gay marriage

Member Videos

Chat with Lindsay the Silverfox

The Silverfox popped in for a visit and I thought you might like to hear an update from the wily old fella. We discussed a range of topics, including the 'gay marriage' vote, lifestyle and health, Port Arthur, the History Hoax (specifically Australia's First Fleet 'colonisation' story), and the DinoSkeptic project. Available in video and audio-only format. Timestamps and links provided.

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Member Videos

Gay Marriage: Flip the Script (Pt 2)

Following on from Part 1.

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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Member Videos

Gay Marriage: Flip the Script (Pt 1)

The thumbnail says it all, doesn't it?

This content is for Full Member and Full Member (Yearly) members only. Independent research and content like this is only made possible by the support of individuals around the world who value it. Members of johnlebon dot com have access to over 500 exclusive articles, podcasts, and videos, as well as the JLB discord server.
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