3/11 Review | feat Fakeologist and Tim Ozman (6-Feb-2022)
How much do you remember about the days leading up to 3/11?
Is it possible that people like Klaus Schwab may be
more powerful than some folks give them credit for?
Why are there so many references to vaccines and infertility in
TV shows and other pop culture featuring 3/11 synchronicities?
3/11 Review
feat Fakeologist and Tim Ozman
Recorded: 6-Feb-2022
Published: 7-Feb-2022
Ab the Fakeologist
Website | Fakeotube | Twitter
Tim Ozman
IPS media | Patreon | Twitter
This chat was planned ahead of time over the course of about two weeks.
Despite this fact, there were some problems — not all of them technical — at the beginning of the call.
I might go into more detail about all of that at some point in the future.
What matters for now is that there are two separate, but related, podcasts for you to download / stream.
Both of them:
*Feature Ab the Fakeologist, Tim Ozman of the Infinite Plane Society, and myself.
*Are focused, in one way or another, on the event known as 3/11 and what has happened since.
‘Part 1’ was recorded first, and streamed live at the time.
It is effectively an episode of Fakeologist audiochats.
Ab plays the host, and we take several calls from the audience, including a terrific contribution from Andrew aka Truth34.
Topics include the Canadian ‘freedom convoy’, and the Joe Rogan / spotify story.
Part 1 is available publicly via fakeologist (but I present a streamlined version below).
‘Part 2’ was recorded immediately afterward.
Today I spent a couple of hours polishing it up in my audio editor.
I play the host, and I use a few clips from TV shows and news segments to help structure the chat.
Ab remains for the first half, Tim Ozman is present for the entire two hours.
Topics include the original 3/11 event itself, syncs surrounding 3/11 in pop culture, and the real purpose of the jibby jabs.
Part 2 is available to Members of johnlebon dot com and patrons of the Infinite Plane Society.
Bear in mind
Even though these two shows were recorded one after another, and are being presented together, they involve very different conversations.
If you listen to one and don’t enjoy it, I hope you don’t let that stop you from listening to the other.
I got a lot out of both of these conversations and will have more to say on them in the coming days.
It is always a pleasure to chat with guys like Tim and Ab.
They spend so much of their time trying to make sense of the world in which we live, and also chatting with like-minded people on their respective podcasts and discord servers.
Even when I disagree with their takes, I still find them worthwhile to listen to and engage with…
…and I don’t disagree with them all that often. Quite the contrary.
Perhaps we will reconvene for another call like this some time soon.
If you give either (or both) of these recordings a listen, I do hope you will take a few moments to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
Cheers ?
Part 1 (hosted by Ab)
This file is unedited, except to remove tech problems at the beginning of the call.
I have simply taken the upload from fakeologist dot com and removed the first 30 minutes or so.
Stream or download
Part 2 (hosted by JLB)
In Part 2 we discuss questions such as:
*What could possess politicians in places like Australia to push the jibby jab agenda so heavily?
*Why do so many TV shows foretell of a virus / vaccine which will sterilise the masses?
*If the people who run the show already print the money, what else might be driving their pro-jab policies?
Part 2 is two hours long, available to Members HERE.
Also available to IPS Patrons, just $2 per month HERE.
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Still Undecided?
Here’s what some of the current Members have to say…
Dante from New York
If you enjoyed this call, here are the people who deserve your thanks.
The Members of johnlebon.com as of 7-Feb-2022 (when this Call was published):
Without these individuals, this website would not exist.
Thatβs a fact.