YouTube Videos

Why Homeless Cats are Smarter Than Us

The success of the homeless cats and their War on Trugg-Walks provides further evidence that the ‘truth’ scene is in big trouble.

The ‘truth’ isn’t popular and it isn’t spreading, there is no great awakening taking place…

…unless the ‘great awakening’ refers to people learning about the succulent Chinese meals being served up by the dedicated folks at P.F. Chang’s.




Published 10-May-2023.



3 thoughts on “Why Homeless Cats are Smarter Than Us

  • Negentropic

    Here we go again.

    Truth is not a matter of numbers. An infinitesimally tiny percentage of humans, the actual real “scientists” have discovered the vast majority of “important” facts, “important” implying something that could cause an eventual shift in the levers of power if not co-opted by power itself.

    Levers of power – not mob power. It’s the lever you control. Why would anybody but an idiot move a huge rock using 10 people if a lever was discovered for a child to be able to do it?

    A bed or anything heavy that you have on a wooden floor is a about a hundred times easier to move around, just sliding it about, than it would be on a carpeted floor. If you were the the first person who discovered this or something akin to it in ancient times and kept it secret, would it not, at first, give you power? People would think you were superman until they tried it themselves and saw how easy it was.

    It is a lever. All truth, even just all c-lever-ness – gives you mental leverage. All physical leverage follows from the mental.

    Your computer is a tool of massive, gigantic leverage, a double-edged sword, a two-way mirror with mostly one side able to spy upon the other, for power to co-opt and or derail any potentially valuable (power-shift changing) discoveries made by a tiny minority of people.

    There is no physical virus but there surely are mental and psychological ones. It is not the “masses” that matter but the levers that move the masses. Capiche?

    According to whose estimation you look at, it takes no more than 5% of the population of a society to revolutionize or change their thinking (re-volition – regaining volition – a different volitional choice whether for new fairy tales or actual factoids) for its consequent physical revolution (requiring 1% armed and willing to soldier the cause), a major shift in the dynamics of power, to also happen. The tiny minority of “truth-seekers” of one kind or another create the primary leverage which then moves the 5% who then operate the secondary levers that move the rest. As Ezra Pound said: Real education must ultimately be limited to those insist on knowing. The rest is mere sheep-herding.

    Or else why would they even bother with the massive censorship that is in effect now? Why would they, if even before, as you claim, there was no threat to leverage? The reason they would allow less censorship is obvious: so that they can identify those likely to access new levers, the “truthers” or real philosophers, those who are hard to con with confidence games, the real guidance or if not guidance, then at least the bodyguards of the scientists.

    Why would they bother with massive gate-keeping operations like this male-oriented macho-fantasy “ultimate-fighting,” “ultimate hunting trips in nature,” “ultimate BRO-science,” “ultimate comedy brotherhood” (levers of ridicule, very important) related Joe Rogan show and its equally retarded subsidiaries? lol

    Why would they have this character called Elon Musk go on this guy’s show and smoke weed with him?

    Why would they have the equalizing, equality-hoaxing cultural force (more like farce) of the African-American scientific genius Neil of the french grass (huts or weed? lol His name has to be some kind of joke on African Americans) Tyson go and correct Toe Rogan’s incorrect troofer beliefs in the fake moon landings and whatnot?

    Why would they have their head make-them-all-look-crazy gatekeeper Alex Jones be the supposed real-life “buddy” and “bro” of this same Joe Toe Rogan and go on his show, have it become the most popular of all Joe Rogan shows on you tube and then ban the show to give their clown more fake street-cred, eventually leading up to the planned for billion dollar pay-out Sandy Hoax clown show media charade and his fake trial (coming after the fake Jim Fetzer trial appetizer for the more specialized extra-nerdy crevices of the truther realm such as Infinite Plane Goldbug Society who consider him “on the level”)?

    Moral of the story for Mr. Le Bon: Never underestimate nerds.

    Underestimating us nerds – stop it already. Us truther nerds will have our revenge yet.

    Note: these pages are from “The World Order: Our Secret Rulers” by Eustace Mullins (1992 – 2nd Edition), originally called “The World Order: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitsm” (1985, 1st Edition) – I like the original title better. Just replace the word “communism” with “communitarianism” and you’ll see that in just these few pages he predicted most of what is going on today, including the BLM / Antifa mobs and the rest. Plus he gives you the findings of the Ford Foundation reports on the 5% and the 1% – not the “mob” that needs to be controlled.

    The big problem with this book is that Mullins gives no detailed references for his research, automatically making it “non-academic,” so it’s easy for its opponents to scream “conspiretard” and whatnot. Yet, like the Protocols of Zion “forgery” you can see, that the events it predicts, in full media theater or theatrical actuality, the fiction of the mind or of the streets, and whatever degrees in between, have been given actualized or at the very least psychologically operational form.

    • Thank you for the detailed comment, Negentropic.

      According to whose estimation you look at, it takes no more than 5% of the population of a society to revolutionize or change their thinking

      This could well be the case however we are nowhere near 5%, in terms of the proportion of people who are genuinely thinking for themselves.

      I’d be pleasantly surprised if even 5% of the folks involved in the broader ACT realm are thinking for themselves.

      If those who frequent the ACT realm can spend years here and still remain oblivious to some of the more esoteric ‘truths’ of our world, what chance do the normies have?

      Or else why would they even bother with the massive censorship that is in effect now? Why would they, if even before, as you claim, there was no threat to leverage?

      I can see your point and obviously I don’t a simple catch-all answer or explanation as to why the people who run the show do everything they do.

      During the presentation I mentioned that my own channel has been deleted a few times, perhaps if my first channel had not been gadooshed, my channel might have 20k subscribers by now, possibly more, who knows?

      Even then, would anything I have to say be of any real threat to the system? Of course not. The vast majority of people will never hear of me or my ideas, and even when they do, most will write it off as the ravings of a madman or a ‘troll’ or whatever. Who can blame them? They have been reared in what Lesta Nediam referred to as the ‘Lie System’ and they are the products of their environment. Very few people will ever be able and willing to deprogram. We have known this for some time now.

      Moral of the story for Mr. Le Bon: Never underestimate nerds. Underestimating us nerds – stop it already. Us truther nerds will have our revenge yet.

      What will this ‘revenge’ look like, in your opinion? What do you foresee happening?

  • A few things that came to mind…

    “The stats don’t lie…” I think they could lie and do, in fact, lie. I think by now, we all understand the “stats” lol

    As you said, youtube doesn’t promote “the truth”. And nobody should expect it to promote the truth at this point. Why would it promote the truth in its statistical data either? Same with reddit.

    I find a lot of truthers wasting a lot of time complaining about youtube algorithms, shadowbanning, etc. And yet nobody knows how their algorithms or shadowbanning actually works. Or any other behind-the-scenes youtube ongoings for that matter. Of course they don’t want the truth to spread, so of course they’re shadowbanning and deleting the truth channels,etc.

    And lastly, to say that specific content creator is smarter than you isn’t very fair to you. People do a lot of aweful things for an aweful lot of money. Doesn’t mean they’re smarter. Maybe lazier, with more success in their laziness. “The truth” and “being a good person” is worth much more imo. So, thanks for all your hard work, even if it isn’t paying off monetarily.

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