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Neil deGrasse Tyson in Brisbane

A lovely couple who found me through my YouTube channel wanted to meet in the city on Sunday night, as they were going to be in town. Only when I caught up with them did I learn that the reason for their visit to South Bank was in order to see none other than Neil deGrasse Tyson. It turns out that although they are fully awake to the Baby Hoaxes, my new friends are still a long way off taking their first big steps into the realms of NASA fakery and beyond.

I suppose it can be easy for us to forget how far we have come – and, in some cases, how quickly. There was a point in time when we first began to balance on our own legs among the Toddler Hoaxes, and then charge earnestly into the Kiddy Hoaxes, before growing confident enough to tackle the Teeny Hoaxes. At least, that was my path; we all have our own journey to get to where we are today. In the meantime, I try not to judge those who on the one hand realise that the recent London events were fake, but on the other hand spend $100/ticket to see NDT talk about ‘space’.

The following video is something I put together with footage from my crappy Huawei phone. It includes some audio from Tyson’s presentation and even an impromptu man-on-the-street interview with a lovely young fellow who happened to ask me what I was doing. If I had known that NDT would be in town I would have prepared accordingly. Still, not all is lost…

Relevant Links

‘Think Inc’ website promoting Tyson’s tour: Link.
‘It’s Bad You Know’ by R.L. Burnside: Link.

Made available to Freeloader Members on 23-Oct-2018 following promotion of it by Gaia on PoM. Made available publicly 26-Jul-2024 due to reference in Bonversations #51.

28 thoughts on “Neil deGrasse Tyson in Brisbane

  • Eccentric Views

    Yes please crash his Sydney show! I would even love to see you ask him some questions!

    • He was in Melbourne earlier on, I’m surprised you didn’t go and see him yourself. You are still a believer in human evolution, aren’t you, bro?

      • Eccentric Views

        nah i question that these days, I’ve told you this. I was thinking about going. I would’ve gone with our other mate but he wasn’t interested.

        • ‘Not interested’ because it is a waste of money (fair enough), or not interested because NDT isn’t pushing Flat Earth? I am willing to bet that if old mates The Morgue Guile or Fat Bob came to Melbourne to give a presentation about Flat Earth, our other mate would be among the first in line!

  • local_chump

    I’d pledge 50AUD for you go along and produce some MOTS interviews and as much content about NDT’s show as you can. This shit cracks me up.

    • That is very kind of you, thank you for the offer. I’ve taken a look at airfares and I’m probably looking at $300 return. By the time I add in airport transfers and even cheap accommodation, the total cost for the trip would be closer $500. In other words I might have to wait until the next NDT visit to Cavendish him and his gullible flock.

      This has simply reinforced something I have been thinking about lately: it is nice to work just enough to pay the bills and focus my time on research and this site, but it sucks having no expendable money. It may soon be time for me to put this website on the backburner and go and work a 9-5 for another six months, like I did at the beginning of 2016. Then when an opportunity like this NDT one comes up it is simply a matter of booking my tickets and doing what needs to be done. Money is an amazing thing and I feel like I have gone without it for long enough.

  • Lighthouse

    Hilarious. He’s a real life preacher man using number-based hypnotic induction.

    The audience is probably half children, literally, so not too surprising that the talk is aimed at kids.

    • No, the audience seemed to be almost entirely comprised of ‘adults’. Would you spend $100 on a ticket for a child to see something like this on a Sunday night? Some people might, but I don’t recall seeing a single (biological) child among the audience.

      As for ‘hypnotic induction’, yes indeed, that is what was going on. NDT was cycling through big numbers which put his flock into a trance. At one point he was going on about how ‘this number is so big, it can only be represented with a symbol’. When you know what you are watching/listening to, it is incredible to watch take place in real time. His audience was spellbound. At that point their minds were ripe for him to implant any nonsense he wanted to, deep into their psyches.

      Yes, yes, there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on a beach, tell me more, master.

  • i used to admire NDT due to his colorful, extemporaneous use of language to describe the “universe” as well his more measured criticisms of religion and the intelligent design crowd (militant materialists are often obnoxious, obstinate and peevish).

    but this post prompted me to recall the time i snapped out of the cult of scientism, and up the hoax hierarchy. i can’t say there was one antecedent dot that shook me out of my stupor, but if there were a node, it may have been Neil and his endorsement of the official account of the towers’ destruction.

    no, he’s not an architect or engineer, but was frequently on tv reminding everyone that he was watching the buildings burn (and subsequently crumble) from his apartment downtown. geographic proximity aside, my admiration gradually turned to contempt.

    here was a public intellectual, student of sagan, revered in pop culture, making money off the collective wonderment of the cosmos (what a great gig!)… and he’s going along with falsifiable claims that fires can turn towers into ashes? where was all the professed allegiance to critical thinking? the intense scrutiny of the scientific method, the spurning of authority at the altar of ‘truth?’ at first i chalked it up to fear of losing his position(s) / income. Why risk speaking out against a tyrannical regime? he knows who butters his bread… better not be dead sort of logic.

    but that the entire scientific establishment, he being somewhat of a figurehead for physics, would not only remain silent, but tacitly endorse the nist narrative, led me to look into the moon landings. for some silly reason, i was stuck on 9/11 for so long, almost like a first long term relationship breakup.

    and while knowing there were many other subjects to explore (jfk, apollo missions, federal reserve, ‘aliens’ et al), i “didn’t have time” to delve into another hoax. without free food and housing, who could possibly explore all of these areas properly?

    will expand more on this turning point in another comment or post (or impromptu chat? : ), but in closing, how is google bigger than all the atoms in the universe if said universe is infinite, expanding and traveling at the speed of light? surely this must mean that the number of atoms in the cosmic inventory is growing exponentially, while the one with a million zeroes is forever fixed.

    p.s. i vote yes on the sydney trip if you can attempt to get a minute with NDT. he’s a master at dispersing uncomfortable questions so some strategic Yes Men esque tactics may be in order. think we can get the cavendish contraption setup in time?

    • “extemporaneous” -> “extemporary” i.e. spoken or done without preparation. That one is going into my vocabulary. Thank you.

      As for your personal experience with the NDT/scientism phenomenon, I would dare say yours is not a unique path. Several of us seem to have been caught up in belief in and/or admiration for ‘science’ and those who promote it. I read Dawkins’ The God Delusion and thought it was a terrific book. 9/11 shook you out of your faith in these clowns; for me it was my natural progression from the Baby Hoaxes up through the Hierarchy.

      The thing to note here is that the couple I met prior to NDT’s presentation on Sunday are stuck at Baby Hoax level and I am not convinced they will, or want to, go any further. It is a lot to give up, isn’t it? As you say, these jesters are ‘making money off the collective wonderment of the cosmos’. How apt a description of their schtick.

      As I have progressed with my research into synchronicity and synchromysticism, it has occurred to me that there is a lot of money to be made from this innate fascination many of us have with existence. How to market and share one’s own insights/opinions on these matters, without taking unfair advantage of that innate fascination, is for me one of the tricky elements of this line of work.

      Some could argue that NDT and his pals are simply giving the masses what they want – and doing it well. He must have cracked three or four-dozen jokes in the first twenty minutes of his presentation. NDT is performing, and he is making his audience laugh. They will have walked away from the Piazza feeling smarter, they will have walked away feeling better about their place is the ‘cosmos’.

      I have been emphasising lately my view that humans love stories, they absolutely love stories. They seem to need explanations, no matter how illogical or nihilistic, to give them a sense of ‘understanding’ this realm, who we are, and so on. Nothing I ever say or do is going to change this aspect of the contemporary human condition. They need and are desperate for stories. If I am not willing to spin a yarn about ‘why’ and ‘how’, does that really give me a place to judge those who will step up and give the masses what they want?

      For too long I have exhausted my energy dealing with people who will instantly answer in the affirmative i.e. ‘yes NDT and co are evil’. If that was one critical error of my twenties, it will not be an error of my thirties. I am no longer retarded enough to think that NDT has any wisdom to offer me. Only recently have I undone the retardation which had me believing that because I had grown out of ‘science’ then everybody else must do so, too.

      Regarding the Cavendish contraption, I was thinking of simply making a little prop out of cardboard, string, tennis balls, and sticky tape. I could put one together in a couple of hours easily, for next to nothing in terms of cost.

      Imagine me walking around Sydney with that and asking people what crazy religion they think might possibly believe in such nonsense! I could arrive in Sydney on the Thursday and make man-on-the-street videos all Friday, and then even livestream some action on Saturday. I’m kicking myself for not knowing about NDT’s visit in time to do this for his Brisbane leg. He seems to return every couple of years so I can simply keep my eyes peeled for next time. Clowns like Lawrence Krauss and Brian Cox apparently do similar tours on a regular basis so it will only be a matter of time until I get my next chance.

  • That was hilarious 😀
    The question remains does NDT know it is all bs or not. For example on Joe Rogan’s show Tyson didn’t know the Earth curve formula (8 inches per mile squared) which has many wondering that perhaps Tyson is not part of the organized conspiracy..

    Brian Cox also seems to believe the shit he is talking about.

    Kudos for the pull-ups video John!
    I am currently trying to get 100 push-ups done in 2 minutes .

    • Thanks, mate 🙂

      I do’nt know whether or not people like NDT believe their own bullshit. I would not be surprised if it turned out that they do, I would not be surprised if it turned out that they do not. In 1984, Orwell speaks about how people in the Party have to believe – not simply due to the ‘rules’, but due to the nature of their work and lives. If they did not believe, if they did not force themselves to believe, they simply could not function as humans within that system. The Party therefore rewarded those with the greatest capacity for self-delusion.

      Humans appear to be incredibly adept at self-delusion. It almost seems to be a natural part of the human experience: telling ourselves stories and choosing to believe them. Stories about who we are, what we are doing with ourselves, what is likely to come of our efforts, where we will be in the ‘future’, etc etc.

      Lately I have been thinking about the way we deal with the inevitability of ageing. We know that with every passing year our bodies are slightly less able, slightly further from their inherent ‘peak’. At some point we know our ‘best’ is behind us. Do we know exactly when we have reached this point, and do we accept it immediately? Or are we more likely to convince ourselves that the best is ahead of us, until we can delude ourselves no more? Is there a point at which we can delude ourselves no more? Ageing/our bodies is just one example, there are obviously others.

      My point being that complete honesty with ourselves about ourselves may not necessarily always be the best thing for our ‘mental health’ and, regardless of its merits or otherwise, no humans seem to practise complete honesty with themselves about themselves in any event. We tell ourselves that whatever we are doing with our lives is ‘correct’ or in some way good. That it is worthy of our finite time. We justify it by the fact that our jobs bring us money ‘to live’, or if weren’t doing our jobs then somebody else would be doing our jobs worse than us, or that we will be putting the money we make to a good cause ‘in the future’. We tell ourselves whatever we have to in order to carry on, and then believe it enough (sometimes only just enough) to do whatever it is we are doing. I have seen and experienced this in many different jobs and roles.

      Bringing it back to the likes of NDT and Brian Cox, it seems plausible to me that they are useful idiots: articulate and/or photogenic enough to proselytise to the masses, and ‘dumb’ enough to delude themselves into thinking that they are speaking truth – or, at least, able to keep their own inner doubts at bay sufficiently to carry on with their line of work. If NDT and Brian Cox stopped recording/touring tomorrow, somebody else from within the Party would take their place tomorrow. That person would be most effective if they believed in what they were doing.

      I suppose the entire concept of belief deserves to be unpacked but I hope I have conveyed my own thoughts on the matter sufficiently in this reply.

      Keep up the good work with your own fitness regime. 100 pushups in two minutes would be quite a feat! The only thing a smart man needs to know about the ‘psychology’/’psychiatry’ industry is that they will diagnose ‘mental illness’ to people who, depressed as some of them may be, have clearly not made the sorts of lifestyle changes which can improve body and mind. I don’t consider myself a particularly happy person, and can barely imagine how glum I might be if I were overweight, unfit, binging on processed foods, and failing to exercise regularly. No wonder that those who put themselves through such lifestyles are miserable. On this note, it is no longer any wonder to me that most of the prominent YouTube ‘truthers’ seem so angry. Look at how poorly most of them treat their own bodies.

  • Did he actually say anything scientific? He sounds like a propaganda-artist/actor.

    • lol, not while I was there! He was literally giving a lecture about numbers, 1,000, then 1,000,000, then 1,000,000,000 etc etc, and each step along the way throwing in some shitty jokes which only a retard could genuinely find funny, and then some ‘scientific facts’ such as ‘how many stars are in the universe’. I had to see and hear it to understand what he was doing. It was an amazing experience, I have to say.

      I might add that, immediately prior to NDT’s presentation, I had dabbled in a small but notable amount of ‘teh herbz’ by way of an acquaintance who happened to have some handy at the time. Teh herbz tend to make my mind work in different ways. I suppose that, in that moment, seeing these humans spellbound by a rhetorical magician, whose nonsense is so obvious to me now… it was a moment I won’t forget any time soon.

      • lol JLB, good for you, I don’t think there is anything at all wrong with that, so long as its not every day. I have baked a batch of biscuits, yes… them ones. I find i hear much more when I partake of the biscuits, very clear, everything is slowed down so I can take more in.

        • Negentropic

          If this guy was a “CIA agent” as the still cannabis-using but now anti-hippie Jan Irvin claims, then his baits are certainly more noticeable than his hooks and can be had without the hooks, becoming de-baited in the process after passing the investigations of the de-bait triggered inside your head. We have to remember that the traps of power-dictated socially engineered culture are also the dialectical and narrative confines within which even the smartest people have “useful idiocies” or blindspots to work on.

          McKenna did have degenerate tastes in art. He liked faggot lefty icons like Ginsberg, Burroughs and the whole degenerate “Beat” writer genre. But that was standard “hippie” junk food in those days like “rap music” today.

        • Negentropic

          In other words, power does not have to be all that “smart” but merely plenty cunning (conning) in order to dictate the dialectics of what the really smart dudes work within. Few children are taught how to protect themselves against what Michael Tsarion used to call subconscious colonization and later, psychic vampirism, because few parents have made their subconscious conscious enough in order to NOT call it “fate.”

        • lol, those are some mean biscuits. I hope to one day get a chance to sample them again!

          The herbs definitely alter the way I ‘think’ in the moment. To me, the herbs can be beneficial when used in a certain way, and detrimental when used in other ways. Sadly it seems to me that most people in this scene, just like normies more generally, are of the latter volition. That is, they seem to use herbs in a detrimental way (even though they do not see it this way).

          It is difficult enough to retain and synthesise information passively (e.g. watching videos or listening to podcasts) and I personally find it even more difficult when I partake of the herb. My mind wanders off in all kinds of curious directions. This can be amazingly beneficial when used while producing art, for instance, but not so useful when trying to do solid research.

          Other people have different experiences and I’m not trying to suggest that mine applies to all. I do wonder, however, how many people could produce so much more, do so much more, if they focused on using the herb only in ways which measurably improved their use of time.

  • I think NDT is very condescending.

    I also think NDT is of average intelligence. If this is true, then it might be an imporant issue with him. The public thinks that NDT is HIGHLY intelligent. That is how he makes a living. He is so dang smart he doesn’t even limit his expertise to his field of study (astronomy). Seriously, if you asked the public to name the top 10 smartest people alive, I bet NDT would make most lists.

    If NDT is NOT smart, then he is basically living a lie.

    It seems like NDT has “narcissistic personality disorder”. NDT probably has very low self esteem, but he doesn’t even know it!

    I think I may have glanced at his “thesis”, or whatever you call it, that he wrote in college. I think it may have been about the distribution of stars in the universe (i.e. a star map), but I’m not sure about that.

    Ugh, NDT, the Stephen Segal of Science.

    • I also think NDT is of average intelligence.

      On this I politely and respectfully disagree. The average person cannot stand on stage and speak eloquently or methodically about anything. This man, Neil deGrasse Tyson, commands authority not merely by his title, or his stature, but by his manner of speaking. He tells jokes, bad as they may be, regularly throughout his presentation. He mixes these ‘jokes’ with ‘facts’ and numbers masterfully, and keeps his audience spellbound. No average-intelligence person can do that. No way.

      • Yeah, you are right. I can’t do anything like that. Normal people like him a lot. Maybe I should have said that I don’t think he is a brilliant astrophysicist, but even that is just because he doesn’t sound too smart off the cuff when questioned about something technical. Also, his audience is people who don’t understand science so it would make sense that sometimes the things he says sound stupid scientifically

      • Negentropic

        Correct. Reaching the level of even a socially engineered high-level con-artist is anything but easy or stupid, it is just a mindset that does not value integrity and honesty much, but simulates it or pretends to, often not even understanding the process or why its simulated integrity and honesty is not the real thing.

        Even being a good actor or good teleprompter reader requires nuances that only above-average intelligence can intuit, if not exactly understand the mechanics of in conceptual terms. It is top-rank game-playing or chess-moves within paradigms and dialectics set-up by the priesthoods of “science” and “history,” born of, and conditioned by their signposts of authority which themselves have been manufactured to lead to only a certain range of acceptable fake-leader “starring” roles.

        As always, the maxim of shillery applies though not so literally: “Direct agent or useful idiot/useful ego, the result is the same: disinformation and misdirection.” Disinformation works by deliberately confusing people; making everything believable but nothing knowable or the flipside: pretending the merely believable is actually knowable, lol, which equals waste of time, energy and ultimately a completely unnecessary depletion of the life-force itself.

        Intelligence does not mean integrity and neither does integrity mean intelligence and that is what confuses most people.

        There are plenty of people with high integrity or morals that are not exactly all that intelligent or able to solve complex game problems such as those needed to play the “con-artist” virtual reality video game of lie-fe at the “expert” level. Yet they feel and intuit rite-&-rung, i.e., using the proper ritual for each task, however humble or ambitious, the respect necessary for its most economic (energy/inner-g/inner-balance/inner-grace saving; it all starts with the most elegant movements of mind, nerves and muscles, c-leverage in the intangible space, leverage in the tangible or physical) and efficient accomplishment, the “right” way of doing it.

        Using a similar meditation on metaphors, nothing “all-encompassing” in itself, but simply an often hidden (occulted) and “spelled out” technique of increasing understanding, especially in light of more advanced “conspiracy community” knowledge, being “wrong” can be seen as being “rung” — salivating at Pavlov’s bell for “food” that isn’t there, for the simulation instead of reality — therefore losing the “rites” of imparted knowledge, the routes, often not linearly “logical” in the commonly accepted verbal sense leading to what Nietzsche called “linguistic legislation,” but logical when the puzzle is solved and the map drafted and detailed to the extent needed to navigate that previously unexplored zone of reality (mental or physical, artistic or scientific, or better yet: a synergized combination of both tempering each other’s propensities to excess without compromise by reflecting and referring to each other) to satisfy the needs or calm the symptoms of that level of reached artistic and scientific understanding that prompted the new explorations and cartography in the first place.

        Afterwards, these new maps (coded into mathematical equations of balance, roofed through the p-roofs of theory, showing that the trail leads somewhere new and symptom-relieving, therefore healthy and pleasant, for the time being and maybe for quite a long while) and and their de-sign-s, their combination of new signposts, usually previously glimpsed through chinks torn into the fabric of the status quo “reality” through some form of re-volition-ary artifice, are coded back into newly invented verbal terms woven through narratives called “non-fiction” which then springboards into new “fiction” and ultimately valid bait for the hook of more hi-jackings and perversions through middle-man propaganda, the pull at the throat of which, the painful symptoms of falling prey to more traps of unbalance and dis-ease, prompt further purification of all metaphorical languages to decondition from and develop immunity to that propaganda.

        It is all about what connects be-leafs to the t-roots of the tree, the conclusions to the premises and whether the premises are merely “promises” or really foundational and at the root, whether “culture” or the forest of individually be-leaf-ed trees is in downward or upward spirals, vicious or virtuous, and the individual understanding and proper “more-all” integration of that gathered knowledge each person has to arrive by on their own.

        Nature does not demand what is commonly understood as morality through the various limited-hangout PsyOp religions of the world. Nature demands only efficiency and elegance, the t-roots of all beauty and attractive proportion, which in-&-of-itself, when uncorrupted, tends to give more-of-all and more-for-all with a newly arrived-at temperance that transcends all previous blunderings of compromise.

        The intuitions for these needed efficiencies and more-all-ities seem to exist through oft-repeated archetypes even in the most humble yet still healthy forms of human intelligence. Unable to conceptualize these complicated intuitions themselves, they develop the need for allegories that poetically place them in that state through the spell or “buzz” of religion, fantasy and fiction.

        I’m not a Picasso fan by a long shot but a quote attributed to the “communist” multi-millionaire has wider implications than it seems: “art is the lie that makes us realize truth.” In other words, it is the preliminary glimpses of the new (when I knew, I became “new”) symbolic maps needed that are not the territory, never the full territory, however detailed, but help us navigate it better.

        People tend to assume that intelligence or the ability to acquire problem-solving skills within a set and rigged game should also lead to understanding of the rigged game itself and ultimately a more-all-ity that rejects the dialectics of that game and tries to find the t-root-h or the relatively unrigged, open-ended and synergizing game of “nature,” whatever that is. That can only be done through a developed understanding that goes beyond the merely “intelligent” and skillful manipulation of accumulated knowledge, i.e., achieved “game-points” (mono-eye, prestige, position, attention, popularity) through “efficient” navigation of the already dictated and corrupted signposts of propaganda and therefore ego-invested and blinded to the spread of its toxicity, assuming, of course, the “good intentions” projected from ourselves which, in the more sophisticated bullshit-artists, may not be there at all.

        “The individual’s adherence to his group is ‘ conscious’ because he is aware of it and recognizes it, but it is ultimately involuntary because he is trapped in a dialectic and in a group that leads him unfailingly to his adherence. His adherence is also ‘intellectual’ because he can express his conviction clearly and logically, but it is not genuine because the information, the data, the reasoning, that have led him to adherence to the group were themselves deliberately falsified in order to lead him there.” ~ Jacques Ellul – “Propaganda, The Formation of Men’s Attitudes”

  • Negentropic

    Equating “democracy,” or the dictatorship of the media-monopoly-brainwashed-lowest-common-denominator majority, with any form of freedom or worse yet, speaking of it as if it was an “ideal” to strive for, is already the sign of a shill.

    If you saw it from the perspective inside the head of the boss of the social engineers, it would go something like this:

    “We, the owners of media, will give them, our naive audiences, from birth to debt, the false values they need to protect OUR privileges through their numbers, while thinking falsely that they arrived at these understandings on their own, the concept of democracy’ itself requiring false values to seem ‘moral’ sans the right of individuals to their freedom of choice without which no such thing as a valid morality can even exist.”

    “It is a notorious fact that the morality of society as a whole is in inverse ratio to its size; for the greater the aggregation of individuals, the more the individual factors are blotted out, and with them morality, which rests entirely on the moral sense of the individual and the freedom necessary for this. Hence, every man is, in a certain sense, unconsciously a worse man when he is in society than when acting alone; for he is carried by society and to that extent relieved of his individual responsibility. . . . Any large company composed of wholly admirable persons has the morality and intelligence of an unwieldy, stupid, and violent animal. The bigger the organization, the more unavoidable is its immorality and blind stupidity. Society, by automatically stressing all the collective qualities in its individual representatives, puts a premium on mediocrity, on everything that settles down to vegetate in an easy, irresponsible way. Individuality will inevitably be driven to the wall. This process begins in school, continues at the university, and rules all departments in which the State has a hand. In a small social body, the individuality of its members is better safeguarded; and the greater is their relative freedom and the possibility of conscious responsibility. Without freedom there can be no morality.” ~ Carl Jung (from The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious, p.169)

  • Negentropic

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson (The Mike Tyson or “heavy weight” champion of the science charlatans for those smoking too much “Grasse,” “On the Grasse” or “Cutting Grasse” for a living, lol) and his obsession with the numbers with the biggest “dicks,” the really big, big brain-numb-ers reminds me of the George Carlin skit on the “Bigger dick theory of foreign policy – What? They have bigger dicks? Bomb them!” The NDT version would be “What they have bigger and fancier and even more insanely nonsensical brain-numbers? Bullshit them some more with your own brain-numbers! Let the Pink Floyd song “Comfortably Numb” reign supreme in the world of numbers. You have become “Comfortably Numb-ered.” Oh Yeah! We rule, you get numbed. Enjoy your never-ending vacation from reality and we’ll throw you a few bones. Question it and get shafted by the economic stick of no scraps at all. Choose wisely little doggies or you might end up neck deep in one of our ready-made “vices.”

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