JLB1529 | Sydney Siege ‘Memorial’ Astroturfed – Wag the Dog Redux
Indisputable evidence that the Sydney Siege ‘Memorial’ was a public relations campaign headed by the mainstream media. And where did those vans full of flowers come from? If you haven’t seen the outstanding documentary Wag the Dog (1997) it is high time you did so.
Youtube upload
SMH 1: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/sydney-siege-inquest-opening-to-be-livestreamed-20150523-gh6l95.html
SMH 2: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/lindt-cafe-hostage-drama-in-martin-place-sydney-day-two-20141216-127suz.html
Nick Moir Twitter: https://twitter.com/nampix
Inquiry: http://www.lindtinquest.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/documents.aspx
Sunlies (Sneak Preview): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geNqwE4L2dg
Reupload added 6-Dec-2022.