11 thoughts on “Are SJWs Afraid of the Bi-Law Man?

  • Stansen

    Policeman fondles the toy sword .. “Uhh .. We gotta pretty low budget … “. Policeman looks down towards the rest of his gear.

    That was hilariously. You found the best words to say. Chapeau for the cohones to pull of that stunt, very nice performance. Are we in for more?

    • That police interaction is pure gold, I have probably watched it a dozen times already. Tom comes up with three or four ad-libbed one-liners, each one funnier than the last. Like I said elsewhere, this is comedic genius. Most people today are not capable of this kind of wit. ‘I’ve already been frisked by Joey’, ‘There is no Joey’, ‘The guy with the gloves… I think he just wanted to (opens vest to show off body)’. Brilliant. You can hear laughter in the background at that point, I’m not sure if that was Tom’s partner (who was filming) or if it was somebody in the crowd who caught on to what was going on. Either way, a real performance.

      At this time of year YouTube viewcounts and podcasts downloads are generally significantly lower (at least in this corner of the internet) than other times of the year, so I’m planning to release another promo or two in a few weeks when people get back to their regular routine. I’m hoping to help boost the exposure of Tom’s work for my own personal benefit: the more positive feedback he gets, the more likely we will see more Bi-Law Man in 2018!

  • I am just wondering if I have a “normie” bias in relation to this sort of stunt that I need to bitch slap, as I was struggling to see how he was creating a useful dialogue with his actions and comments.
    From what I could watch, even people he was interacting with could not make out what his position was.Regards Russell

    • If you check out the full video you will see that Tom does spend some portions of his time ‘breaking character’ and just chatting with the regular people about things like freedom, big government, and right/wrong.

      As for people not being able to understand what Tom was doing, you are quite right. I would suggest this may be the only way to get the typical normie to even consider the ‘other side’. If you present yourself as team blue or team red, as pro-X or anti-X, you can be instantly categorised and dismissed by the binary-thinking normie.

      When you present yourself in such a way that instant heuristic analysis (i.e. automatic classification) cannot be performed by the normie’s brain, suddenly they are forced to actively (consciously) consider what is being presented.

      This is one reason why I remain so pleased with my Ariana Grande viral video. Although I thought what I was presenting was obviously a joke, it seems a significant portion of the audience did not realise this (at least until it was too late to unsee what had been seen). Many viewers left the video still unsure as to whether I was ‘on their side’ or not.

      Of course, there is little if any chance of getting through to the average person, so one could argue that even this non-binary presentation of ideas is ultimately a ‘waste of time’. This is a separate matter.

      If we are going to try to get people to reconsider their existing beliefs, it remains the case that the method employed by Tom in his Bi-Law Man video/series is far more effective than simple binary representation.

      Over the past three years I have consistently bamboozled my would-be attackers and those who would attempt to ambush me by not ‘taking a side’. It is truly amazing how quickly their programming and parroting fails them when they are presented with something beyond the binary. As though they have little if any practice thinking consciously about what they say. The mind of the normie is on autopilot far more than we may realise (or want to accept).

      If somebody like Tom can leave the normies unsure about what his position is, then he has done his job.

  • Negentropic


    What financially “weak” people feel as “oppression” when a stronger person shares wealth with them because it highlights their sense of inadequacy and impotence, mentally weak group-thinkers, in a similar way, feel as “oppression” the attempts of stronger and more independent thinkers, to “share” some of their knowledge with them. The dynamic is similar. Therefore, a well-developed sense of humor is essential, which, paraphrasing William James, is the ability of your common-sense to move at a different speed, the speed of an elegant dance much more sensitive to people’s hidden weaknesses in reactive (rather than responsive) mode looking for a trigger to be “set off,” rather than just a rough-&-tough trek forward in a single stubborn line. The person of wit basically understands instinctually how to dance around those triggers, sees them coming a mile away and navigates around, thus leaving a much more lasting impression on the person on whose behalf these refined energies were spent. It complements them rather than “shows them up as inadequate,” therefore they feel, good, they like you for having been considerate enough to make them feel good and you have a sale.

    Remember the maxim: “People don’t care what you know, they care about how you make them feel” and you won’t go far wrong in social relations of any kind. John got into a bit of trouble recently at the Fakeologist site because he either forgot this maxim or deliberately avoided it to see how many people at that site are still as easily trigerrable as the average normies they criticize, only at a slightly more faux-sophisticated level. He got his answer and it was quite obvious anyway, but, of course, now they’re ready to boot him out of their social club since he didn’t take care to make them “feel good” along the way. How do you win friends and influence people? You don’t tell the truth, that’s how OR you tell the truth the way Emily Dickinson suggested, with wit and humor and “slant”:

    Tell all the truth but tell it slant — (1263)

    By Emily Dickinson

    Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
    Success in Circuit lies
    Too bright for our infirm Delight
    The Truth’s superb surprise
    As Lightning to the Children eased
    With explanation kind
    The Truth must dazzle gradually
    Or every man be blind —


    • “People don’t care what you know, they care about how you make them feel”

      Probably the single most important thing I took from our Perspectives podcasts. 100% true. I think about this very line often. Perhaps I ought to bear it in mind even more often than I do.

      • Negentropic

        That just means activating people’s reason and logic through their pleasure centers rather than their anxiety-&-fear centers.

        For expressions to be at their most effective pitch of communication, they have to find their right framing, timing, environment and all that, their temperance-without-compromise-to-principle, which is anything but at “the middle point” between two extremes but at a point between many dualities present in the “event” happening at once, how hard or soft your approach is, how warm your voice sounds, what emotions are attached to your voice, your attitude, a thousand-&-one things have to find their balance before the temperance of a situation is achieved. Before, as they say, a Genitle-man becomes a gentleman and a lay-thee, a lady.

        How do you know when it is being achieved? The task becomes easier and pleasurable. Your movements of mind and body acquire the elegance of dance and this transfers to the sexual or “erotic” modality to make you more virile. You look forward to doing it more. You do not dread it. You do not dread even driving through rush-hour traffic. You welcome situations that challenge your senses to find their temperance. You are are becoming skillful at it, at all the things that come together to make up the “event” of the “it,” within and interlocking with tons of other smaller events happening automatically, because they have already been streamlined and become habit, every second and minute of your daily life. Mother Nature approves and gives you more pleasure to let you know, whether or not “Father Night” or “the Made-Tricks” tries to trick you out of that good feeling by offering you falsified frames of reference, counterfeited ideas, and all the rest to re-activate those anxiety centers through fear and insecurity and mistrust of yourself and your own abilities, capacities and mind.

        See how it all is very much sophisticated and yet part of the same fabric if you go a bit beyond the walls of linear logic and give your imagination a bit of license to think outside the box as the cliche goes? It’s outside many boxes at once and yet within it. You have to have one toe in worldliness all the time to be rooted and anchored to your points of departure, not forget where you came from, but not allow your old frames to make you “become your struggle.” You have to go beyond your struggle and transcend it to reach a new place where the weapons for avoiding these struggles have found their technology in ideational form and are in the process of finding their plastic forms within power-&-energy-leveraged de-vices within the physical world as well.

        “Be wisely worldy, but not worldly wise.” ~ Francis Quarles

        The most obvious example is using a sense of humor, but it can also be any kind of charm that disarms people’s defenses with imaginative and elegant expression.

        People want to think when thinking gives them pleasure. If they like to dream as much as they do and wish as much as they do, it’s because these acts of imagination always bring them pleasure by removing them from the “drudgeries” of “ordinary life” and seeing life “as it could be and should be rather than what it is.”

        However “as it could be and should be” can be achieved immediately and “in the now,” if people just took that same imaginative approach to their daily “drudgeries” and performed them as elegantly as they could, put fluid motion into even washing dishes? What would happen then? After a while, your whole life would acquire the characteristics of a choreographed dance and little things done become imbued with magical substance.

        These little things done well then synergize with each other in a virtuous spiral, signalling more pleasure and satisfaction every step of the way up, to create a whole “life” done “well,” (when you can go to the well and drink the water of wisdom every day, that double-u “w” although it’s really a double-v, you are doing your “welling” and welling your “doing”) and “well,” just like walking from crawling and every more leverage achievement of human movement among thousands and even means finding the balance point, the leverage point, the temperance-without-compromise within each task, the point that will ride the bicycle on two wheels for you in perfect balance within each act and therefore give you so much more power and energy and speed that was not there before that point was achieved and gave off the secrets of its intangible location as related to the earth and our environment and IN-vironment, what envelopes the inside. because dreaming is romantic and imaginative It’s only natural. That just means that activating a person’s logic and reason through their pleasure centers is the way to go.

        Engaging in reasoning and logic does not have to bypass pleasure to be unobstructed and valid. It just has to find the right temperance of pleasure or satisfaction within “the event” of reasoning that does not upset the waters of the adventurous, fun, process you’re in. You live in the “now,” experience the event, and take pleasure from full awareness of the event and through the medium becoming the message, end up wiser and healthier. Love grows within you and radiates outwards. Others respond from pleasure centers rather than react from fear and anxiety centers. They move elegantly and no longer lash out. Their elegant movement and artfulness in that leads to elegant thinking, clearer and more imaginative thinking. Civilization Phase III, as Frank Zappa would say.

        • Negentropic

          Corrected paragraph with some mistakes and repeated sentences from previous or coming paragraphs removed:

          These little things done well then synergize with each other in a virtuous spiral, signalling more pleasure and satisfaction every step of the way up, to create a whole “life” done “well,” (when you can go to the well and drink the water of wisdom every day, that double-u “w” although it’s really a double-v, you are doing your “welling” and welling your “doing”), just like walking from crawling and every more leverage achievement of human movement among thousands and even means finding the balance point, the leverage point, the temperance-without-compromise within each task, the point that will ride the bicycle on two wheels for you in perfect balance within each act and therefore give you so much more power and energy and speed that was not there before that point was achieved and gave off the secrets of its intangible location as related to the earth and our environment and IN-vironment, what envelopes the inside.

          • Negentropic

            One more time, because I wasn’t patient enough to do it right even the second time. lol

            Corrected paragraph with some mistakes and repeated sentences from previous or coming paragraphs removed:

            These little things done well then synergize with each other in a virtuous spiral, signalling more pleasure and satisfaction every step of the way up, to create a whole “life” done “well,” (when you can go to the well and drink the water of wisdom every day, that double-u “w” although it’s really a double-v, you are doing your “welling” and welling your “doing”), just like walking from crawling and every more leverage achievement of human movement among thousands means finding the balance point, the leverage point, the temperance-without-compromise within each task, the point that will ride the bicycle on two wheels for you in perfect balance within each act and therefore give you so much more power and energy and speed that was not there before that point was achieved and gave off the secrets of its intangible location as related to the earth and our environment and IN-vironment, what envelopes the inside.

        • “For expressions to be at their most effective pitch of communication, they have to find their right framing, timing, environment and all that, their temperance-without-compromise-to-principle, which is anything but at “the middle point” between two extremes but at a point between many dualities present in the “event” happening at once, how hard or soft your approach is, how warm your voice sounds, what emotions are attached to your voice, your attitude, a thousand-&-one things have to find their balance before the temperance of a situation is achieved.”

          Think about how much time and effort you have to expend just to have the lemmings listening to you.
          That’s why they invented the TV.

          • Think about how much time and effort you have to expend just to have the lemmings listening to you.

            Indeed. One needs to either have a natural ‘charisma’ (i.e. be very sexually attractive) or be sufficiently entertaining (i.e. make the lemmings feel smart/happy with a performance) and/or have high social proof (e.g. well-known celebrity) if they want to be listened to by the masses.

            Otherwise, the lemmings could not care less what you have to say. Put another way, the lemmings do not care what the vast majority of their fellow lemmings have to say. Which is probably one of the main reasons why most lemming ‘conversation’ revolves around trivial topics, because it is taken for granted that nobody is supposed to care tomorrow what was discussed about the weather today. Talking for talking’s sake.

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