I never done good things. I never done bad things. I never did anything out of the blue…
JLB1848 – Are YOU in teh ILLUMINATI? (5-Jul-2018)
See free video ‘9/11 and the Apocalypse’:
Read the Illuminati Card Game Analysis:
Too late for what? A way too long 75 year average lifespan for us two-legged infant serfs-disguised-as-would-be-kings who barely even know how to walk properly without tangling up energy flow in knots and causing pain to ourselves and yet we think we know what the stage directions of the trauma and drama of the big lie-off is all about? How not to worry and warry and overreact but respond appropriately, confidently and pretty much fearlessly in all ‘survival’ situations that might require some form of self-de-fence (taking the physical fences down to show where the invisible fences that cannot be violated take their place in the healthy human being automatically, the physical boundary lines being analogues of what has already been mapped and determined in the psyche)? Maybe even elevating de-fencing to a martial ‘art’ by dancing and laughing during the ritual, hence staying fully relaxed and calm and balanced with full access to all 10 gears of one’s reflexes (51 gears and climbing if you eat cannabis every day instead of handicap yourself with alcoholic pisswater, lol).
There are usually only things the “illuminated” (probably no more than an older term for “red pilled” or “black pilled”) can do once they become aware, through witnessing the levels of their creativity in all areas of their life improve very substantially and continue virtuously circling upwards, of having Übermensched themselves beyond the level of understanding of their fellow hue-mans who may not ever be able to communicate with them any more than aliens from another hoaxed galaxy (lol), choosing to teach and lead the untermensch by example while delivering a swift kick in the ass to those who only understand force and farce, or rather than go through the trouble of training broken people to become ubermensh. Note from (((wikipedia))): The German prefix über can have connotations of superiority, transcendence, excessiveness, or intensity, depending on the words to which it is attached.[3] Mensch refers to a member of the human species, rather than to a male specifically. The adjective übermenschlich means super-human, in the sense of beyond human strength or out of proportion to humanity.[4]
Let’s turn to where “power” is supposedly derived from in the SWUHO (Shekel-Shackled World Usurocracy & Homo Order), these Disneyland “ride” tickets called money (mono-eye or the all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid on every U.S. Bill, I don’t know what it is in other central-banked currencies, but they should be some similar ooga-booga cartoon.
“Money” in its proper sense is nothing but a symbol of energy. However, in its improper or perverted sense, it is deliberately separated from the realm of spiritual energy, the foundation without the proper laying and handling of which all “physical energy” sooner-or-later falters even in its most ambitious goals and leads to weak or crumbling structures. When people who actually have a decent-paying job within the made-tricks (soul-sucking head-chop in indecent cases) spend many tens or even hundreds of hours of their supposedly valuable time at a website and then shrink from merely electronically or physically transferring the symbols of this same energy instead so that the website owner can get himself a sandwich or two and feed his family, it merely shows that they are not serious and are only here for entertainment and the stroking their egos with an ‘edgy’ non-official and mostly anonymous social club membership. The truly cultured person knows how to magnanimously barter righteously spent energy for the similarly channeled energy of others, regardless of the ‘job’ to be done, as long as it is righteous and heeds the proper rituals accessed from within oneself, from the inner guide inside all of us which most of us have been taught to ignore.
The main fallacy that even most conspiracy-wise ‘truthers’ have been brainwashed with and seem to have a lot of trouble getting around is this ridiculous stone-age notion that ‘numbers’ and non-thinking (non-thinging-through-thinking, non-creative) conformity to ‘the real ways of ancestors’ represents ‘power,’, i.e., that genetics can trump unrenewed and degenerated culture only if there is more of it around than other cellular life-blueprints. No it cannot. It can offer resistance for a while only IF it has access to the creative fruits or k-now-ledge of the delicately weighed psychological balances achieved by fallible human beings in the past, the temperances-without-compromise attained within those older cultures that strengthened them.
It’s the chicken and the egg as to which came first but the genetic predispositions of an extended family or group of people that identify them as kindred or having more in common than others outside that line of extension with other types of enculturation and predispositions, for better or worse, are not stamped for all time but only for a certain period of time, and most probably not even as long as previously assumed if the more recent science of epigenetics is any indication.
The period of time that it takes for a culture to degenerate back into savagery depends on the amount of previous correct enculturation applied by past re-generating generations. These regenerations may have been strength at one time, but when the giant became satisfied and rested on his laurels and eventually started sleeping too much and becoming fat, the parasites gained entrance into the land of his psyche again in order to slyly pervert and con it out of its spiritual weapons first, through bait-&-hook, limited-hangout re-leach-ions like jew-on-a-stick or mu-ham-mad (lol, mad for ham? Another Abra-ham-ic bacon-stuffing cohen-cidence?) worship (war-ship, war-sheep, far-sheep, fear-shaped worriers make the dumbest and ‘best’ warriors) for example, preluding to the soon-to-come conning away of its out-formed physical commodities and weapons as well.
It’s nature’s way of making them vigilant and creative again through pain, suffering, humiliation and disgrace, the kick in the ass the extended family needs to get its shit together again. In that sense, and in that sense only, parasites are necessary and will always be around to force (and lay the ground-rules of the farce) re-generation of the degenerated and uncreative. If the fat giant becomes lean again and starts creatively kicking ass, nature then turns the tables on the parasites and forces (farces the bad karma of the dialectics of their own clown show back on themselves) them to either sharpen their con-games and wits some more or disappear until mutant new parasite strains re-introduce themselves in the human gene pool.
Parasitic control over mediums of in-form-ation deliberately pre-vents the rite-uals (without the properly tempered rite-ual, no course is ever ‘right’ or air-conditioned for non-suffocating travel) and principles of their ancestral cultural regeneration from doing their job by occulting or hiding them in limited ‘cults’ and then ringing the w-rung Pavlovian bells of the strictly limited dialectics of their see-will-lie-eye-say-shuns for these same people to salivate at empty plates or plates with very little nutrition on it, all sizzle no steak (you have a civilization when you have the freedom of choice to actually see your will in action and the freedom of speech to discuss, dialect, develop and synthesize new movements of mind and matter, thus creating new choices that weren’t even there before, options and perspectives to see farther from higher ground on the shoulders of giants and see lower for critters on the shoulders of dwarves and mental midgets). This is the subjective act of creative thinking and consequent so-called objective ‘thing-ing which follows the logical mental blueprint or map. When done well and successfully, meaning if c-lever-ly done through finding the angles of conceptual leverage first, the logically solved mental puzzles then produce their leveraged and energy-saving analogues through forming and shaping the outside physical world to human needs. At that point, not only do we face reality but we make reality face us by obeying its simultaneously super-strict and endlessly generous rules (proper me-assure-ments).
Note: the Hegelian dialectic being thesis, antithesis, synthesis, i.e., the basic law of all movement since Socrates through testing its contradictory opposites and creating a new and tempered-without compromise (twc), win-win dialectic between previously win-lose opposites by including both opposites in the streamlined synthesis, can easily be given the false borders and boundaries of only traumatic or dramatic ‘linear’ or non-dancing, tense, past-present-&-future tensing (and fencing), movement—the dramatic form itself being the oldest cliché in the history of the arts for the very good reason that it plays into the hands of power through the emotion of fear, fear of conflict and confrontation, fear of failing to be the equal of situations as they arise and meeting them in a cool and collected fashion, fear of not being able to operate your brain or body the way they were meant to be operated: like the greatest, most sophisticated, most endlessly subtle and sensitive machine in the world, a work of art to begin and end all other works of art and which contains them all in one form or another and extends them upon discovery to the outside realm, but which so many people abuse and treat worse than their second-hand cars.
The long-outdated dramatic form provides the stage directions of entire societies under its traumatic spell, directions for a strictly limited and predictable series of movements and variations, the outcomes of which are always obvious to those aware of the psychological operations, the PsyOps, maintaining these dialectics in a degenerated and hackneyed state, benefiting certain groups and harming others, these other groups coining the terms ab-irato (man in anger) and ab-use (used in anger) to identify these specific pains-in-their-collective-asses and hopefully prevent their re-application in the future.
Ab irato
AB IRATO, civil law. A Latin phrase, which signifies by a man in anger. It is applied to bequests or gifts, which a man makes adverse to the interest of his heir, in consequence of anger or hatred against him. Thus a devise made under these circumstances is called a testament ab irato. And the suit which the heirs institute to annul this will is called an action ab irato. Merlin, Repert. mots Ab irato.
A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856
Drama arises out of its twin phonetic brother trauma and and vice versa, both long outdated conceptions of life and conflict-resolution engaged in ‘creatively’ destroying cultures and keeping them backwards, de-story-ing them as one of my biggest influences Dennis Fetcho of the Illuminatus Observor (sic)
would say, since they provide ready-made, as-if-this-was-all-there-is-to-life, viciously circled downward psychological paths carved by the sharp blade of fear-based mind-control. As in all things from the ‘past’ that have been deliberately occulted or hidden in order to confuse and keep us in a state of philosophical and foundational imbalance, the historic or ancestral ‘baby’ is worth re-discovering only if the inherent weaknesses that drowned it before can now be avoided by newer and more creative technologies of thought and emotion-control.
The reality is that, illuminated by illness or not, power and strength come from invention (vented from the inside, where the wisdom of your cells and nervous system guide you if you can only remove the Pink-Floydian walls of the linguistic and dialectical prisons erected to prevent you from listening to them; cannabis and other psychedelics are popular with both hedonistic idiots and thinking people alike because they let you peer beyond these inner barriers and enjoy the inner-joy of new and improved filters of experience as they could be and should be instead of the injury of your inner-jury from the clogged filters of before), invented logical techniques (techno-logy) and those only come from the process of creativity, which, although necessarily engaged in smaller degrees by all non-retarded human beings who might even do as little as just illiterately learn a spoken language through an essentially artistic and metaphorical process and hence develop the ability to intuitively appreciate the value of that process in its far more complex and elegant forms of scientific or artistic de-sign, usually otherwise tend to be strictly the realm of the smartest and highest-IQ-ed creative minorities within each society.
Note: to de-sign means de-signifying previous signs or maps of physical and spritual navigation with new and improved ones, sign-ing the roadmaps of the new significances captured through survival instinct if nothing else, by examining the t-root-s hidden underground of the branches and leaves-of-be-leaf they can see all around them, the foundations of the in-struct-ion manuals of the structured erections, if not necessarily the ultimately limitless ejaculations, of the human act of creation outside its armour of flesh and bones. Hiroshima Mon Ar-mour.
The guy who made this famous non-linear French New-Wave film, which I recommend all intelligent people to see at least once, as it’s one of the greatest cinematic works ever, unfortunately not only pushed and fear-mongered the Nuke Hoax on the intelligentsia of world cinema enthusiasts, but also a ridiculous 9 million figure in a much shorter holohoax “documentary” he made previously called “Night & Fog.” Robert Faurisson mentions the holohoax nonsense of “Night & Fog” being shown to all school kids in France to brainwash them at an early age to feel sorry for their usuring oppressors crying as they beat their slave victims with a stick.
We, as ‘truthers’ or roto-rooters of the t-root that gets you true and thru, are either creative minorities ourselves or, at the very least, have developed enough natural anti-con-artist-&-parasite bug-spray to be the psychological bodyguards of these creative minorities, from whose minds all true power stems technologically, but who, more often than not, are not con-artist-proof enough to be able to operate un-raped and un-molested by the ruthless and t-root-less bastard sons of usury.
“You call yourself a philosopher, a reformer. Fine. But the key to your work is advertising. You’re promoting a product. The new and improved accelerated brain. You must use the most current tactics for arousing consumer interest. Associate LSD with all the good things that the brain can produce—beauty, fun, philosophic wonder, religious revelation, increased intelligence, mystical romance. Word of mouth from satisified consumers will help, but get your rock and roll friends to write jingles about the brain: (breaking into song) ‘Lysergic acid hits the spot / Forty billion neurons, that’s a lot.’ Wave reassuringly. Radiate courage. Never complain or appear angry. It’s ok if you come off as flamboyant and eccentric. You’re a professor, after all. But a confident attitude is the best advertisement. You must be known for your smile.” ~ Marshall McLuhan’s advice to Timothy Leary on the best ways to promote LSD, (1966)
There are usually only things the “illuminated” (probably no more than an older term for “red pilled” or “black pilled”) can do once they become aware, through witnessing the levels of their creativity in all areas of their life improve very substantially and continue virtuously circling upwards…
This is a very good and pertinent point. Why is ‘illuminated’ such a taboo word/concept in the ACT realm, when most people in this scene feel more than comfortable with terms like ‘red/black pilled’? What is the difference?
Some humans have begun to ‘lift the veil’, they have taken steps towards improving their own understanding of what is going on in this thing we call reality. Some humans even like share what they have learned with others. Within that group, some have also learned that it is worse than pointless trying to share certain information with the ‘average joe’, because the ‘average joe’ is so enamored by the illusions that he will attack those who encourage him to reconsider his preconceived notions.
In other words, some humans are genuinely interested in, and capable of, assisting themselves and others, in a collaborative/constructive fashion, to improve themselves psychologically/spiritually/etc. The more passionate or driven among them are inevitably going to form small enclaves, online and/or offline, with access by invitation only (or with certain barriers to entry enforced), in order to keep out the riff-raff who will only get in the way of those trying to improve themselves.
We may call these passionate/driven people ‘red pilled’ and their naive brethren ‘blue pilled’. Or we may call the former group ‘illuminated’ and the latter group ‘profane’.
Ultimately these are just terms used to delineate between those with eyes to see (and/or willing to challenge their own beliefs), and those who will remain willfully blind to their own misunderstanding of reality.
And as you rightly point out, as a person becomes ‘red pilled’ or ‘illuminated’, he is likely to become more creative: both in his mind and in his actions. For just one example, compare the thumbnails (cover artwork) for my earlier videos, with the thumbnails for my more recent content. Chalk and cheese. Even something as simple as replacing the Kubrick black monolith with the Gobekli Tepe monolith: were it not for my intellectual engagement with the field known as ‘sync’, the connections between the ‘archaeology’ hoax and the 1968 film in question would not have been apparent to me. The thumbnail is merely a manifestation of a connection which was identified in my mind, an identification which is the result of a mind which has become more alert to the connections which exist between myriad concepts which once seemed entirely unconnected.
What if people like Robert Anton Wilson, for all of their flaws (such as an apparent belief in outer space — lol), are onto something when they suggest that the ‘illuminati’ is not a distinct, discrete group of individuals in an overt organisation, but rather the people on earth at any given point in time who truly and honestly want to enlighten themselves? Who do I have more in common with: the regular, outer-suburban lemming who truly believes Osama did 9/11, or the wealthy member of the ‘elite’ who laughs whenever he sees the planes-going-into-buildings malarkey on the telescreen?
Your paragraph beginning with “money” is terrific. I might even use that as a the basis for a future video. You have sensibly articulated a point which I have been emphasising in my own way for some time: we all have jobs in the system which repays us for our time with tokens. We get to decide where those tokens go next. Regardless of who originally created the tokens, or what we perceive to be the ultimate agenda/plan of those who create the tokens, we as individuals get to decide where the tokens presently under our control go next. We vote with our dollars. And how are most people in the ACT realm voting? Not for independent research and content. Their words are as empty as Twin Towers on the day before 9/11.
The McLuhan quote is relevant to some lines of research I am engaged in at the moment. What is your opinion of Leary, Negentropic? I got sucked into the Irvinesque ‘TEH CIA MIND KONTROLLERS’ perspective a couple of years ago. Not Irvin’s fault. My fault. I ought to have set aside some time to read the words of Leary et al myself, rather than allow the subjective opinions of a third party to influence my own disposition towards these characters. I recently learned that Leary wrote the foreword to Robert Anton Wilson’s Cosmic Trigger. Do you know how Leary describes RAW and those like him? Intelligence Agents. With a capital ‘I’ and a capital ‘A’. Irvin might argue that this is ‘evidence’ that Leary and RAW and their friends all worked for TEH CIA. How utterly juvenile. Seems so obvious to me that Leary was getting at something much more profound — and if my interpretation of Leary’s words is accurate, then I agree with him.
I would even go so far as to suggest that anybody trying to shed light on topics like ‘ancient history’, those trying to lift the veil, especially those utilising [magic] ‘technology’ to do so, are also Agents of the Intelligence, whether or not they have come to realise this. Including myself. And including most people who read these words.
Intelligence or Illuminated?
During the call I had another question for Brandon at first, but I changed it to the one I asked him about sharing with people. The first question I had was about whether or not he believed the moon was a real physical place that someone could hypothetically travel to and walk on.
I think “critical thinking” and the logical fallacies all boil down to proof. But the only reason proof is important is because it helps us choose our beliefs. Beliefs are the real important thing.
Is proof something that must always come from something outside of ourselves?
Dang, one of my comments must not have gone through. I wrote a long comment about the common sarcastic saying “oh, you read that on the internet, it MUST be true!”
It seems to me that certain explicit phrases can have an opposite subliminal message attached, and each time someone reads or hears the explicit phrase the subliminal message attached to it runs through the mind as well. Its as if confidently declaring something as true implies that the opposite is false. Think of the slogan “black lives matter”, whenever I read that phrase my mind intuits “white lives dont matter”. I dont know if anyone else thinks that when they read the blm slogan? Maybe its just me? I always assumed the slogan for blm was cleverly chosen to subtly incite and denigrate non-blacks.
Going back to the phrase “you read that on the internet, it must be true!” The last time I had someone say that to me I got the idea that the phrase was loaded sort of in the same way as the blm slogan. The phrase is supposed to be a joke, a joke where one person is ridiculed for trusting a claim from the internet. In order for that “joke” to work, a person must first buy into the premise(?) or backstory of the joke. The premise is that anybody can put anything on the internet, and so its foolish to trust any claims from the internet. In a way, the joke is blatantly saying “the internet is not trustworthy”. Now maybe its just me, but saying that the internet is ridiculously untrustworthy implies the opposite idea is true, that there exist other medium that ARE trustworthy(books, tv, radio). It subconsciously affirms the idea that claims in books, tv and radio are trustworthy because they are vetted by the crowd. It affirms the idea that claims on the internet are not vetted, whereas in other media an outright lie would be exposed by the public. So the joke says that its ridiculous to base your beliefs on what you read on the internet. That may be so, but people are forced to base their beliefs upon SOMETHING. And so when that joke passes through my mind, its implies that I should base my beliefs not on what I read on the internet, but instead base my beliefs on what I learn from books, tv and radio. But since most people dont read books, the phrase is effictively telling people “dont trust the internet you fool, trust the TV!”.
A better edited and somewhat more condensed version of the stream-of-consciousness that I originally posted in much more bloated fashion. Only the fringe-of-the-fringe will understand what I’m talking about but then only creative minorities really matter (literally: can think and therefore ‘thing’ themselves, can ‘matter’ their thoughts and therefore create and shape new variations of ‘matter’ in the outside wor-L-d, the outside WORD with the letter ‘L’ or c-lever-age, conceptual-leverage added.
Let’s turn to where “power” is supposedly derived from in the SWUHO (Shekel-Shackled World Usurocracy & Homo Order), these Disney-hoax-land “ride” tickets called money (mono-eye or the all-seeing eye on top of the pyramid on every U.S. Bill, I don’t know what it is in the other 155 central-banked currencies, but they should be some similar ooga-booga cartoon).
“Money” in its proper sense is nothing but a symbol of energy. However, in its improper or perverted sense, it is deliberately separated from the realm of spiritual energy, the foundation without the proper laying and handling of which all “physical energy” sooner-or-later falters even in its most ambitious goals and leads to weak or crumbling structures.
When people who actually have a decent-paying job within the made-tricks (soul-sucking head-chop in un-decent cases) spend many tens or even hundreds of hours of their supposedly valuable time at a website and then shrink from merely electronically or physically transferring the symbols of this same energy to the website owner so he can get himself a sandwich or two and feed his family, it merely shows that they are not serious and are only there for entertainment and the stroking of their egos with an ‘edgy and rebelious’ non-official and mostly anonymous social club membership.
The truly cultured person can get his meal anywhere without having to go dumpster-diving for tons of one-day-past-‘fresh’-date unopened and discarded foods in the thousands of supermarkets and restaurants in overconsuming ‘First World’ countries, relatively sane insane asylums because the creed of his fu-ture-d culted hours is energy-saving efficiency in both physical and mental tasks and how they always relate and feed on each other’s c-lever-age. His very presence and way of expression helps and is thereapy to his more troubled brothers and sisters psychologically without ever being direct, preachy, patronizing or heavy handed (charm: getting the answer yes without having to ask a clear question, to paraphrase Camus); he knows how to magnanimously barter righteously spent energy for the similarly channeled or heading-in-that-direction energy of others, how to deal in ideas with his common-sense dancing (a well-developed sense of humor) so as not to humiliate others but inspire them to emulate his methods, so that they can laugh and be that happy also, regardless of the situation and its pressures.
As the journalist Sydney Haris used to say: “The time to releax is when you don’t have time to relax.” That is what the true master can do, without extravagance and without showing off. People can sense the vibe of badass through his humility from a mile away which makes him even more badass, meaning someone they’d rather be jealous of and try to emulate rather than envy and try to cut down so that they don’t feel shown-up as lightweights by comparison. He can relax enough even under a BJJ chokehold to snake his way out it. He saves energy through efficient movements of mind and body at all times, at every waking minute and even with his postures during sleep and dream states, regardless of the job (energy processing ritual) to be done, as long as it is righteous and heeds the proper rites accessed from within oneself, from the inner guide, the leader-of-all-leaders inside all of us which most of us have been taught to ignore.
The main fallacy that even most of the conspiracy-wise-&-jew-wise have been brainwashed with and seem to have a lot of trouble getting around is this ridiculous stone-age notion that ‘numbers’ and non-thinking (non-thinging-through-thinking, non-creative) conformity to ‘the real ways of ancestors’ represents ‘power,’, i.e., that genetics can trump unrenewed and degenerated culture only if there is more of it around than other cellular life-blueprints. No it cannot. It can offer resistance for a while only IF it has access to the creative fruits or k-now-ledge of the delicately weighed psychological balances achieved by fallible human beings (called his ancestors) in the past, the temperances-without-compromise attained within those older cultures that made enough strength to enable them to set their wills free and see them in action, to not be afraid of liberating individuals safely and achieve a see-will-i-zation ‘I’s’ balanced with the group rather than its counterfeit of a haoxed see-will-lies-ation.
It’s the chicken and the egg as to which came first but the genetic predispositions of an extended family or group of people that identify them as kindred or having more in common than others outside that line of extension with other types of enculturation and predisposition, for better or worse, are not stamped for all time but only for a certain period of time, and most probably not even remotely as long ‘evolutionarily’ as previously assumed if the more recent science of epigenetics is any indication.
The period of time it takes for a culture to degenerate back into savagery depends on the amount of previous correct enculturation applied by past re-generating generations. These regenerations may have been massive relative strength at one time, but when the giant became satisfied and rested on his laurels and eventually started sleeping too much and became fat, the parasites gained entrance into the land of his psyche again in order to slyly pervert and con it out of spiritual weapons first, through bait-&-hook, limited-hangout re-leach-ions, for example, like jew-on-a-stick or mu-ham-mad (lol, mad for ham? Another Abra-ham-ic bacon-stuffing cohen-cidence?) worship (war-ship, war-sheep, far-sheep, fear-shaped worriers make the dumbest and ‘best’ warriors), preluding to the soon-to-come conning away of its out-formed physical commodities and weapons as well.
It’s nature’s way of making them vigilant and creative again through pain, suffering, humiliation and disgrace, the kick in the ass the extended family needs to get its shit together again. In that sense, and in that sense only, parasites are necessary and will always be around to force (and lay the ground-rules of the farce to be acted out) re-generation of the degenerated and uncreative. If the fat giant becomes lean again and starts creatively kicking ass, nature then turns the tables on the parasites and forces (farces the bad karma of the dialectics of their own clown show back on themselves) them to either sharpen their con-games and wits some more or disappear until mutant new parasite strains re-introduce themselves in the human gene pool.
Parasitic control over mediums of in-form-ation deliberately pre-vents the rite-uals (without the properly tempered rite-ual, no course is ever ‘right’ or air-conditioned for non-suffocating travel) and principles of their ancestral cultural regeneration from doing their job by occulting or hiding them in limited ‘cults’ and then ringing the w-rung Pavlovian bells of the strictly limited dialectics of their see-will-lie-say-shuns for these same people to salivate at empty plates or plates with very little nutrition on it, all sizzle no steak.
As the word itself tell you phonetically: you have a civilization when you have the freedom of choice to actually see your will in action and the freedom of speech to discuss, dialect, develop and synthesize new movements of mind and matter, thus creating new choices that weren’t even there before, options and perspectives to see farther from higher ground on the shoulders of giants and lower for newer strains of extra-nasty critters on the shoulders of dwarves and mental midgets. This is the subjective act of creative thinking and consequent so-called objective ‘thing-ing’ which follows the logic of that mental blueprint or map.
When a task is done well and successfully, meaning if c-lever-ly done through finding as many angles of conceptual leverage as possible in the cloistered safety of the mind first in order to waste the least energy carrying it through in the outside physical realm of form extenions, it means the logically solved mental puzzles have produced their leveraged analogues through forms and shapes and then used these measures (me-assures) to fit the outside physicality of solids to the many shades and hues of human needs. At that point, not only do we face reality but we make reality face us by obeying its simultaneously super-strict and endlessly generous rules (proper me-assure-ments).
Note: the Hegelian dialectic being thesis, antithesis, synthesis, i.e., the basic law of all movement since Socrates first used it (whether a real historical figure or a fictional one, the ideas his symbol conveyed are certainly not intangible fantasy but get results in the physical realm proving their validity for that time and place and some their validity for many and maybe even all times and places beyond) by testing all propositions through their contradictory opposites and creating a new and tempered-without compromise (twc), win-win dialectic between previously win-lose opposites by including all-the-still-valid ‘babies’ of the opposites in the newer, more streamlined synthesis and discarding their bathwater (which may have been more degrees of ‘baby’ in the previous, more primitive incarnations of the dialectic, as new things are discovered previous babies become bathwater like horses relative to the modern automobile, or candles and gaslights relative to electric bulbs).
Of course, as we all know, Hegelian dialectics can easily be falsified and perverted by authority to serve agendas and create mental and linguistic prisons to entrap entire societies within the symbols and false-road-signs-leading-to-falls in their own population’s heads. Such as, for example, giving the false borders and boundaries of only traumatic or dramatic ‘linear’ or non-dancing life experience processing; solving the puzzle from one point forward rather than from all points possible at once, not trusting your sense organs and nervous system and wasting energy through too much tension, becoming tense and through it stuck in ‘tenses,’ past-present-&-future tensing (and fencing in) movement instead of always residing in the k-now-ledge of the k-NOW.
The dramatic form itself is the oldest cliché in the history of the arts for the very good reason that it puts you in past and future ‘tense’ mode constantly, tense-ioned with worry and fear and thus playing into the hands of power through the emotion of fear, often endlessly manufactured fears that kill the average person’s confidence: fear of conflict and confrontation created through drop-by-drop injected feelings of inferiority and incompetence out of the world-encompassing gigantic needle of enemy propaganda (the elites vs. everybody else too dumb to realize that is going on); the fear of failing to be the equal of situations as they arise and meeting them in a cool and collected fashion, fear of not being able to operate your brain and body, your living and acting ‘self’ the way it was meant to be operated, in at least a three-way split and re-coming-to-gather in harmony and leveraged synergy with each other plus with the outside world’s in-formation coming in through the filters of symetrically balanced ritual and rite, the ‘right’ way of doing things, that ‘G’ added in ‘ri-gh-t-e’ being the favorite letter of the Judeo-Masonic elites, don’t know what the ‘h’ is there for, certainly no reason of linguistic function that’s for sure.
Actually a three way tempered split working towards synergy is just the very beginning. The way to really operate the mind and body is like the greatest, most sophisticated, most endlessly subtle and sensitive machine in the world, a work of art to begin and end and transcend all other works of art and which contains them all in one form or another and extends them upon discovery to the outside realm, but which so many people abuse and treat worse than their second-hand cars.
How many stupid, frigging morons who have vandalized their own masterpiece and spat on god with disgusting and ugly tattoos and barbaric mutilations like that clown “Dankula” go and fix every last little ding and dent in their stupid-ass cars and get angry enough to beat-the-shit-out-of a complete stranger they don’t even know, possibly to commit assault and end up in jail with a felony on their record if someone merely deliberately ‘keys’ and scratches it up? I used to have a ‘friend’ back in my college days who would get mad if you just accidentally or through having too much youthful energy shut his car door closed too hard, not even meaning to! lol What they really should do, these embarrassing low-IQ degenerated bozos who call themselves ‘European’ is beat-the-shit out of themselves for vandalizing their own bodies.
The long-outdated dramatic form provides the stage directions of entire societies under its traumatic spell, directions for a strictly limited and predictable series of movements and variations, the outcomes of which are always obvious to those aware of the psychological operations, the PsyOps, maintaining these dialectics in a degenerated and hackneyed state, benefiting certain groups and harming others, these other groups coining the terms ab-irato (man in anger) and ab-use (used in anger) to identify these specific pains-in-their-collective-asses and hopefully prevent their re-application in the future.
Ab irato
AB IRATO, civil law. A Latin phrase, which signifies by a man in anger. It is applied to bequests or gifts, which a man makes adverse to the interest of his heir, in consequence of anger or hatred against him. Thus a devise made under these circumstances is called a testament ab irato. And the suit which the heirs institute to annul this will is called an action ab irato. Merlin, Repert. mots Ab irato.
A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856
Drama arises out of its twin phonetic brother trauma and and vice versa, both long outdated conceptions of life and conflict-resolution engaged in ‘creatively’ destroying cultures and keeping them backwards, de-story-ing them as Dennis Fetcho of the Illuminatus Observor (sic) would say
since it (the dramatic form) provides ready-made, as-if-this-was-all-there-is-to-life, viciously circled downward psychological paths carved by the sharp blade of fear-based mind-control on the psyches of all androids who dream of electric sheep and fake moon landings. As in all things from the ‘past’ that have been deliberately occulted or hidden in order to confuse and keep us in a state of philosophical and foundational imbalance, the historic or ancestral ‘baby’ is worth re-discovering only if the inherent weaknesses that increased its bathwater and drowned it before can now be avoided by newer and more creative technologies that allow beter thought and emotion-control and hence healthier babies.
The reality is that, illuminated by illness or not, enlightened off your heavy feet like Fred Astaire or not, true power and strength come from invention (vented from the inside, where the wisdom of your cells and nervous system guide you if you can only remove the Pink-Floydian walls of the linguistic and dialectical prisons erected to prevent you from listening to them; Cannabis and other psychedelics are popular with both hedonistic idiots and thinking people alike because they let you peer beyond these inner barriers and enjoy the inner-joys of applying new and improved filters of experience as experience could be and should be instead of the same old thing: experiencing more and more injuries through the disapproval of your inner-jury from the clogged and unreplaced filters used before.
What we’re talking about is in-vented logical techniques (techno-logy), and those only come from the process of creativity, which, although necessarily engaged in smaller degrees by all non-retarded human beings who might even do as little as illiterately learn a spoken language through an essentially artistic and metaphorical process, is really the realm of tiny high-IQ creative minorities, those with the brains and sensitivity to be skillful enough to reach the artistic or scientific level. It is this learning of even one word through an essentially artful process that gives every healthy human being the ability to intuitively appreciate the value of that same path-blazing process of spiritual navigation, that ‘artistic’ process, in its far more complex and elegant forms expressed by scientists and artists. Some might even come to appreciate the Philospher whose task is hardest, since he has to know enough of science and art at all times to be able to build bridges between the two realms. Since these tasks are not easy, philsoaphers and those adept at scientific or artistic de-sign-ing, tend to be strictly tiny minorities relative to their societies, but who create and provide the tools for other aspirants in this direction to maybe one day improve themselves enough to join them.
Note: to de-sign means de-signifying previous signs or maps of physical and spritual navigation with new and improved ones through the methods of science and he-art, sign-ing the roadmaps of the new significances captured, through survival instinct if nothing else, by examining the t-root-s hidden underground of the branches and leaves-of-be-leaf they can see all around them, the foundations of the in-struct-ion manuals of the structured erections, if not necessarily the ultimately limitless ejaculations, of the human act of creation, through forms (meta-phor-m), outside its armour of flesh and bones. It is the armour that creates the ‘amour’ when two people of opposite sex meet and connect and synergize, the word for love in the romance languages. Hiroshima Mon A-r-mour.
The guy who made this famous non-linear French New-Wave film, which I recommend all intelligent people to see at least once, as it’s one of the greatest cinematic works ever, unfortunately not only pushed and fear-mongered the Nuke Weapons Hoax on the intelligentsia of world cinema enthusiasts, but also a ridiculous 9 million figure in a much shorter holohoax “documentary” he made previously called “Night & Fog.” Robert Faurisson mentions the holohoax nonsense of “Night & Fog” being shown to all school kids in France to brainwash them at an early age to feel sorry for their usuring oppressors crying as they beat their slave victims with multi-generationally-long-and-slow-acting but even-more-effective-because-of-it usury stick the slaves are too stressed out and bee-see to see.
We, as ‘truthers’ or roto-rooters of the t-root that gets you true and thru, are either creative minorities ourselves or, at the very least, have developed enough natural anti-con-artist-&-parasite bug-spray to be the psychological bodyguards of these creative minorities, from whose minds all true power stems technologically, but who, more often than not, are not con-artist-proof enough to be able to operate un-raped and un-molested by the ruthless and t-root-less bastard sons of usury.
“You call yourself a philosopher, a reformer. Fine. But the key to your work is advertising. You’re promoting a product. The new and improved accelerated brain. You must use the most current tactics for arousing consumer interest. Associate LSD with all the good things that the brain can produce—beauty, fun, philosophic wonder, religious revelation, increased intelligence, mystical romance. Word of mouth from satisified consumers will help, but get your rock and roll friends to write jingles about the brain: (breaking into song) ‘Lysergic acid hits the spot / Forty billion neurons, that’s a lot.’ Wave reassuringly. Radiate courage. Never complain or appear angry. It’s ok if you come off as flamboyant and eccentric. You’re a professor, after all. But a confident attitude is the best advertisement. You must be known for your smile.” ~ Marshall McLuhan’s advice to Timothy Leary on the best ways to promote LSD, (1966)