone should be enough for anybody who bases their opinions on evidence to at least question the whole thing.

      what else do you do with your life and time once you have kicked off the mind shackles of normie beliefs and ritual practices?

      I’ve heard people repeat the phrase, ‘before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

      After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water’.

      I like the idea behind it, as in, life goes on, don’t be too phased by anything you learn about life.

      One issue is that there is objective measure that I’m aware of to determine whether or not one is enlightened, or on the right path to enlightenment.

      Have I figured out enough yet?

      My guess is that there is a lot more to discover about the nature of this reality but why should I?

      Does it really make me happy?

      I’ve heard people say, ‘It isn’t about being happy, it is about knowing the truth’, to which my reply is, cool, what research have YOU done lately? Yeah exactly.

      While I strongly accept that subjectivity and the human capacity for pattern finding is largely responsible for most of the meaningful coincidences, I am still after observing all the Corona / 311 syncs you have presented over the last four years in a state of bewilderment at the quantity and strength of said threads.

      I’m with you, it is absurd how many corona / crown / 311 syncs there are to discover, if one is willing to sit down and watch TV shows and movies and so forth, and take notes and cross reference stuff.

      The question is, of course, are there really more of these connections to be found regarding 311 than any other particular number?

      A large part of of the FDTRH series was focused on the boat motif, for reasons I finally revealed in the final part of the series i.e. my own personal boat syncs.

      Was I finding boats in the 311 stuff because it is significant beyond myself, or because it is significant to myself?

      I don’t think many people are going to spend that amount of time truly paying attention to pop culture like that, they’ve got better things to do, and for most people, entertainment is all about zoning out, not tuning in.

      If they were to spend that kind of time paying close attention to TV shows and movies and so forth, my guess is that they would find a litany of their own personal sync motifs throughout the material.

  • Thedude

    Glad You dug out that episode JLB.

    I last saw that about 25 years ago. The last scene with the escalator burned into my mind back then. From thereon, last quarter century of my life, whenever i think about The Simpsons series, strangely, that moving stairway to nowhere pops into my mind firstly.

    It is now interesting to see that from wider perspective!

    • Thanks for the comment, TD.

      The last scene with the escalator burned into my mind back then.

      It’s funny you say that because I had the same experience, I even distinctly recall discuss that part of the episode with some of my friends from school, and I was very young back then.

      The idea of an escalator to nowhere stuck with me.

      In saying that, I probably watched this episode more than any other, so there were probably a few different scenes which stayed with me long after I stopped watching those old VHS episodes.

      It is now interesting to see that from wider perspective!

      What do you think of the idea that it it serves an allegory for focusing on burning buildings, and going nowhere?

  • Hilly

    Great work, John!
    The way you juxtaposed sync and predictive programming in the first hour was phenomenal. I don’t think you or anyone else has put that into words. So, much appreciated.

    This is a phenomenal episodes of the Simpsons. Which, I have had on DVD since it was available in such a format.
    The seemingly mundane has so much in this.

    What you found on the commentary was awesome as well.

    Really great work, brother.

    • Thank you, Hilly.

      The way you juxtaposed sync and predictive programming in the first hour was phenomenal.

      I appreciate this because I felt like the first part was a little dry and probably not the best introduction to a four part series, I couldn’t blame somebody for tuning out thirty minutes into part 1 and then missing out on the real action at the end of part 1 and from then on.

      This is a phenomenal episodes of the Simpsons. Which, I have had on DVD since it was available in such a format.

      Did you ever get into the habit of watching with the commentary?

      Until watching this episode with commentary, I wasn’t aware how little time the creators actually spend talking about details of the episode as they go.

      However, I think they may have just been star struck by Conan’s appearance, I’m guessing they normally do spend more time analysing the jokes and background to different scenes in other episode commentaries.

      If I ever get back into the habit of watching lots of TV, I’m going to try watching a season of The Simpsons with commentary to see what other golden nuggets might lay within.

      Really great work, brother.

      Truly I appreciate the kind words because you have spent more time than most considering sync.

      For example:

  • dante

    impressive work.

    only listened to each part in full thus far, so will have to watch in the days ahead.

    who knows if there’s any causal relation, but i’ve had some really cool lucid dreams the past few of nights while falling to sleep to the audios. quality rest helps keep the balance now that I’ve got even easier access (and excuses) to drink the distilled demon(s).

    curious after this deep dive into PP, whether you’ve swam in the synch waters of the one where Bart shows the bus ticket with $9 11?

    i’ve never been all in on any model. but am somewhat in alignment with those who think it’s absurd for anyone to think that every line of every tv / film / song / et al…is scripted + / or signed off on by some ‘Predictive Programming Board of Directors.’

    that said… if ‘Harley guy’ was a hired talent, and the towers were built to be blown, and Psandy Whook was pre-orchestrated with ‘psy-actors’… well, then clearly there are some elements of this 3d realm that are actively being manipulated.

    where everything lands in/on the manifold continues to be a mystery.

    **one thing popped into my head with the donut … it reminded me of a dinghy or a cheap way to get people to float atop water.

    • Thank you, Dante.

      only listened to each part in full thus far, so will have to watch in the days ahead.

      I don’t know if anybody watched until the end of part 4, which is a shame because I put what I thought was a pretty cool easter egg in the conclusion of the part 4 video (which won’t translate to the audio, given the nature of that particular easter egg).

      curious after this deep dive into PP, whether you’ve swam in the synch waters of the one where Bart shows the bus ticket with $9 11?

      I’m sure I’ve mentioned the basic syncs from that episode (New York themed, Homer and the WTC, Bart’s 9 11 magazine cover) but no, I’ve never taken the time to look into what the creators themselves said was their inspiration for the episode, nor have I listened to the commentary. I might add that to my ever-growing ‘to do’ list.

      i’ve never been all in on any model. but am somewhat in alignment with those who think it’s absurd for anyone to think that every line of every tv / film / song / et al…is scripted + / or signed off on by some ‘Predictive Programming Board of Directors.’

      Of course it is absurd, which is what makes listening to some of Ozman’s material a frustrating experience, because sometimes it seems like every single connection mentioned in the livechat or by callers is met with a ‘yeah and that connects to this etc etc’ with either an implication or an explicit claim that is yet more evidence of ‘predictive programming’ or ‘its all scripted’.

      Once you snap out of it and try to make sense of what he is saying, you realise that it is deranged if serious, surely just a LARP at times.

      And I get it, he is giving his audience what they want, that’s what a successful entertainer will do.

      I ought to do it more myself, lean in to the innate desire for people to feel like they are in on a big mystery, and solving it in real time, and exposing the bad guys, all by sitting at home and watching TV shows and movies and noticing (often entirely subjective) patterns, what a fantasy.

      that said… if ‘Harley guy’ was a hired talent, and the towers were built to be blown, and Psandy Whook was pre-orchestrated with ‘psy-actors’… well, then clearly there are some elements of this 3d realm that are actively being manipulated.

      Perhaps it is time for some of us to revisit what we think we know about Harley Guy and Handy Sook, and / or to accept that we will never get to speak to the people involved and procure sufficient evidence that our suspicions are accurate.

      As for the Towers being built to be brought down, I need to go back to my Transcending 911 and Wizards of NY series and reinspect my research (published and unpublished) and produce an updated treatise, for my own benefit even if it will likely be too lengthy and detailed for most other folks to bother reading.

      At present my best guess is still that the Towers were indeed designed to be brought down, and this of course means that some people knew in advance, which could lead to some people intentionally planting ‘clues’ in pop culture.

      I’m not saying it can’t or necessarily doesn’t happen.

      My issue is with people thinking any connection between pop culture and real life is somehow ‘evidence’ of ‘predictive programming’, especially when they can’t articulate a consistent explanation as to the motive behind such a plot.

      And if indeed there are legitimate examples of ‘truth in plain sight’, or ‘truth in the movies, lies in the news’, then doesn’t the recent uptick in ‘its all scripted’ (i.e. ‘predictive programming’) only serve to muddy the waters and make a farce of the whole thing?

  • just arrived here via Clowns On Trial (have had rather too much going on lately, so only now ‘catching up’ for myself), and want to state that i find these meta, ‘thinking about thinking’, self-auditing moments to be invaluable. even though the lines being drawn here may be (to some) too fine/subtle to be easily discernible, i find their consideration to be of the variety of contemplation i’m readily drawn into nowadays – i.e., wtf is going on here exactly?

    looking forward to anything further you have to share along these lines. it seems obvious that we should be vigilant about the true nature of the grammar inputs we deploy in ACT discourse, but as always, nobody’s double-checkin’ nothin’ brudda.

  • WinstonSmith

    JLB who do you think will “win” the false dichotomy in 2024?

    I always watch your videos in the video format.

    Btw happy Halloween ?

  • WinstonSmith

    No joke a friend of mine who was legitimately on the fence about getting “the” vaccine in 2020 made his decision based his mom’s promise to buy him a hamburger meal from a popular restaurant here if he got it.

  • WinstonSmith

    A ticker. Ha ha ha. As if anyone anywhere has technology or means capable of clocking in real time when a person dies from corona “virus” .

    That ticker is an effective litmus test to determine the level of normie a person exhibits

    • WinstonSmith

      Also I personally count what you do here at John bon .com as a job, and a very important one at that.

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