The NPC Theory and ‘Crisis Actors’ (Response Video)
JLB responds to a fellow Aussie youtuber on the topics of ‘NPCs’ and ‘crisis actors’.
JLB 20137 – The NPC Theory and ‘Crisis Actors’ (Response Video) (8-sep-2020)
Link 1 | Sia’s channel — let her know JLB sent you 🙂
Link 2 | JLB Member podcast about NPCs now available for free for limited time:
Vimeo upload 25-Oct-2023 due to request.
this video and sia’s are PRIVATE …
No change yet?
Updated now, sorry for the delay.
Tx worth asking you to re-post
“Adults are a hoax” !! Great summation: What level is that in your HH?
sum·ma·tion : noun:
the process of adding things together:
“the summation of numbers of small pieces of evidence”
My journey has been thus … so connects with social education : ‘Entrainment ‘