Member Call This Weekend – November 27 (Sunday)
It has been a few weeks since the most recent (recorded and published) Member Discord Call.
We did have a Member Call last week which went for hours and hours but none of it was on the record.
I’d say we’re about due for another chat.
So on the 27th of November, that’s what we’ll do.
Please note that this is a Sunday whereas we normally schedule these calls for Saturday.
The reason for the day change is that Australia is playing a midday game at the World Cup and as many of you know, I am a raging, degenerate sportsball fan.
I attended the World Cup in Africa in 2010, some of my best memories are from that period of my life, and every four years I like to get back into the festive World Cup spirit.
The following Saturday, December 3, we can go back to our usual Saturday scheduling.
Anyhow, on Sunday, as usual, you can come along to join in, listen live, or simply take part in the unrecorded sections of the call.
Or you can wait a few days and listen to the official upload for the Member Discord Call series.
Call Time
We’ll begin from midday Plovdiv time and I plan to be there all afternoon.
This means that even those in the US will be able to join the call a little later than the rest of us.
So no matter where you are in the world, you can come and join in the fun ?
(And remember that if you can’t make it to this call, we’ll have another one a week later at a different time which may be more suitable for you)
This weekend I’m hoping to discuss:
1) Social media and how we use it (for better or worse)
There’s been some drama lately in our little corner of the internet.
It has reminded me how intertwined my life now is with technology and social media in particular.
Sometimes I wonder if the scene we find ourselves in may be doing more good, and more harm, than some of us realise.
How to balance these things, especially for those of us who, due to our opinions on things like jibby jabs, already feel isolated from some of the people in our ‘real’ lives.
2) Thoughts on some of the discussion from the previous recorded MDC
The Kanye West and Kyrie Irving situations. Does it even matter? Ditto Trump.
Are people really dying from the jibbies like so many folks seem to believe?
What does ‘its all scripted’ even mean?
3) The Corona -> 3/11 -> Hanks Syncs
Only if other people on the call are interested in this stuff.
My recent content on these topics has generated almost zero discussion so maybe most folks just aren’t interested.
If that’s the case, then fair enough, we can discuss other things instead…
+ Your ideas
I’m hoping that the other participants on the call will have their own topics to share and discuss.
After all, there’s around 30 new people on the site, and we’d love to hear from them on the calls.
We can talk about whatever the people on the call want to talk about.
Who knows where the discussion might go?
Discord Invite
If you need a fresh discord link, just email me: johnlebon123 at gmail
Hope to see you there ?