Late Night Truth Lounge | Ep #15 – Online Panic (4-Feb-2025)
The fifteenth episode of the Late Night Truth Lounge.
Are people in real life anywhere near as worried
as social media would have us believe?
We discuss this topic, play some trivia, and so much more.
Part 1
Part 2
Video version not available for this episode. mp3 only.
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This episode was extended by two hours due to the generosity of:
Quais | John Drake | Dirty Benny | Take No Gnosis | Thirst
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Previous Late Night Truth Lounge episode
You can find all of them here.
Show notes / links
Reddit thread in question – here.
Carlin / Hicks video – here.
Perspectives episode with Negentropic – here.
TruthMeets Risqué episode – here.
Further Links
Member Sesh #03 – Space Cadets (25-Jan-2025)
JLBA #113 – Falling Down the Rabbit Hole (series)
JLB Chats #23 – Sync Mist (7-Mar-2024)
Livestreamed 4-Feb-2025. Podcast published 5-Feb-2025, with minor editing to improve audio. Available publicly.
I was about half way through the show on YouTube and it disappeared I was just about to leave a comment too. I’m glad you have it here.
I haven’t listened to the whole video yet but I’m enjoying it.
One topic I don’t hear much about these days is cloning. Wondering what your thoughts are on cloning. I was looking into it the other day and apparently it’s advanced since Dolly the Sheep. Took me down a bit of a rabbit hole. I started watching a Netflix doc about the Raeliens and their claims they have cloned a human.
Apparently you can clone your dog cat or even horse for about 50000 dollars through a company called Viagen. Apparently some people in the US are already eating cloned beef.
In Canada it’s not approved yet but they are working on it.
Isn’t cloned beef ‘plant based’ meat?
How can a sentient being be cloned?
According to, if you wish to clone your dog (for example) the first step is to preserve your dog’s genes through genetic preservation (well that’s not self explanatory!). Your veterinarian will collect a small tissue sample from your dog. It’s a minor procedure apparently. This tissue sample will then be mailed to ViaGen Pets where they will culture new cells that share the same genetic make-up. They will then freeze those cells until you’re ready to clone your dog. I’m assuming it’s no different to women freezing their embryos. Do we call that ‘cloning’?
I’d trust that as much as I’d trust some online company taking my ‘dna’ to tell me I’m a cross between a french monkey and a scottish wolf.
edit – I’m just imagining a plant based replacement pet. Would it have to be kept in the fridge overnight in case it turned to mush. Ha! I don’t know….if my beloved pet died I’d just rescue a sad and lonely pet from a centre, there’s plenty desperate for a home.