Silver Linings
Originally I recorded this to upload to youtube.
Then I realised it might potentially get me in some hot water with muh factcheckers.
So instead I’m uploading it here.
Bored of Muh Coronas?
Then get your hands on some elite-tier conspiratainment.
Lots of different topics from philosophy to megahoaxes to synchro-mysticism.
Also some book and film reviews and analysis.
And also one or two Black Pills if that’s what you’re looking for…
There’s hours of podcasts and videos, and a short book’s worth of written articles.
All waiting for you right now.
Previously only available to Members of johnlebon dot com
Click the image above, or CLICK HERE to see the material.
Links from the video
NSW covid disaster payment info – here (video here).
‘Coronavirus is common cold’ video – here.
Factcheckers – here.