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Jay Dyer Bans JLB For Nuke Skepticism

Jay Dyer broadcast a live google hangout to discuss ‘end times’ prophecy and its use in social engineering. JLB decided to ask the live chat about the possibility that we are lied to about nukes. Jay responded by banning JLB from the chat. Why is Jay avoiding the Nuclear Question?


JLB1814 – Jay Dyer Bans JLB For Nuke Skepticism (11-Feb-2018)

Presentation about nuke hoax: here.
Jay’s hangout: here.


10 thoughts on “Jay Dyer Bans JLB For Nuke Skepticism

    • Interesting, thanks for the link.

      One day I will get around to going through enough of a sample size of Mathis’ material to come to firm conclusions about the general quality/usefulness of his work.

      The only Mathis’ paper I have studied in-depth is the one on the Cavendish experiment. The tl;dr is that Mathis did a fantastic job finding and then scrutinising the various ‘repetitions’ of the heavy-balls-in-shed experiment, but somehow he came to the conclusion that it is ultimately possible to determine the mass of the earth (and therefore the mass of every other ‘planet’ in the solar system) with heavy balls in a shed. Bizarre stuff.

      Mathis is — clearly — very intelligent. This particular paper in Jan Irvin could have been structured much, much better than it was. How hard is it to implement some sub-headings? And I take it that Mathis still believes in ‘ancient history’:

      “Historically, Gnosticism as it is now known arose from Alexandrian Jews in the second century, among whom was Valentinus. It arose after the fall of Jerusalem, which disappointed those who were awaiting the coming of God’s kingdom.”

      Can anybody link me to any Mathis papers in which he debunks or otherwise scrutinises the fundamental notion of reliable history? Or does Mathis appear to take ‘history’ for granted as a general foundation of his work?

      I notice that Mathis mentions how he ‘dated hundreds of girls’ while living in Austin. He is a handsome guy, so it seems plausible to me. Is this a common thread in his work? Something about it strikes me as odd. This may be entirely due to my own biases: in my experience, the more a man talks about his sexual conquests, and the higher the number of women he claims to have been with, the more likely he is engaged in fabrication. This is a purely anecdotal observation, and not intended to be interpreted as a commentary on Mathis specifically.

      • i think considering at least a couple points from Mathis’ own papers (one from this most recent full paper and one from an earlier one) could help answer your questions regarding his general approach toward “history”:

        1) “My job, as I see it, is to hit the biggest topics of recent history, and I am making pretty fair progress in that.” (p. 4 of Mathis’ paper on Jan Irvin, cited above^)

        2) “We have seen in previous papers that most of history is a fraud, made up or rewritten by the ruling families for their own purposes. In most cases I have been able to show that rather than being a total fiction, it is a palimpsest: an overwrite of the real history, with small or large parts of the actual story existing beneath the current version. For this reason, with some amount of work we can recreate the real history by paring away the later lies and accretions. To a good eye, the truth can be seen through the layers of deception. Think of the Princess and the Pea. Just as she could feel the pea through any number of mattresses, I can spot the truth through any number of lies.

        Admittedly, the further back in time we go the more difficult this is. There are fewer clues and therefore less truth to latch onto. However, because the overall form of the deception has remained pretty much the same over the centuries, we can use our knowledge of newer deceptions to decode older ones. The puzzle pieces are fewer, that is, but they fit together in the same general way. The same people are telling the same basic lies, so an investigator can build the same case with fewer and fewer clues. ” (p. 1,

        fwiw, my own assessment – as one familiar with Mathis’ work, but not intending to endorse it – is that he would be pretty comfortable with the Daddy level of the Hoax Hierarchy. but who knows?

        i should also state that i have not read much at all from the “science” side of his output. as for your final paragraph, i can say that Mathis often makes mention of items he observes to be part of an agenda/op to drive men and women apart.

  • Negentropic

    Jay is buddy-buddies with Chris Kendall and John Adams, both no-nukers, though not flat-earfers. All three want to bring back “the real Christian church” and make it synonymous with the state, they basically want to eliminate the Jeffersonian separation of church and state. Dyer will go on Red Ice and talk a bit more about Jews than Kendall and Adams but that’s about it. That’s why you see them attack the founding fathers of the USA as powdered-wig-wearing “phony” freemasons. So the only reason JD would ban you is probably because John Adams, who was on that call with him, told him to, since, as he already said on Fakeologist when he was on with K-ham last month: you were being a “dick” to him in the chat by calling him boring and whatnot.

    • Yes, I did publicly criticise John Adams for being boring, that is true. If your assertion is accurate, and that is why Jay banned me from his chat, then I guess that is fair enough.

      Even if I do personally find John Adams boring to listen to, there was no need for me to state so publicly on the Fakeologist discord server.

      And I was probably being harsh: I normally listen to Fakeologist audiochats on 1.5x speed, but on that particular day I was listening live (i.e. 1.0x), so of course that is going to make the conversation seem more boring, because they are only covering 2/3 as many ideas and concepts as I had become accustomed to (from the perspective of me, the listener).

      Seriously, there is no podcast I listen to on less than 1.2x these days, and it is usually 1.5x. Moreover I have been listening to less of everything for the past week or so and don’t really feel like I am missing out on much. The Member Skype calls here are so far above and beyond everything else that it has gotten out of hand.

    • watermanchris

      Hi Negentropic,

      Can you point me to a source on where Chris Kendall or John Adams say they “want to bring back ‘the real Christian Church’ and make it synonymous with the state” and “basically want to eliminate the Jeffersonian separation of church and state”? I have never heard either one of them say anything like this but I haven’t listened to their whole catalog. As far as their more recent musings, John Adams regularly says that he is not religious and Chris Kendall often speaks of a “primitive” tribal society has his ideal. On the other hand, Jay Dyer regularly spouts religious nonsense and actually says that the state should have the same role for society that a father does for his family and that its morality should be based in scripture. I say nonsense because once your eyes are open to the history hoax, and the silly story about how the Codex Sinaeticus was “discovered”, it cannot be seen as anything but.

      When Chris Kendall and John Adams talk about “powdered wig men” they are mocking the idea that the “founding fathers” had the power to write shit down and bind the inhabitants of this geographical area to it in perpetuity. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it. These “powdered wigs” are props, just like Osama’s beard and Hitler’s mustache used to sell the story.

      Do you believe that the “founding fathers of the USA” were real historical figures who had the power to bind humanity to their scribbling? If so, what’s your evidence? I surely do not share those sentiments. Even if they were real people (and that is a big IF), agreements between them should have no bearing on me. Chris Kendall regularly expresses similar sentiments.

      • Negentropic

        Your post is absurd and I do not agree to any part of it. I reject all of it and I have no obligation whatsoever to explain myself to a brain-cleansed “everything is fake” believer. But since I’m a nice guy, I’ll spray a little more graffiti on this already vandalized wall and you can do with it whatever you please.

        Believe what you want to be-leaf. Whatever makes you happy and keeps paranoia in check: Jew-sus, Muhammad, Buddah, Yahweh, L. Ron Hubbard, or “Everything is Fake, Everyone is an Actor.” No difference really. They’re all ways of coping out half-assed out of everything you do. It’s good that you now have a new religion. Don’t worry, be happy! Ignore suffering and pain because those people all did not take “responsibility” and deserve it. Isn’t that the consensus position here now? And above all: make sure you never bite the hands of your Jew masters who cry “we’ve been so victimized” as they’re beating you with a stick.

        I have more important things to do than personally de-condition you and thousands of others like you from your “new religion” and the myriad of completely nonsensical traps you’ve fallen into voluntarily because it makes you “feel good,” but have the exact same “everything is fake, all of history is fake, all influential people of any kind are actors” rationalizations for, which you mistake for “reasoning.”

        Real reasoning is a lot more complicated than silly black and white dismissals of “good” one way and “bad” the other. And you can make fun of Hitler’s mustache and Jefferson’s powdered-wig all you want. It only gives your game away (appeal to ridicule) and convinces no one half-way intelligent of your position.

        After all, Jefferson might still have a good reputation among the regular public but Hitler is the single most demonized human being in all of history. No one else even comes close! Haven’t you ever asked why? And you joining the rest of the establishment and Alex Jones in STILL dumping on this guy, after a 70 year non-stop barrage of the entire Jew-owned-&-nothing-but-Jew-owned mass-media dumping on him, doesn’t speak very well for your character. But I’m glad that with just one post you have saved me so much potential wasted time in trying to “convince” you of anything. So, by all means believe that human conflicts that erupt into murder and mayhem have never “existed.” It’s better than any comedy routine. Otherwise why would I even visit this site at all? It wouldn’t be my money’s worth. lol

        Chris Kendall is 100% a Christian. He does not push Christianity because he knows that he cannot defend that ridiculous limited-hangout Jew fable in the same way that he does, very well, I might add, his position on the “how” of many conspiracies, but never the “who.” He always implies that the “who” are “off chessboard entities” and/or “freemasons,” implying, of course, white European people, conveniently ignoring the fact that freemasonry is basically nothing more than Judaism for Gentiles. Eric Dubay had a good video on this which is now probably deleted off Jew-tube by Jews and nobody else but Jews. Here are some images I screen-captured from the video some six months ago, but I have no illusions whatsoever that you’re honestly seeking to know the truth about anything:

        John Adams is a Christian with two Jew uncles. What that means I don’t know. He told me that he has two Jew uncles. Does it mean he’s half or a quarter genetic Jew himself? Who knows? He has never explained and if he has, it wasn’t on the hundreds of calls I’ve listened to. Adams has some good analysis and his impressions are funny but all I have to do is know that he has claimed more than once that “It is ridiculous to say Jews had anything to do with 9/11” just like Marcus Allen (real name Goldstein, the guy that used to do quite a few shows with Kendall prior to Adams becoming his main sidekick) which is all I need to know about his “reasoning abilities,” they stop completely and non-sequitur when it comes to protecting his uncles from potentially getting kicked out of the USA just for being part of the tribe.”

        Tim Kelly of the “Our Interesting Times” podcast is a Catholic who does believe in church-&-state reunion. John Adams and Jay Dyer and Chris Kendall and Joe Atwill and Jon Haskins, all more-or-less Christian guys who actually go to church every Sunday (or have had periods in their adult lives where they went to church every Sunday), go on his show. Why? Because they have that Jesus-book in common in different forms. Tim Kelly is by far the most honest of the bunch. Dyer is supposedly “Eastern Orthodox” but at least he goes on Red Ice and advocates for European Nationalism. All of them think that if the Church and State were reunited, the “elites” would get taught their manners again and things would be much, much better all around, women would be prevented from divorcing their husbands, communities would flourish again instead of atomized individual neurotics, etc.

        Adios to absurdity for now. I can’t laugh anymore. I had enough. My sides are starting to hurt. You have a nice and very “fake and acted” day now.

        • Negentropic

          Images from Dubay’s Globalism = Freemsonary = Judaism video (this stuff was already researched 18 years ago by many other people, so it’s not like people have to rely on Dubay’s take on what he found, or even if they just don’t want to be associated with “flat earf” theory, but this was the fastest way for me to put the main headings and trail-directions out there for anyone who wants to research further and maybe even go into more absurd and hilariously transparent shillery like “bbbbbut the jews are being set-up by Jew-owned-Hollywood films like Medusa Touch” rationalizations like that Faye/Misom woman at Fakeologist.)

          The last two are not from Dubay’s video but relate.

          Now repeat after me ten times:

          “Everything is fake, everyone is an actor”

          And, whaddayaknow! Magic! You can now completely deny the evidence as having been “forged” to “set-people-up” by your own version of David Icke’s reptilian shape-shifters: “Off Chessboard Entities,” which neither you nor anyone else on this site or anywhere else similar-in-direct-shillery-or-useful-delusion can name, but who faked the entire world from scratch out of their own imaginations. lol

          I mean, how absurd is it to believe something like that and call it “the truth”? But this is the dead-end you have all been led to and which you can never admit to yourselves.

        • watermanchris

          Your post is absurd and I do not agree to any part of it. I reject all of it and I have no obligation whatsoever to explain myself to a brain-cleansed “everything is fake” believer. But since I’m a nice guy, I’ll spray a little more graffiti on this already vandalized wall and you can do with it whatever you please.

          What exactly is absurd about my post? You made a statement about John Adams’ and Chris Kendall’s religious/political beliefs and I just asked for some evidence. I wasn’t attacking you, just asking you to clarify as I had never heard those views. You accuse me of appeal to ridicule but this is exactly what you are doing.

          Believe what you want to be-leaf. Whatever makes you happy and keeps paranoia in check: Jew-sus, Muhammad, Buddah, Yahweh, L. Ron Hubbard, or “Everything is Fake, Everyone is an Actor.” No difference really. They’re all ways of coping out half-assed out of everything you do. It’s good that you now have a new religion. Don’t worry, be happy! Ignore suffering and pain because those people all did not take “responsibility” and deserve it. Isn’t that the consensus position here now? And above all: make sure you never bite the hands of your Jew masters who cry “we’ve been so victimized” as they’re beating you with a stick.

          Where have I ever said that everything is fake and everyone is an actor? This is called a strawman.

          I don’t have Jew masters. I own a small business and while some of my customers are Jews (South Florida is full of Jews), every Jew I have ever done work for has paid me exactly what we agreed upon. I have been screwed over by more Christians in my day to day business dealings than Jews. I don’t think that blaming people I have never met for the problems I see with the world is healthy.

          I have more important things to do than personally de-condition you and thousands of others like you from your “new religion” and the myriad of completely nonsensical traps you’ve fallen into voluntarily because it makes you “feel good,” but have the exact same “everything is fake, all of history is fake, all influential people of any kind are actors” rationalizations for, which you mistake for “reasoning.”

          reasoning is a lot more complicated than silly black and white dismissals of “good” one way and “bad” the other. And you can make fun of Hitler’s mustache and Jefferson’s powdered-wig all you want. It only gives your game away (appeal to ridicule) and convinces no one half-way intelligent of your position.

          I am not appealing to ridicule. I am stating my belief that there seems to be a fairly obvious pattern that all of these characters sold to us by school happen to have these “unique characteristics” which in theater are called props. Does this make them fake? No, but I haven’t been provided any compelling evidence that they were “real” and screenshots of Eric Dubay’s video are not compelling evidence to me.

          Tim Kelly of the “Our Interesting Times” podcast is a Catholic who does believe in church-&-state reunion. John Adams and Jay Dyer and Chris Kendall and Joe Atwill and Jon Haskins, all more-or-less Christian guys who actually go to church every Sunday (or have had periods in their adult lives where they went to church every Sunday), go on his show. Why? Because they have that Jesus-book in common in different forms. Tim Kelly is by far the most honest of the bunch. Dyer is supposedly “Eastern Orthodox” but at least he goes on Red Ice and advocates for European Nationalism. All of them think that if the Church and State were reunited, the “elites” would get taught their manners again and things would be much, much better all around, women would be prevented from divorcing their husbands, communities would flourish again instead of atomized individual neurotics, etc.

          I don’t know who Jon Haskins is but doesn’t Joe Atwill say that Jesus was invented by the Romans to convince the Jews to be peaceful? I don’t believe that he could be called a Christian as I can’t imagine a church allowing one of the congregation to publish a book called “Caesar’s Messiah, The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus”. I have listened to Tim Kelly and Jay Dyer and have heard them say things to the effect of what you’ve posted but my original question was about John Adams and Chris Kendall. Can you point me to where they claim to be Christians and want to unite church and state? I am highly skeptical that the church and the state was ever united. It seems to be another story used to convince people that they are much smarter now than they were in the past.

          I think you should not take honest questions as personal attacks and lash out at me for asking the questions. It’s not very productive.

  • Well this is an interesting read… I think I will come back to this one, myself !

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