Two Special Calls This Weekend
Quick note about some Member Calls this weekend.
Call 1 — Markus Allen Returns AGAIN!
The great man himself is back and he wants to pick up where we left off on our most recent Call.
Can’t make it? Leave your comments here and I will do my best to ask them, one by one, to Markus during the Call.
If you can make it to the Call, you are most welcome to join in, either as a panelist on the call, or in the live chat on discord.
EDIT: We will try to get Discord to work, but if Markus has the same problems as last time, we’ll be using skype.
You’ll still be welcome to join us, just as fuhng did last time. You’ll need a skype account, though.
Call 2 – Waking Life
If you can’t make it to the above time, I’m also happy to set aside either of the following:
Option 1
Hanoi: 9am Sunday morning
Melbourne: 1pm Sunday afternoon
New York: 9pm Saturday night
London: 2am Sunday morning
Option 2
Hanoi: 9am Monday morning
Melbourne: 1pm Monday afternoon
New York: 9pm Sunday night
London: 2am Monday morning
If you are joining the Call, suggest a scene for analysis
So far, TNG has indicated he will be on the Call, and recommended the following two scenes:
Bridge Scene
Ukelele scene
The plan is to focus on and discuss 4-6 scenes, which should be plenty for a two-hour Call.
If you haven’t scene Waking Life before, do yourself a favour and check it out.
There’s a reason I have the boat captain front and square in the banner.
What I didn’t know when I made that banner, back in 2016, was that the boat is a 42424 boat.
Nor did I have any idea why that might be important…
Post #71 production notes. Published 20-Dec-2019. Available publicly.