
Bonversations | Ep #07 | Human Vibration (7-May-2021) [PUBLIC]

How does an intelligent but relatively normal person go from ‘researching Q’
to understanding ‘Nobody Died Nobody Got Hurt’ in the space of a week?

Is it possible that some Baby Hoaxes are more mature than others?

Are you open-minded to the idea that the bright lights above us
are much, much more than mere balls of burning gas?


Episode #07 – Human Vibration

Recorded 7-May-2021
Published 11-May-2021


Hour 1

Hour 2

Available to Members of johnlebon dot com and the Human Vibration patreon.

A note on the audio

The craig recording bot went cactus style during this recording. If you hear me typing in the background during any part of this call, that’s me trying to bring craig back to life. Please forgive any background noise you might hear during this episode. I’ve done my best to clean it all up, it is what it is. Chances are most people won’t even really notice. Massive thanks to HV for her patience in dealing with the technical issues 🙏

Human Vibration

Twitter | Real Eyes Radio podcast

See HV’s appearance on Sam Tripoli’s podcast here.

Find HV’s appearance on the Steak for Breakfast podcast here.

Listen to HV’s appearance on Fakeologist here.

Clips used in this episode

Larry King – here.

Outro track – here.

The JLB Forum

Sync discussion here


These individuals make all of this possible:


Did you enjoy this presentation?

If so, thank them, not me.

I couldn’t (wouldn’t) do this if these lovely people didn’t support it.

That’s a fact.

Production notes. Bonversations Ep #07. Recorded 7-May-2021, published 11-May-2021. Lots of editing required due to technical issues caused by craig bot. Available to Full and 2021 Members. Set to public 31-May-2022 (temporary).

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